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I destroy homes.
I tear families apart.
I'm more costly than diamonds,more precious than gold.
The sorrow I bring is a sight to behold.
If you need me,remember I'm easily found.
I live all around you.
I live with the rich,I live with the poor,down the street & maybe next door.
I'm made in a lab,but not like you think.
I can be made under your kitchen sink.
I have many names but there's one you know best,my name is Crystal ****.
My power is awesome,try me you'll see.
But if you do you may never break free.
Just try me once & I may let you go.
But try me twice & I'll own your soul.
When I possess you you'll steal & you'll lie.
You do what you have to-just to get high.
The crimes you'll commit for my narcotic charms,will be worth the pleasure you'll feel in your arms (your lungs & your nose).
You'll lie to your mother,you'll steal from your dad.
When you see their tears - you should be sad.-
But you'll forget your morals & how you were raised.
I'll be your conscience.
I'll teach you my ways.
I turn people from God & separate friends.
I'll take everything from you.
Your looks & your pride.
I'll be with you always-right by your side.
You'll give up everything,your family,your home.
Your friends,your money,then you'll be alone.
I'll take & take,till you have nothing more to give.
When I'm finished with you,you'll be lucky to live.
If you try me be warned-this is no game.
If given the chance I'll drive you insane.
I'll ravish your body.
I'll control your mind.
I'll own you completely.
Your soul will be mine.
The nightmares I'll give you.
The voices you'll hear from inside your head.
The sweats,the shakes,the visions you'll see.
I want you to know these are all gifts from me.
You'll regret that you tried me,they always do.
But you came to me - Not I to You!
You knew this would happen,many times you were told.
But you challenged my power & chose to be bold.
You could have said no & walked away.
If you could have that day over what would you say?
I'll be your master & you my slave.
I'll even go with you to your Grave.
Come take my hand,let me lead you to hell.
Did you see the way he mugged me right after she hugged me?
lookin hella scared as if he even cared,
           when they drove  off he hit her with a cough,
when he looked back he felt her up her rack ,
  Warn, torn, Baby just born.
             Six year age range,
             No home no change.
wish I could have catched it from the way he sketched it,
She is just a beauty workin ******* deuty.......
Sorrows of the past,
litte scatters think out fast.
I really am a rapper,
my lips blow out what matter,
happy make you sadder,
feal you up to climb this latter,
as a quick word just wanna be heard
know whats left so we take you down the right turn,
if you wanna talk **** I feal ya on a real burn,
If you gonna be true,
you sure gonna be seen through.
don't believe free?
what ever go deceive me,.
young at heart with that tid of stupity,
bein flung takin risks, Makin tunes tradin disks.
hear my bass nd my boom melted face is in the room,
Mmmm...!! Shiiiit ;)
Jesse  *Mckush
Sorrows of the past,
litte scatters think out fast.
I really am a rapper,
my lips blow out what matter,
happy make you sadder,
feal you up to climb this latter,
as a quick word just wanna be heard
know whats left so we take you down the right turn,
if you wanna talk **** I feal ya on a real burn,
If you gonna be true,
you sure gonna be seen through.
don't believe free?
what ever go deceive me,.
young at heart with that tid of stupity,
bein flung takin risks, Makin tunes tradin disks.
hear my bass nd my boom melted face is in the room,
Mmmm...!! Shiiiit ;)
Jesse   *Mckush
Just a *****,
****** yet once more.
move, no way.
would i stay,
too watch you're play,
naa dass not okay. ^-^
Love is real,
Pain is lame...
work that change and win the game.
Do you're best through out the test.
at the end you'll get a rest,.
My heart will steal,
my words you'll feal,
right in side you're hope will Heal,
Just get through it,
you can do it,
hold on tite or you'll just lose it.
don't go mad inside just sad?
keep your sane and diss the lame
life's a game so look for fame
help some hearts and get the name
speak lit low and help them know
peace is hear for them to glow
take a walk and feal my talk..
see it played your'e favorit show
led the way with my gold chalk..
forget the bad of past you had,
make new be glad,
   your'e tuff You're Rad,!
that pain that hole
often thaught of takes control
that mess that loss that empty goal,
thinkin back that costly toal,
It's your road And it's your choice,
make some sound to hear your voice,
down the path be strong its bumpy,
hear my song and don't be grumpy,
not alone,
stood felt  like stone,
full rock hard ,
I'm  sure no **** my words sock hard,....
[you had felt it so you delt it,
never grew a heartless clue,
I choose nice for your rude lies,
lookin over in despize,
fought the stress don't need a mess
for caught up in you're knot ties.
statin truth nor fantasize
feel it first before criticize,]

you know your heart has just be grown.
You were tuff when  **** got ruff,
bin there done that know the stuff
as it seams those memory dreams
thew away,
oh day by day,
hears your luck it blew my way,
with your heart
"click heal restart"

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Jesse   Mckush
Arrywillbeloved2013© copy right protected
There cute as a flute, Life by the day or rewinding the cassette tape.
Tha **** is an iphone?. I just wanna be home...
on the first page of the story,
stuck at an old age no more glory.
I have learned and I have yearned .
All thats left to see is what it's gonna be                         when I'm not around...
I miss that o'l playground
not much more to see no one knew to be , all my friends are dead well oh gee.
Life lined up is a mistery Live do die
....I'm just ancient history...
every thing is so new  i don't have a clue..
But I am not dumb because I'm not young !
feal up to cry but you can't lie.
this is reality and it's coming your'e way,
....with no say,
your'e last day"
so don't dispize me, or critisize me,
with my old heart I'm holding on tuff
with my last puff
I'm gone had enough.

Dang he is cray cray ,
On my mind by the  grey day.
he is a smile. I've waited a while...
He is untame aiming for lame,
more for the mean then for the green....
     ***** a ***** and a gold digga.
iz name austin ganey he give me a paney .
runnin from hugs nd cravin for drugs.
ill be tha dart & aim for yuhr heart
crazy lazzyy bee miii  babyy ;P
Sit and stare at that word loe
World, falling deap while I feal so high.
Kisses tell angles lie.
Secret twist behind goodbyes.
Lost truth once found with blood can't cry.
Tore up mess lost hug found bliss,
Gory play on watch can't stay.
Hidden deap if cracked will pay.
SoLO TOLO see it be it,
**** it free it .
I've seen this ****,
I've felt a hit,
    growin up most have split,
just fifteen  oh so close.
trust he past on an over dose,
all those kids that he knew
are suffurin still, no school no clue,
I'm still hear and standin true
my child HOOD school,
was at howard,
be tuff survive or be a coward,
15 too,
best friends ex had time to flex
did a drive by and hit the high way,
where's he at?
        **** reward be fat....
All those girl that would never say nope, who made me ****?.
put me to trauma with the lies of there drama,
now there just hoes ****** for dope,.
hangin in high school on a tender rope,
how they do it how they cope....

My first love was gone in cuffs,
would never lisson,
cause his parents were always in prision,
poppin pills?
       what great learning skills.
I used to get high to feal em in the sky as if he was on mars,
instead locked behind bars,
I miss him in tears, I feal for his fears.
when he gets out  for runnin and bookin,
hope he's still stunnin as sure as good lookin,

