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Only once in your life, I truly believe,
you find someone who can
completely turn your world around.
You tell them things that you’ve
never shared with another soul and
they absorb everything you say and
actually want to hear more. You share
hopes for the future, dreams that will
never come true, goals that were
never achieved and the many
disappointments life has thrown at
you. When something wonderful
happens, you can’t wait to tell them
about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not
embarrassed to cry with you when
you are hurting or laugh with you
when you make a fool of yourself.
Never do they hurt your feelings or
make you feel like you are not good
enough, but rather they build you up
and show you the things about
yourself that make you special and
even beautiful. There is never any
pressure, jealousy or competition but
only a quiet calmness when they are
around. You can be yourself and not
worry about what they will think of
you because they love you for who
you are. The things that seem
insignificant to most people such as a
note, song or walk become invaluable
treasures kept safe in your heart to
cherish forever. Memories of your
childhood come back and are so clear
and vivid it’s like being young again.
Colours seem brighter and more
brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily
life where before it was infrequent or
didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two
during the day helps to get you
through a long day’s work and always
brings a smile to your face. In their
presence, there’s no need for
continuous conversation, but you find
you’re quite content in just having
them nearby. Things that never
interested you before become
fascinating because you know they
are important to this person who is so
special to you. You think of this
person on every occasion and in
everything you do. Simple things
bring them to mind like a pale blue
sky, gentle wind or even a storm
cloud on the horizon. You open your
heart knowing that there’s a chance it
may be broken one day and in
opening your heart, you experience a
love and joy that you never dreamed
possible. You find that being
vulnerable is the only way to allow
your heart to feel true pleasure that’s
so real it scares you. You find strength
in knowing you have a true friend and
possibly a soul mate who will remain
loyal to the end. Life seems
completely different, exciting and
worthwhile. Your only hope and
security is in knowing that they are a
part of your life.
 Oct 2013 Ashatan Tee
Felicia M
I don't like to sit upon your lap
And cuddle close to you
I don't like it when you touch me
And do the things you do
I know I shouldn't do it
Although I don't know why
But every time it happens
Before I sleep, I cry

Don't tell me that it's all my fault
Or that I'm the one to blame
Because I am just a little gorl
And I can't share your shame.
Don't smack me when I'm not naughty
And don't watch me get undressed
Don't let me see you without your clothes
And when it's time for bed PLEASE let me rest!

Soon it will be time to go
And Mom won't let you near me
Or when I give a cry for help
Someone will be there to hear me
I'll be glad when I don't have to stay here
Then you'll leave me alone
I'll be glad when I'm a big girl
And then I can take a bath on my own!!!
 Oct 2013 Ashatan Tee
Felicia M
What could  you possibly see when you stare back at me?
The porcelain mask that's painted perfectly,
Or what's truly underneath?
Do you see the mask of my sweet serenity,
Or the torn roots around my feet?
Is it my pretty little smile,
Or the frozen screams behind my teeth?
Perhaps it's the strength that I portray,
Or the weakness that I hide?
Do you believe what I have told them,
Or do you know that I have lied?
Do you take in my composed innocence,
Or the demons of my restless mind?
Do you think that I'm really living,
Or do you know that I've already died?
The color of her eyes are blue
Every part of your soul they will see through.
Etching an eccentric story of her youth
with this simply and gentle hue

Her favorite color is white
symbolizing purity.
It is the light
that shines on a blank canvas
before her creativity and imagination take flight.

Her blood runs red,
she knows...
for she has bled.
Every shred
of happiness...
had once fled.

While her heart is black,
maybe some color...
will one day come back.

And all these colors
plus many more
combine to create a soul,
a colorful rainbow,
that will let her soar.
 Oct 2013 Ashatan Tee
Megan Grace
I am heavy
         with fear that you'll find someone
         who can love you better than I can
Is the apple of a selfish man's eye
The one every girl despised,
An excuse for the jealous stirring
They felt in their bones
Every time she strode
Head high
Chin up

Carried a backpack of never ending jokes
Wherever she stopped by
And the only giggles she could
Out of the mouths of her helpless followers,
Were the genuine types,
The laughter
Depression and tension

Bloomed in ball gowns
And party dresses
She could keep her heels well shined
While still
On the dance floor
Nothing but glitter
And glam
And a girl with passion and desire

This is how the world saw her
Watching from a car window
Nothing but her appearance and facade
Her, at the least of what she was

Behind the curtain of
Her hair and humor blessed her with,
Was a landscape of
Her for what she is

And if you tried hard enough
You would see that

She captures the heart more than any set of eyes.

She could make you laugh hard enough
To make the lemonade pour out of your nose.

She could sing up your spirits with a melody that goes "you are beautiful".

She could rock the formal attire society required,
But she looked far more joyous in sweatpants and rock concert t-shirts.

She is jolly more than giggles
She is grace more than glitter
She is beauty more than pretty

My, if you met her,
You'd called it blessed rather than lucky
"Smoking is bad for you."
But so are you.
I breathe you in
deep into my lungs.
You fill my head
with pretty feelings.
You're killing me slowly.
Each time we meet
you touch my lips
and dive right in.
You set my heart racing,
making it hard to breathe.
You're my vice.
I need you
even though I know it's wrong.
I'm addicted.
© MAB October, 2013
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