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 Mar 2014 Ashley
No Such Thing
 Mar 2014 Ashley
Perfection is overrated,
we use this word all the time
to describe people, things, moments
but this description is inaccurate
We all know nothing in this world
is perfect in every way
Eliminate this word from your vocabulary
Replace it with: real, beautiful, honest, true
You don't want to be perfect
You want to be wonderful, beautiful, mistake making YOU.
A mermaid found a swimming lad,
Picked him for her own,
Pressed her body to his body,
Laughed; and plunging down
Forgot in cruel happiness
That even lovers drown.
Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That's all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.
 Feb 2014 Ashley
Carlee Burkhart
As I look at the two hands before me:
Both lived the same number of years,
I can’t help notice they've aged so differently
Models of divergent lives it appears.

One hand is soft, a forgery of youth;
Evidence that love does not flow here.
The other is withered, satisfied with truth
The great love she has given is shown clear

Throughout the years the love of the withered
Has been extracted by the ones she holds dear
Though the hand is wrinkled, no youth being delivered
My choice is the worn hand, for no love is something I fear
 Jan 2014 Ashley
Carlee Burkhart
What day was it that I lost your love?
Was it when I gave you everything I had,
Did I lose you because everything wasn't enough?

Should I have given you my skin and my ribs, too?
If I would have wrapped up my ****** heart,
Would that have been enough for you?
 Jan 2014 Ashley
you don't need a boy
to pick you up when you are down
you have yourself

don't drown yourself
when you know how to swim

stay awake until you are tired
do not force yourself to sleep, or to stay conscious

if someone asks you how your day was
don't lie and say it was good, if it was not
they asked because they care

do not fear the indifference you feel
you are not numb to the whole world and it will pass

don't do anything unless you want to
this goes for ***, school, work and love

nothing in this world comes above your health
if it means failing a test, losing a job, or ending a relationship
do what you must to withhold your wellbeing

all bad things in moderation can be good
moderation is key here

love is never to be feared, nor is it to be abused
love is to be taken when needed
and given back when necessary

nobody can tell you how to live or who to love
nobody but yourself

if that boy you like
asks to take you out on a drive at midnight
and you don't think you can go, do it anyway
but stay safe

face the consequences of all of your actions
with dignity and pride

it's Friday night and the week has been tough
don't give up now
take a sip of  your parents' rosé wine
coat your lips in rouge
and love yourself
 Jan 2014 Ashley
Devon Clarke
Sticks and stones break bones.
The whole world rushes over
To sign your cast - okay..

So if the mind cracks,
But no one cares to listen..
Does it make a sound?

If we go to war
With ourselves regularly,
Who's the terrorist?

I would say being
Mentally sick's more about
Being sane than calm.

Day One - It All Starts.
The sunshine dims, with daylight
Dwindling to dark.

Day Two - It sets in.
Scars and wounds are kept freshly
Scarlet red. It hurts.

Day Three - It Doesn't.
Sadly, it all becomes moot.
Now, it's your routine.

Day Four - Friends Notice.
That's why they stopped trying to
Convince you to live.

Day Five - Mom Worries.
She loses sleep, sort of like
How you have. Scary.

Day Six - You Give In.
Staring at the ceiling is
All you can manage.

Day Seven - You Choose.
You've had enough. **** it all.
You plan it all out.

Waking up at 4
In the morning, trying to
Drown in your own blood.

Taking the doctor's
Pills and shoving them all down
Your throat with no voice.

To secure things, you
Get your childhood blankie
And tighten a knot.

All your tears cascade
Upon the floor. you're thinking,
"What else do I have?"

You sum up your guts,
Step on the stool, and look out
The window. *Goodbye.

Just as you jump off,
You catch yourself. Still in bed.
Profusely sweating.

It was all a dream.
You cry until dry heaving
Saps your energy.

You last one more night;
Amen. Warriors like you
Deserve to fight on.

You are stronger than
Sticks, stones, words, pills, razors, life -
Keep going. **I beg.
"Life is a balancing act that has less to do with pain, and more to do with beauty."
 Jan 2014 Ashley
Mary Clare
White daisies dolefully kiss your cheeks
as the universe wraps herself around your neck
like a malicious strand of pearls.
Underneath that smile I can see you are drowning
while your insides fervently burn
like the relentless sun in an August sky.
And all of this is because
you insist on cradling the entire weight
of an arbitrary world without my assistance
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