**** sure has faded
I'm sure glad I made it.   </3

Jesse   Mckush
Hear we are once again,
Looking back on what was  then.
It's the pain that's in the past think about  that old lost cast.
It was a trouble cost you to struggle* .
you made new and you got through :)
you made it up those steps.!
and are on a Higher level
No choice! to give up whats left to live up.
with no pain there will be no gain,
You are higher.,
you are a survivor.
That old mess ain't worth **** to stress , <3
at first things were great with my mom and my dad
she should have stayed best she could have had.,
most would call it shallow to leave be on  your own,
not some tantrom all around disaster
day by day a year matured faster
I was only nine helping mamma cross the line,
child support goes for my stepbrothers fine.
maybe when he was my age he belonged in a love cage,. 10 His own mind rage,.
but sneakin out at night for some hood fight !  back to 21 remember  that he died right.
only one who cried long my heart syed a new song,
never understood. cant we just get along?
yea you say a bad kid, as a parent not helpin had did..
with learning had hid,
hurting words created
    thats why my brother deflated...
mom I was good kid seain what was right never under stood you'd rather quit or split
You know I was you're hero you made me just some zero...
once was indepenent then boom the mind flent,
now your'e just insane controlled by cliffs chain,
but you know that I dipped along the way I tripped
one thing that I fell, atleast I'm out my shell
led out on the train achieved my life regain,

sorry that I hit him,
your hubby just was  cruel
as a lil Rhym he through me in the tubby
hit me with his bottles called me fat and chubby
beaming red eyes screaming  all night crys,
all on my own,
brother helped when I got thrown.      

even at four got pushed to the floor.... by the way just more to say
Once i hit twelve I ran for he door
Thid bad man for the rest of her life
she said yes to be his wife,
with his big ring knee on the floor
I just think 'Ding hells at the door...
      moms the baby inside screams save me

  plus her dad got out the knife he was crazy her whole life
by time i Got to ten my mind was in a den,.
every day was yelling,
      just be soft and sweet by telling,
I know you are just scared And once you really cared.
with your so called man,
the one with no life planned
  You see I left the road called far west
with out your'e hand I just want the best,
one day mom you wont see me
one day mom you'll be at rest..
cause that mess left bullets in your'e chest :'( </3

Arrywillbeloved2013© copy right protected
In this room.
I sit trapped fealing's lit i want to shout.
It's not fair i want out,
NOT like you care cause you weren't there.
To the end yet to bare,
Holding strong to the well known songs
Yet today you should pay for the mistakes I had to play.
you wonder why i have no say because it has bin washed away,
I slit my wrist
   you watch me bleed
I'm at risk I slit my wrist's
for you to see oh Gee oh Gee,
how much pain you've given me.
how  you "truly"
mean to me,
on my wrists whats left of scars
I am hear behind these bars.
tears of guilt beyond these cheeks
lisson up to all these "freaks"

If not for you I'd take the leap,
forever week always at sleep.

glayz   *welch
you can't lose when there are booz,
unless you're tipsy and hella ditsy.
when yoou can't dance and your on you're old romance.
callin that man. ****'s hittin the fan.
why you a do that why don't you ***** that...
you're lookin dumm you can't have more ***.
girl you've just lost you're pride
if you go hurl I'll give you a ride.
time to go home and put you to bed,  
when you wake up you'll wish you were dead.
See you tommarow in the bed full of sarrow. ;[
talkin hella ****,
****** lil fit
******* think there slik,.
makin me look weak?. Makin me feal sick,
nasty ****** heart ,
ugly from the start,.
   who are you to say I am,?
I am real,
and true and kind,
I've bin sober lost   my mind,
those mean words berome my mind,
I just want to hit you *****,!
you act fly with dome so sick....
your'e cruel you're rude you hurt,
Just Dirt!!.
      when left school I have a shelter give me break,
For goodness sake, :(
so i had a hard fall,
my friends had a ball.
said it was funny nd i was a dummmy...
my leg is all messed up so i am all dressed up ,.
open flesh?.
I'm still fresh
i may be limpin ,.
        buhh I'm still pimpin c:
The world is a trip,
One road leads to diamonds and gold,
The other can lead to sadness controlled.
In math theres a solution to 2+2 =4
But me and you comes to a war,
I have a bed you may sleep on the floor.
Some have a family of love and trust.
Some hit the road with nothing with the knowledge there not worth it.
And others head in the sky with millions cause there getting into college.
There is no winner.
We of all are the same as equal so thanks for the dinner.
Come call it lucky to live in a shed,
Others like told as a saying no path but hope and praying,
A dream would be equal a premiere id make millions,
Youd all see the premiere,
But leave the house that beats yo mamma,
In your head relief the trauma,
Keep pushin for reality not the drama.
Give And Give And Give And Give
A smile can push a broken heart to live,
Give your heart to the abused kid,
More recycling more loving more peace.  Jessica applegate
my baby hailey,
I'd eat this world.
I'd churp and burp .;.
It's  all  so bright
                        I'ts moving my sight
                     I'm on a first flight
No need to hold tight
            I'm morfing allnight...
           My eye sight is rubies I'll pass on the doobies .
my tune is groovys, .. this beat. wawh wawh wawh ,  ! get me the saw this tree needs a bra >.>
................That lazy daisy!........... is driving me crazy bin in the shower foe more then an hour'
waisting my water getting me hotter
      I must be a giant your freshest client .  
I think I have power ! that you should know,
just kiddin bro you're face seams to glow.

            whatta great trip You're getting a tip
The perfect child I used to be went to play one day.
she went down this road so very slow,
and ran into a tree.
She woke up later in a strangers house
sitting by the christmas tree.
Oh the fire, Oh the horror, oh what happened to me.?
The pretty little dress around her waist Didn't cover much
Just the nessesities.
her hands were bound behind her back
oh what happened to me?
Just then a man came to her.
  "oh darling Don't worry, Don't worry I am not that mean."
he said oh so quietly. to me.
he gave me some water and I fell asleep
I wake to him ******* me Oh, what happened to me?
I couldn't see
I couldn't move
I could only feal what was happening to me
Hours it felt so painful to me, My heart was broken in three.
my body went numb so slowly I could't breath,
Slowly so, so slowly something trickled down me,
Oh. whats happening to me?.
Just when I thaught it couldn't get worse he whispered so quietly to me.
"I've opened your'e eyes so look close although you have none have fun with my son"
and he left me with his son ,
he hit me. he bit me. and oh so more
                  Then I heard a click and he cut me so very slowly
                   all over me he slid the knife, Intill everything went black and I died.
written   by  savannah    rawdon  just  turned   *twelve
the danky of danky,
takin nd start bakin,
  smell's like a pear fruity so fruity.
you just go bake it,
Inhale, enjoy. relax deploy..
stay lit stay fit, Keep open

eye's open -
    be loe
                 they might even glow ,
glossy and slow
                  they  sure will all  know. and point you to blame,
the roach coach came and taught you the game.
lend me your lighter to make this flame brighter
heat up this fire and help you get higher,
you're mouth's a bit sticky I bet it taste's icky,
doe's it look white?.  you'll sure be alright .,
nick name to the cotton dry mouth tastes like rotton,.
awh, don't say where you bought it or how you got it.
I will be busted and you,
just untrusted.....

jessica  *applegate
I've seen this ****,
I've felt a hit,
    growin up most have split,
just fifteen  oh so close.
trust he past on an over dose,
all those kids that he knew
are suffurin still, no school no clue,
I'm still hear and standin true
my child HOOD school,
was at howard,
be tuff survive or be a coward,
15 too,
best friends ex had time to flex
did a drive by and hit the high way,
where's he at?
        **** reward be fat....
All those girl that would never say nope, who made me ****?.
put me to trauma with the lies of there drama,
now there just hoes ****** for dope,.
hangin in high school on a tender rope,
how they do it how they cope....

My first love was gone in cuffs,
would never lisson,
cause his parents were always in prision,
poppin pills?
       what great learning skills.
I used to get high to feal em in the sky as if he was on mars,
instead locked behind bars,
I miss him in tears, I feal for his fears.
when he gets out  for runnin and bookin,
hope he's still stunnin as sure as good lookin,

