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As I think what it bin ,
as I smoke upon this gin,
Keep on tryoin never win.
this game is lame this move is sick,
what way no where?
Oh-             what to pick.
Inhale the false fale ,
    so good gowin my luck...
          with *** give not a ****.
this road is so bumpy , unstable I'm stuck.
  on my own finally out of the shelter   dearly jesse mckush, <3
I just love it.
can't get enough of it.,
just did a line and It's only nine
5 glasses over to the finest wine.
pant's around my feet , I'm pouncin to thiss beat.
I'm fealin for that ***** I think I'm actin thirsty.
my mind is a rush I really want my crush .
This dubby's so loud My head's in some cloud
I cant take a seetin my feet are takin thinkin.
I won't be  even blinkin.!
........................................And he's hear in his lincoln  mmm...
more beer , More gear more Cheer! my dear ^-^
bustin outta light show ,.
tahh Now wer'e sippin nd I'm trippin..
   how I'm trippin Nd i'm livinn.

(sais the white girl that want's to be a rapper)
I am hear and I am there
One home two home
Blue home new home.
scattered shattered as-if-it-mattered.
I've paid cost for my moms loss
I have learned and I have yearned
day by day with my new say
with her toss I can't feal lost or I'll cry and they'll  ask why.
I get scared when i get tared,
over and over the story's bin shared.
            with all her cries made into lies,
no one would lisson help her  with this mission
they  distroyed her they deployed  her
she's old and untold just a mess by the guess,
with her cold man the beast with a hand
knew how to hit and not how to quit.
I was young and showed him my tounge I didn't lisson he belonged to the prison.
I'm her last choice , she just burn't her voice.
I'm her gold key to setting her free
why'ed she say yes when he stepped to his knee?
to be with him she thinks he'dahhh lisson.
all he would do is give her a *****,
Give me my Mommy! stop making her drain all you have gave her is a lost brain.
and my heart?.
just a pain ....
I can't live to be her I can't stand to see her.
all that we had you turned into bad every last bit you made a big fit,.
I am Jessica Applegate hit it up?'
stay true to the realist,
make proud stay loud,
in a bad mood?. don't ever be rude.
don't glare because just some times in the moment people just really need a smile
never make the choice to lose your voice,.
fealin weak duss be a freak,.
originality is every where so don't be a copy.
smoke **** to stay high while the world be so low,
you gonna hit that?. cause you're gonna need to.
Feel my aroma of the happiness . braaa,
come's back in a smile,
grow's great through out the long mile,
deap is loud through out the walk.
come my way, just please no pay,
... Its not a game this is no play.
I say this is no Good bye,.
whats this i say it's not a lie,.
really no need., no pleed to cry.
when's non left but yet too high.
Life passes through when im hear with out you,
I'm on a totaly different side beyond the out,
hearin all the ghetto my new ***** gotta dead bro,
I've bin with all these red rags mind graffiti sketched tags,
So I miss my girl my sister,
My story tellin listener
my main true,
my blessed  boo,
seen my life she has the real clue,
when I got hit right there stuck wit me,
step dad did uncalled for beatin, cant help me gettin eatin
when we got caught callit go book free,
played a role got your back,
look forward. erased the wack.
no mom,
I gotta stoney,
didn't lisson always roming,
growin with my one friend never was a loney
one two I got you,
three four I'm out the door
five six, new home cant fix,
seven eight, I lost my great,      (hailey)
nine ten, I'll be home when?.
when I got In foster so close I could of lost her
your my completion I'm your creation,..
ying to the yang
the big,
the loud,
The shoot the bang.
we never for the reppin but we ain't afraid to steppin,
got our own gang ,
me and hailey togetha daily,
our name no shame same heart from thee start
aimin for big,
bullseye I'm the dart
walk our own way,
head up with no say,
got my noes in the sky cause you know I be high,.
finger In the air for the ******* that stare,
why the ******* stalkin?,
cause you scared to be talkin,...
make out my way before i get cray
best get to walkin before I get sockin.
               whatever I'm a youngin,
I'm blessed that I hung in,

