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The blade centimeters deep
Kissing the veins I tried to hold together
Don't ask me how I knew
But I know the thoughts are there
Please run from them
Run towards me
Hide in my arms
Bury your fears in my chest
Suffocate the tears with my cologne
I'm here never far
The pillows and blankets
Fortress in your room
Lay down on my back
Let me carry you through the night
Legs can grow weak
As the tyranny of the voices
Burdens them with screams
Never will they collapse
I'll drag us both
I won't let you fall
I'll love you
Even when you think nobody does
Don't ask me how I knew
But I know you think you're alone
I'm in the corner of your closet
Exactly where you threw me
The last time we fought
I'm made of stuffing
But I still bleed
Look at the stains I wear
Dressed for a funeral
Hoping it's not yours
Don't ask me how I knew
I'll just reply
It was the few times we did speak
That told me
You think you're alone
Still got it :)
This one's for the ones who go without the most important woman in their life every single day.
The ones who don't get that kiss on their boo boo.
This is for the momma's girls and boys.
The ones who couldn't accept their dad's affection for the life of them.
This goes out to every broken heart no matter how old you are.
This is for the ones who know their friends with mom's wouldn't understand their feelings.
The ones who have to listen to their friends complain about their mom's when all they want is a mom to complain to.
To those who don't have their mom to teach them how to love or be loved for that matter.
This is for those who go every day with the thought that one day they'll have to tell their little girl or boy they don't have a grandmother but they know she would've loved them.
For the ones whose hearts break at the thought of her not being at their wedding.
For all the ones who know that yearning that only comes from wanting your mom back.
Those who have watched their mom disintegrate mentally and physically.
To those who just want to yell and scream when they go to a school outing and see a teenager tell their mom that she's embarrassing them when all she wants to do is give them a hug before she leaves.
The one's who can stifle their cry about losing their job or not succeeding their dreams but one thought of their mom and they lose it.
The ones who understand that it's okay to cry out loud sometimes.
I dedicate this to every person that has ever lost the most remarkable and inspiring woman in their life.
This one's for the mom-less.
I feel closer to the world that lays beneath my fingertips
than I do to the world outside my door
because here I can say
whatever it is that's on my mind
and I know there will always be someone
by my side
even if we're miles apart
 Sep 2013 Ashleigh Kelco
Claire E
There's nothing glamorous
About kneeling on the cold bathroom floor
Staring into the toilet
At your dinner
With a finger down your throat
And an imaginary gun to your head  
Trying to quiet your heaving
So your family doesn't wonder
And not stopping until you are empty
Until you are sure that every ounce of your enemy that we call food is out of your body
The same body your mother spent hours and hours pushing out of her so your beauty could be shared with this word
Your body which was once a vessel for beauty and love
But has now become a vessel for your self hatred and distruction
There's nothing glamorous
About staring into the mirror
After its all said and done
Looking into your blood shot eyes
Searching for something that was lost when you rid yourself of that food
Running your hands under warm water  
Trying to wash away the scent and shame
But no matter how hard you scrub
No matter how much soap you use
No matter how strong the water pressure is
They linger
And linger
And linger
There's nothing glamorous  
About your mother looking at you with tear filled eyes
And asking if you're doing "it" again
Because she can't even stomach to say what "it" is
Almost like you can't stomach the thought of being away from a toilet for more than a few hours
And all you reply with is a dishonest no
You watch as she slowly dies inside
Because she knows no means yes
And she pleads with you
"Why" she cries
And you don't even bother to answer
Because even as sick as you are you know how twisted your reasoning is
There's nothing glamorous
About your life revolving around the next time you can get to a toilet
When all you can think about is that next purge
That next release
That next cleanse
Because when you purge you're not only purging your food
But you're purging all those thoughts of stopping, all those thoughts of getting better
When that food hits the water those thoughts quiet
All you hear is "get it out" "get it all out"
They are silenced by your need to be perfect
To be thin
There's nothing glamorous
About soar throats
And mouth soars
Scared knuckles
And puffy cheeks
There's nothing glamorous
About slowly destroying your body
Your body which is now just a peetry dish for your sick thoughts
From the inside
Trust me
I know
I stopped writing to deal with things... I just stopped caring. But today I realized I need to start again, it's as good as any therapy and I missed it too much to stop.
I thought that I could shake the feelings
The feeling of love
That you bring upon me
I thought that someone else's kiss could somehow neutralize every time you've ever kissed me
It didn't
Every since we kissed
Every other kiss has seemed so...
Passionless, boring, pointless
And I try to shake my love for you
But when I see you around children
You speak to them and smile
I speak to them and smile
And biology takes over
Suddenly, I think of you as a father
As if the children you were watching over were our own
Oh, you
You mean so much
Too much
I can't ever lose you
Despite the pain you bring me
And every time
I try to shake my feelings for you
I'm only reminded
Our passion is incomparable
To any other kiss in the world
And when we make that eye contact
You know what eye contact I'm talking about
I feel electricity through by bones
Warmth in my muscles
Oh, you
You terrible, wonderful person
I can't believe how long it's been
I can't believe how much I've grown to love you
Humans are demons to creatures
With whom we inhabit the land.
And the sea of course,
We destroy their life source,
No one is exempt from the wrath of man.

How does it feel to be a monster?
A plague on this fragile earth?
That can't support our greed
Or our irrelevant needs.
Who are we to judge an animal's worth?

To look into an animal's eyes
And say our actions are justified
Requires more denial
Than is my style.
I can't support the way they died.

We treat animals like commodities.
Use them for food, sport, game.
It isn't quite right
To crush them with our might.
The way we treat them is a shame.

So when you ask me
Why I choose this life
Maybe you'll see
Animals should be free
From the human inflicted strife.
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