**** sure has faded
I'm sure glad I made it.   </3

Jesse   *Mckush
All of the time i spent locked up, I wanted more.
but i couldnt handle the leash i was given.
I understood how every one was effected besides my self.
I wanted my drug. over and over.
just to get over the loss of you dying.
and the last memory kills me every day. but all i can say is thank you..
thank you for my twisted mind and the abuse that get's me to give and give and give so no one feels the same,
but i cant fix the world, world peace is impossible all at once,
every one has had ****  thrown in there face, but only those who got through it have the power to dig out of there hole they have dug.
along the way i want to take the rotten decaying part of your heart.
and throw it away, but part of my addiction takes it in the soul and reminds me of depression of my own,. and gets me caught up...
in mind and site we are all clearly blood and bones.
and a brain that is one tenth of our bodie's, but we feel 100% in reality
out on the streets thrown to the gutter rats, came back with potential.
came back wanted, legally. in the safe way. Jesse applegate
Let us walk,
let them fight.
in the end we'll be alright.
You're in my site .
Just like a kite
. with out control.,
                                                              stuck on parole..
Be my boo I see right through
         You are untamed .
thiss , just inflamed.
    your'e parents fault they did not change!
there mistakes left you to blame..,
   your past my level on a second step.

that's why I look up and tell you wassup..
holding you're sane'   avoiding the lame  
You are free when you're with me
be my fighter.
I swear I get melested by the stories.
why do they alway only open up to me?.
With my big eyes and my opened door heart
home to home,
Bin all alone...
all there sad hearts,
are making me fall apart.
there storys.,
     are, are so gory!.,
These girls are so great and have bin put up to steak.,
mulested arested, and std tested..
they deserve better,.
10 moved to ben with a baby inden, ***** and untold,
born in a shack,
shows how the world can be oh soo wack.
12 no plan to move on to 18.
I am just ****,. One cent more then spit.,

You're a blessing, tore up mess lost kiss sad hug.,
don't give up , KEEP hold that tug.,
Dam I need a blunt,
can't put up with this ****,
I'm fealin a new person
My heart just feals like cursin...

I've bin hear,
in this new home,
sober a new rome,
If i had my shear ****
you'd sure  would hear a cheer song.
I'd feal you out so happy,
have my words churned out to sappy?.
I'm way out,
    I'm not burned,
I get it I sure learned
far out mars rover,
spot me out like your'e lucky clover,
out in a big croud
I'm rare like a drout  cloud,
like I said,
I miss my bed,
eatin all day,
    freakin all may,
Give it a doobie a precious ****** ruby
Not lit Not fit

How bout a bubble and a bowl,?
no trouble nore parol,
you know i'm slick won't get in no ****,
just help a ***** out and ******* a hit.
  I love my jane we plan to mary
when she's gone my world gets scary..
So be it if i'm sketchy,
I'm posted monalisa ,
see me on the wall,
touch me and I'll fall,
  trust I see it all,
you walk right out the door and leave me on this floor,
I've seen it as it's low thats why I tend to flow,
Best of what I know is what minds like to show..
don't come back that lock is latched,
   holdin steady bit attatched,
I need a hook to hold me steady.
some one strong that will be ready,
I’ve taken a criminal in my heart
and threw her into a cell.
No one could hear how hard she fell.
She got all cut up, and bled told to shut up,
twisted in the head too berserk
will get you caught up
she is understood and couldn’t be read,
The punk was me
never tired or dead
I was the retired monster living under your bed.

