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Aug 2013 · 819
Ashley Nicole Aug 2013
Once in a while,
I'll be out late at night,
Staring at the twinkling stars,
My mind wandering to every aspect of life.
My mind wandering to the only two I can trust.
Their pain so real
And so much more than my own.

So, as I sit there staring at the stars,
I wonder why I got blessed with them.
Those two who keep me alive,
When I feel like I'm nothing more than another pain to them.

A shooting star goes by
And I wish their pain gone.
I wish that I could take their pain for them
And make them forget me.
So it will be easier for them
When I'm finally gone.
Jul 2013 · 425
Ashley Nicole Jul 2013
I feel myself slipping into the darkness
Every day, the feeling gets stronger,
my hope for a better life,
for a better society,
gets smaller and smaller.

The more I think about it,
the more it consumes me;
the thought of death.
But then something stops me;
more like two things.
without those two,
I know the darkness would have already won.
Jul 2013 · 402
Ashley Nicole Jul 2013
Jul 2013 · 627
Ashley Nicole Jul 2013
We used to hate each other,
Not daring to look at one another.
Hate and fakeness poured from our words to one another.
Rude looks
Condescending words

But then something changed:
Real smiles and heartfelt laughs
Words of kindness
Best of friends.
Together, we went through so much,
Telling each other so many different things.
Together, I felt no one could stop us,
Until high school came.

Slowly we were drifting,
I could feel it more every day.
Then, we stopped texting,
Hanging out,
And small talk became our language.

Now, I feel I lost a sister,
But I want one thing to stand true,
It doesn't matter that we've grown apart.
I know I'll always be here for you.
Jun 2013 · 485
Good Times
Ashley Nicole Jun 2013
Through thick and thin,
we were together,
But as time went on,
and we grew older,
we both realized, but didn't say,
*Good times can't last forever
Jun 2013 · 381
dear ali
Ashley Nicole Jun 2013
We are blood,
But barely talk.
Years it has been,
Since we've last seen each other;
Spoken to each other.
I've always thought you've resented me,
That you didn't come back because of me,
Something I did,
Something I said.
But now that we talk again,
I see,
That you did not leave
Because of me.
Jun 2013 · 368
Ashley Nicole Jun 2013
Sometimes I feel,
Like everyone hates me.
No one can stand me
No one can love me.
Maybe if I leave
I can make everyone happy.
May 2013 · 398
In my eyes
Ashley Nicole May 2013
You might not be the
the best with advice,
according to society.

But you're
in my eyes.
You are my
my motivation,
my rock,
and most of all,

*My sister.
May 2013 · 773
Ashley Nicole May 2013
It started with a tree,
And when I climbed,
Nothing could stop me.
High and higher,
I went.
But the braches got
Thinner and thinner.
Until one finally snapped.
And I fell from my safety,
Right into the mouths of wolves.
May 2013 · 305
Once (Haiku)
Ashley Nicole May 2013
Once there was a girl,
And for her whole life she hid,
Till she was no more.
May 2013 · 919
Ashley Nicole May 2013
Simplistic times,
When drama seemed so non-existent,
No one cared what you wore
or how you looked
Everyone would be your friend
with a new adventure around every corner.

Having the newest 'Skip-It' was more important
than the latest fashion trend.
Imaginary friends were there to keep you company when bored,
And when your bedroom door was shut,
your toys did come to life.

Magic was real,
and Never Never Land too.
But Peter Pan never came for me,
so these simplistic times,
are just a sweet memory.
May 2013 · 509
Ashley Nicole May 2013
Best friend
You used to say.
Back when we were young.
With no drama,
no hate.
But as time went on,
your voice faded,
and now,
all I have is a faint recollection of
Best Friend*"
May 2013 · 285
Ashley Nicole May 2013
Maybe you should try and listen
To the words that leave my mouth.
Not the things that come from others
About who I am
What I've done.
You turn your head when I try to tell you,
My thoughts and how I feel
But instead you choose to listen to them.
The ones who know my name
And definitely not my story.
May 2013 · 421
To a Special Friend:
Ashley Nicole May 2013
You're there for me when I am weak,
When I can hardly stand on my own.

You listen to my problems;
listen to me rant and rave.

Day or night;
You won't turn me away.

Never once have we fought.
Never once have we been mad at each other.

Because, I can truly say,

You are my sister.
May 2013 · 509
Ashley Nicole May 2013
It was silent as I sat,
So I looked all about.
With no one here,
I let out a shout.
My pent up emotions
Were all coming out.

From anger to joy
Frustration to sadness.

Once again, I took a deep breath,
My mind in a jumble,
I took a step.
Left? Right?
Unsure where to go,
Slowly, but surely I put on a show.

From feet stomping to crying
Screaming to spinning.

A frustrated scream left my lips,
As I looked around again,
I put my hands on my hips,
Left? Right?
Left? Right?
Straight? Back track?

