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  Oct 2017 Ashley Chapman
Imran Islam
Tonight there're no stars, no moon
in my painful sky
Maybe they're done
talking to me
and caring about me
Because my love is gone!

This darkest night loves me,
loves to make me sad
Maybe night is done
making me sleep
and cooling me down
Because my sweetie is gone!

This morning has no flowers
to smell pretty all day
Maybe they're done
making me happy
and charming me forever
Because my darling is gone!

The birdsong has none left
to give to me for the new day
Maybe they're done
waking me up
and making me ready for the day
Because my sweetheart is gone!

The oceans have no love for me
to make me waves
Maybe they're done
letting me stream
and playing waterskiing
Because my dreams are gone!

The rain has stopped falling for me
at this moment
Maybe it has done
singing for me
and dancing with me
Because my life is gone!

Today I have nothing left
to love myself anymore
Maybe everything is gone
Because my love is done!
  Oct 2017 Ashley Chapman
Imran Islam
Hey, you are so sweet and lovely
You're innocent and handsome too
No, you're better than I, believe it
Truly, no one's better than anyone

Hey, you're so romantic and smart
You are cute, shy, and lovable too
No, you are the cutest than I am
Truly, no one's better than anyone

Hey, you're gorgeous beauty and cool
You're good looking and decent too
No, you're so much prettier than I am
Truly, no one's better than anyone

Hey, you are a great poet and playwright
You're an amazing writer and presenter too
No, you are the greatest than I. Believe it.
Truly, no one's better than anyone

'Yes, your poems are great!
You put a lot of thought
And feeling into your words
I can feel that when I read'
You have a great mind too
So you are a great poet than I am
Truly, no one's better than anyone.
Some comments of my friends
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