A trick in your mind I was sick to the blind
I was heartless and kind.
Keep in the day all your treasures hidden
cause the old me is gone by forbidden.
Life was a joke
and I ain’t kidding
l lived to impress my actions
you couldn’t guess.
Pushin the limits was my favorite test.
I’d mess you over and steal your things
but Karmas a ***** and that **** stings,
but I hit rock bottom and fell on attack
if I look back my movement will crack
here and there I’ll still take a snack,
But that me is gone and is not coming back.
I took a stress of a beauty put to work for days on duty
fixed a soul that always stole,
now a cutie off parole
and my mind is in control.
I am twisted.
I am scattered and sketched.
I’m a trip
I don’t need a drink or a sip.
I am the color of the energy.
The strong that gives vaccines
To the ones who reach out to prayers and lost dreams.
I am a survivor of bruises cuts and an old punching bag in between fights.
I’m a mess a mess by the guess.
A rebel formed from a hell hold called home.
Stand tall out of this
On my level out of this dome,
You’d get confused and thrown off cause I roam far
All Alone.
I am open
And I care
Wide awake is why I share.
I bring wisdom, facts, and not opinions
It’s been me since the beginning.
I believe in no false image
But what I’ve seen kindness is a treasure.
And I’ve forgotten the mean.
Your past does not define you.
Because it is left behind you.
I leave you mind blown
But you’ll be completed on my app.
It’s Christmas time on dads lap.
It’s a button
Easy start.
Just gotta try to heal that heart
Jesse applegate
My melody is the tune,
the happy feal of june,
sleep untill noon rise awake for the moon,
No school no cruel!
where that dress with out havin to stress,
cauzz your a beuty'
                remember.  Not on deuty,.
The heat the sun out-on-a-run,.
bein you, duss havin fun.
we've all felt rain,
          we've all delt pain
I'ts the natural I'ts the gain.
moving on will keep it sain.
bin there. done that.
she's odd, she's fat,

Cause you're "cool"         HA, you Fool!
          your'e word's you're slick?.
                                      Your heart.          your SICK,

     we take the left because we know the right,

down the road they'll be a fight, thinkin thinkin up all night,
words they say sure aren't right,
  the sky is blue'       they have no clue  your day got gray ,
                                        you're thaughts are cray, you're mind is clay!? wer'e in may
                         SAY GO!,  cant  stay!.  

       it's long.       might do you none...
walk you long. read can't go wrong,.          
                so now your'e hear,
      You're sippin beer?
                       Look at that,   Your'e finally cheer, :)
sincere a real friend to all, answer the call catchin ya fall. Jesse  *Mckush
It's my time for fun and crime,
not if hear locked up no beer?
what the hell I want to yell
I feal so stuck...
WHAT THE ****,!!!
two piece tan, uhnn
New grease man ;)
it's my summer  just what a ******!
plus I'm sober trust ineed,
I am craving for that ****,.
got a ruby trade for a doobie,
give it please! I'm on my knees :(

short, and cute,
        fiddle dee flute,
I just love it.
can't get enough of it.,
just did a line and It's only nine
5 glasses over to the finest wine.
pant's around my feet , I'm pouncin to thiss beat.
I'm fealin for that ***** I think I'm actin thirsty.
my mind is a rush I really want my crush .
This dubby's so loud My head's in some cloud
I cant take a seetin my feet are takin thinkin.
I won't be  even blinkin.!
........................................And he's hear in his lincoln  mmm...
more beer , More gear more Cheer! my dear ^-^
bustin outta light show ,.
tahh Now wer'e sippin nd I'm trippin..
   how I'm trippin Nd i'm livinn.

(sais the white girl that want's to be a rapper)
You beat me up
you lock me away
oh what have you done?
Ice cream and walks  plus the sweet talks
you "say" you Love me
you "say" you care
but is it true?
I dare say not
stay away,
stay away from me.
oh what have you done
you ruined my life
I'll ruin your's
my life with out you
is oh so great,
oh wait you're to late
If i had it my way,
and you had it your's all i can say is
never more..
savannah  *rawdon
with this pink ink and the letter can shrink,
letter of choice creates my sound of voice,
         laying in this bed wit my heart oh so dead.
        over and over these notes be read,
what to do?. I'll eat and moo,
I'm a cat that's lost like you,
         I shall rome and find a home'
a big bear that doesn't care"
out of bound I'm all around  scattered tracks&hazard; crack's,
Dangerous,Buisy lost&Dizzy.;
Roll it, bake it, Give it, Take it.
             through the day puff high away,..
see a cop I'll never stop, Know there ruff indeed they'll cuff,
So i run.
and laugh.,
iss fun,                  
bought a ticket got a ride , I'm not hear but got my pride.
have this smile open wide,
see this window look out side,
see that star?.
         It's in my pocket.
In my Dream I used my rocket, <3