Written   By   Jesse   Mckush   Dedicated  For   Hailey   *Haglund
Child hood,
growin good,
makin bad I always had,
me i got,
free I thaught,
never wanna grow old
never wanna grow cold,.
I had me an imagination jump from the top,
when I'd fall I'd just never stop
I hit the ground was so gray,
heard no sound left mother cray,
when I had her now  she's strained
got a hubby heart it drained,
has no word her head de brained,
got no mommy till this day,
got a shelter,
bed I lay,
I just think so hard to blink
got me adderall can't be mad at all
lets me know this world,
Be loe..........
I miss my jane we plan to mary when she dips my mind gets scary
  its so wack to watch this show,
wanna dip glow be some fairy.
   still stuck in my world ms. peter pan
I'm just lost on my cheater plan....
to move on,
with me,
got my lost feal,
moms coss.
Helpa with the move
imma toss.......

Jesse     Mckush      *facebook
So I met this ***** that was lerkin like a cool,
chic head up angled like she was aiming for a fool *****,
                       Looked like a ratchet who da hell would snatchet unless ya faith is sappy
cause that girl hella *****,.
        Bend down to light a halfy,
                            Cut shorts **** snorts wreak smoke
           Might choke Taahaaa she broke no joke,.
                             Brain tied Boy lied Needa hero,.
                             On time,**** lime,she know she be a zero.
Ghett heals wet meals not real done deal,.

(sais the white girl that want's to be a rapper :)
So i'm in this room,
these guys all wink,
hella dumb said pink in the stink,
when I focus they go
      Hocus -pocus,
    side tract mind cracked,
mind lost,
     double trouble.
I'm in math can't help but laugh
cause two plus two means me plus you, ? O.o
your just so funny,
  lol I'm not your'e honey,
your so cheezy and your'e hair is greesy.
Only girl,
And i'm the ****,
cause these boys can't take a hit,
bitchen. Bitchen hissy fit,
why there hear,
well babysit...
I hit up rock bottom once.
I had no where else to go..
Almost got shot, my mind was so flow.,
my oh so called team. The family of scream ...
the mom made of mess
the daughter of stress,.
step dad did the beatin ,

For his own reason.
I still don't get why he enjoyed making us cry.
when he would hit he just would not quit
making her watch , me on my last notch...
even at four I was pushed to the floor.
once i was eleven I ran for the door,

All from this point I've looked up to a joint .
my new way ,
has bin lit. Nd bin fit.
I look forward to a smile,
Bin alone for the longest of miles,

I was a child created of wiled
I take in stories most made taste so mild.,
YOU made my mothers thaughts and made me be lost ,
I'm not a little girl I'm a devilchild
You say,!
That's why I been on my way
every time I breath Its like I'm taking a puff,
different day same danm stuff,
got my kush to keep it tuff.
need that push when **** gets ruff,
In my vein I crave her name takes my sorrow takes my shame,
Miss my girl ms.Mary Jane got me ******* on her chain.
Kinda holdin barley sain How I do it through this rain,
used to kikit all day long all thass  left this gay *** song.

Arrywillbeloved2013© copy right protected
Cruzers , bruiser's  The Antilosers ,
We roll proud when our music's up loud,
We be true and we see just right through,
To be the boo you must know the crew. We bust we trust and we Don't need no dust.
Your'e dirt you hurt I won't wear you're shirt!

thanks for the neckless but boy I am wreckless
                                                           Far from a test guess Hot in the best dress.
don't rank me less or think I'm some mess
                                                                 Just don't need stress or you on my chess..
won't play this game You're not gettin fame, don't claim my name cuz boy you're just lame!
I guess it's the end of my need for some ****,
I guess all I got is thid lsd
but really what care,
I'm not even hear
teleport to the couch,
met a pink bear,
he ate all my hair,
**** In my eye he cussed not to cry,
mr bear
you think I wont trip?
one hell of a fry,
back to the room bad trip oh woah doom,
hit my head 'