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 Sep 2014 ashley
You invoke from within my depths the spark of a flame,
The flickering of love’s first thought
Spoken from the lips without shame,
What the heart hath never fought.

From your soul pours the everlasting breath
That awakens within me the desire for life,
The eternal escape from a loveless death
A pathway forged for the sake of love’s internal strife.

I see within you my mate
For eternity’s unpredictable flight
Clearing my flawed slate
With your God given light.

I love you from the depths of the ocean
And never fathom ever going back,
You keep within me forever’s notion
Tighten the rope that once hung slack.

If ever you question the love that we share
And feel the desperate need to clear the air,
My love, my dearest and closest friend
There’s not a sliver, not a bit, not  nothing we can’t mend.
For you’re my love and my life
You’re my never ending, my true to the end lover, and I, your wife.
To my husband on his birthday.
 Sep 2014 ashley
C J Baxter
 Sep 2014 ashley
C J Baxter
My heads a little cloudy.
Don't think it will rain though.
 Sep 2014 ashley
 Sep 2014 ashley
Tonight I sleep in peace because I deserve nothing less than peace

— The End —