jesse  *Mckush
We got the ocean breeze and the seven seas.
humming birds and buzzing bees
plant's and creatures
the beauty features .
farmers armer's and those midnight charmers
we have food not hard to search for,
kids who have to line at  church door's  
         there'e are stores to by our sneekers others off to be a tweeker.
we get clean drinks with out no kinks it's the U.S.A with out no pay.
with a clean head, and a nice bed.
some call it lucky to live in a shed...
a different country roomate with a monkey ,
roof made of hay the dirt bed a lay.
we live like survivors , we search for our dinners , how is it made to be u.s.a winners?
with you're cool cars and movie stars,
you get ocupied ,
             and well supplied...
what a cool plate i'd wish for in fate
you have you're singers we eat with our fingers.
you roll those dice and hope for some nice,
lets go find dinner and cope with some rice....
Look who's at bat and serving at war,
                           you're lifes just so hard with you're  one choor.
      I want MY MONEY!!!
                                                                                             thats ****'s just funny...

_---Look at this world--
                                         with a breef glance ,
                                                                           Think of it more then some school dance.
Your a lie.
you're a thirsty trick only after a stiffened ****.
one nice call and he'll have it all, was no parent for the first fall.
walk a new way with a grand strut keep you're legs shut.
forget the old ****.
Solo cause yolo
Diss Tolo
you trolo!

lol by the way tolo means **** out legss open ;p
see your past?.
yeah your ex just flashed. x)
she is nasty, don't feal ******.
see your future damm she's classy.
see her smile will walk you a mile, Live up,  
        Grow up,
throw up.
she was lost thats not your'e cost :)
her love could not get bought.
I can't just watch you rot?!
you are loved you're in my thaughts.
You're screams..
                  there in my dreams....
No need to show me cause yo **** can *******,'
Wake up nd bake up what **** left so lonely..
Nd yet I'm so homelee
so ****** free..! ^_^
You was the left key.,
Eh eh ,
On the right side,!!
Eyes so wide..
Got ta wrong doors open.
Gettin cold in side
let's get some pride collide.
Still hooked on yo window lookin threw yo lies.,
In despize....
Trust no ******* cryy... ;(
You take there pride, there roar,
what goar..
      You take there skin and get some win?
take that shot,
oh whatta sin
there sold just bought.
that thaught must rot..
there little cubs chopped down to nubs,
oh why oh why,
you'd join there clubs   You take the time.
to aim for gone,
good by nature, Sorrow spirit, they so wrong
last lion song..
you act like a *****,
you gotta do actions. actions worth meaning
                                           meaning with gleaming,
if they all get it then , then they all got it.
            if they all bought it who's gonna want it.
you're **** is a pool , ****** unclassy.
unwanted over flaunted.  
keep you're legs shut don't be  a **** or when you grow old you'll just be some nut,
act mean,.
grow clean,
you're only a freshman...
bye falisha no BYE LATECIA!!
We got the ocean breeze and the seven seas.
humming birds and buzzing bees
plant's and creatures
the beauty features .
farmers armer's and those midnight charmers
we have food not hard to search for,
kids who have to line at  church door's  
         there'e are stores to by our sneekers others off to be a tweeker.
we get clean drinks with out no kinks it's the U.S.A with out no pay.
with a clean head, and a nice bed.
some call it lucky to live in a shed...
a different country roomate with a monkey ,
roof made of hay the dirt bed a lay.
we live like survivors , we search for our dinners , how is it made to be u.s.a winners?
with you're cool cars and movie stars,
you get ocupied ,
             and well supplied...
what a cool plate i'd wish for in fate
you have you're singers we eat with our fingers.
you roll those dice and hope for some nice,
lets go find dinner and cope with some rice....
Look who's at bat and serving at war,
                           you're lifes just so hard with you're  one choor.
      I want MY MONEY!!!
                                                                                             thats ****'s just funny...

_---Look at this world--
                                         with a breef glance ,
                                                                           Think of it more then some school dance.

— The End —