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Dec 2018 · 202
Ashley Dec 2018
I held your hand
As you said goodbye,
and you shed a single tear

It wasn't until then
That the light bulb lit,
And I saw my biggest fear

I held you close
Praying for strength
Just needing you to be near

I closed my eyes
And sent up a prayer
Begging Him to hear

Please dont go
I begged you so
Between every tear

Something worked
I hope it was for me,
But you decided to stay here
Sep 2016 · 1.1k
Our Time Together
Ashley Sep 2016
No words can do you justice
But here I am to try,
I think of you every day
I just can’t say goodbye

I miss the way you made me feel
Like nothing really mattered
And every time I think of you
My heart gets re-shattered

But now you breathe with the wind
And your smile fuels the sun
You may have left the world behind
But your time is never done

You shape the clouds for me to see
And I look at them and smile
It does not stop the pain
But it’s better for a while
May 2016 · 274
To You
Ashley May 2016
You'll probably never read this
And I guess it's for the best
I'm still picking up the pieces
Well, at least the ones that you left

My friends all say I'm crazy
That I should give up and move on
But it's easier said than done
When I've wanted you for so long

Don't think that I blame you
Because really I am at fault
I'm shy, and blended in
And she stood out to you...
Ashley Jan 2016
When people look at me
I wonder what they say
But maybe I am better off
Not knowing, in this way

They tell us go to school
Better yourself this way
But how am I gaining
When I lose myself each day

Walking through the halls
Whispers can be heard
School can be torture
If you are deemed a nerd

Bullying free zone
That's what the teachers say
They don't see it as it happens
But we see it every day

What if I could just end it
One girl asks on the brink
As she picks up her razor
And sits down on the sink

A second and I'll be done
Never to hear again
The question isn't "Will it happen?"
It should just be "When?"

So if you see a person
Sitting there alone
Sit down right beside them
Show them that they're known
Bullying happens, just let someone know that they are not alone...
Dec 2015 · 921
Ashley Dec 2015
Running down the court
Listening to the screaming of the fans
Feeling the beating of my heart
As the coach yells out all the plans

Standing in the huddle
At the end of all the games
Looking at the team
Who have been there through the fight

Walking down the halls
With the jerseys shining bright
Awaiting the game
And another win tonight
Okay so I wrote this for my basketball team who won 40 to ten tonight! I love them all so much and basketball is my life!!
Ashley Nov 2015
When the skies rain fire
And there's nothing else to lose
When the sun stops rising
And we live in a world of blues

When the stars crash to earth
And all thats left is darkness
When the moon burns out
And we have nothing but the ashes

When our world starts to die
And we only have each other
When the ocean runs dry
We can search for something better
Nov 2015 · 303
Ashley Nov 2015
My world went tumbling down
When you decided to walk away
The reason I may never know
But I think about it everyday

Sometimes I miss the days
When we still were together
Now they are just a daze
But I will dream of them forever
Oct 2015 · 246
Ashley Oct 2015
We're the fire just below the surface
And the darkness that shines through the light
We're the passion you keep hidden
And the wrong that that will never be right.

We're stories you don't read at night
The things that keep you up in fright
We're the alarm ringing in the halls
Banging off all the windows and walls.

We're the howls you here at night
The constant reminder of who you are
We're things that you can never escape
For we are your creation...
Oct 2015 · 294
Let's Pretend
Ashley Oct 2015
Let's pretend you love me
That your eyes shine just for me
Let's pretend we're happy
That our love burns bright and free

Let's pretend the world
Is what we want to see
And every time we close our eyes
It is only you and me

Let's pretend the struggles
Are all in our past
And we are in the future
Where we can never move too fast

So let's pretend you love me
And I will play along
Because baby you might not realize
But I have loved you all along...
Oct 2015 · 260
Little too late
Ashley Oct 2015
My teardrops fall, just like the rain
I need a way, to escape the pain
My heartbeat stalls, when I hear your name
I start to think, it was all your game

You break hearts, it's what you do
And now I'm here, just missing you
You said goodbye, like a simple end
Like I was nothing but a simple friend

As he dries my tears, you see the fears
You've discovered after the years
You don't want me now, more than you did then
You only want me, now that I want him...
Oct 2015 · 249
Ashley Oct 2015
Thinking about perfection
Makes me think of you
Your smile that brings out your eyes
And your gentle touches too

Thinking about happiness
Only you comes to mind
I think of our friendship
And the struggles left behind

Thinking about Fear
You show up once more
Of how my life would end
If you walk out the door

Thinking of forever
Gives me hope, you see
All the time that we have left
I hope it's for you and me...
Oct 2015 · 555
Ashley Oct 2015
Let us not dwell in the thought of fear
But find to what fear really is
"Fear nothing but fear itself"
Were not my words but his

They say fear controls us
Makes us do not think
So how can we stop ourselves
So we can swim not sink

They say its the world around us
She makes us fear these things
But its not her demons
But the ones at our very brink

You don't fear the world
Or the things that she has full stride
The only thing that you are scared of
Are the things you've locked inside...
Sep 2015 · 245
Follow me
Ashley Sep 2015
I don't know where I'm going
But I sure know where I've been
Hanging onto promises
Broken again and again

We knew this day would come
And we've prayed not so quick
As we all say goodbye
As the clock continues to tick

So follow me my dearest friend
We will find our way together
As we walk down the path of life
And pray for forever

Follow me my dearest love
The path stretches upon
As angels watch from above
We'll travel on and on...
Thanks everyone for reading! It means a lot!!

— The End —