Lost and alone I had no one to say,
The only place you'll fine sanctuary
Will be at your home to stay.
May 2013 · 450
Ashley Nicole May 2013
I used to say that it was my passion.
But now I'm not so sure.
It used to come so easily,
like the wind blowing through the trees.
But, as time goes on.
I realize that all along,
I was wrong.
May 2013 · 459
One Step
Ashley Nicole May 2013
Deep breath,
One step.
I smile,
Good progress.

Rude comments,
unfair comparisons,
Two steps back,
throwing me off track.

Sharp objects,
pains gone,
meals skipped,
"Nothing's wrong."
May 2013 · 2.1k
Ashley Nicole May 2013
Six months passed
Since the last time
my skin broke.
But within time,
I choked.
Hurt skin.
"Cat scratches"
My greatest fear unlatches.
Trembling hands,
Cap off,
Blurry vision,
tired eyes,
One final goodnight.
May 2013 · 318
One Thought
Ashley Nicole May 2013
I feel you slipping through my fingers.
Trickling away,
slowly, but surely.
So, I sit and pray.
I pray that nothing will change,
friends we'll remain,
but as time goes on,
my faith wavers.
You're still here, yes,
"I'll always be here"
You once promised.
But as time goes on, we both realize
reality will rip us apart.
And just that one thought reduces me to tears.
May 2013 · 669
being me
Ashley Nicole May 2013
I am not them.
They are not me.
We are meant to contrast;
Not compare.
So, why can't you see,
I just want to be me.
I might not be
The smartest
Or skinniest
But Mom and Dad
Shouldn't I be enough,
Just being me?
Apr 2013 · 2.5k
Ashley Nicole Apr 2013
I see the way that you look at me,
with your judging eyes alone,
you make me feel insecure.

So, I smile at you,
try and make you see,
that looks aren't what they seem.

But your eyes remain cold and judging,
you look at me like I am the most repulsive being ever,
And it hurts me, because I know it's true.
Apr 2013 · 377
Here, but gone.
Ashley Nicole Apr 2013
You're here.
But you feel so gone.
You slipped through my fingers,
What went wrong?
My support,
My confidant,
One of my best friends,
you were,
but now,
I'm really not so sure.
Apr 2013 · 371
To Anonymous :
Ashley Nicole Apr 2013
Have you  ever been so angry, that your mind just stops?
Your body trembles?
Tears well up in your eyes?
So angry, that you just feel...betrayed?
Like you can't trust anyone:
With your
or even
An anger that drives you to feel
that you will never believe something again?
That's the anger you make me feel.
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
Ashley Nicole Apr 2013
You're supposed to make me feel
Safe and secure.
You're supposed to help me through
The good and the bad.
My shoulders to cry on,
The ones I can always rely on,
Ones that will never judge me,

But I guess that I will never fit the stereotype of
*"One, big, happy family"
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
Ashley Nicole Apr 2013
Into the darkness I go.
I do not know.
Consumed in the nothingness;
Peace washes over me.
A florescent light appeared not to far from me.
A warmth filled me;
One that I wish will never go away.
"Please, don't go."
I heard a cry.
It came from the darkness from whence I was.
My breath caught in my throat,
The voice called out my name,
it cracked as the person spoke,
"Please don't leave me."
I turned back to the darkness,
Ignoring the voice.
I took the step to the warmth.
I whispered,
as a single tear rolled down my cheek.
Apr 2013 · 891
Ashley Nicole Apr 2013
I glanced at the thing in front of me.
It's unruly hair,
nasty teeth,  
horrid smile
Frightened me into taking a step back.
The ogre mimicked my movement.
I stared at the thing;
taking in it's total appearance.
Huge thighs,
Round stomach,
Double Chin,
Dark, emotionless eyes.
I blinked, trying to rid this beast from my sight.
But it remained.
I took a step closer to the thing.
Once again, it mimicked me.
I reached my hand out;
The horrid thing did the same.
But right before our out-stretched hands made contact.
I clenched my fist, drawing my arm back.
The beast followed my every movement;
coming in contact with my fist
dead in the middle of us.
Bye, bye ogre.
Apr 2013 · 388
Ashley Nicole Apr 2013
You come and go,
Like you don't want me to see you,
To feel you.
Just like that.
When I finally relax.
You're there,
But suddenly, you leave.
Just like everything else.
You're gone.
Leaving me, to once again
Fend for myself.
Apr 2013 · 457
Ashley Nicole Apr 2013
I try so hard not to notice
When I go without that one thing.
The one thing that makes me break.
The one thing that makes me weak.
I look away, ducking my head.
Trying to hide from it.
But it calls me in.
Just like every other time,
I resist.
Turning my back.
Trying to walk away.
But in the end,
Temptation takes over.
And I know,
That I truly am addicted.
Apr 2013 · 681
A Not-So-Average Person.
Ashley Nicole Apr 2013
No escape...
Faster, I dig...
Hope fading...
Breath waning....
Hope is lost...
One last attempt...

— The End —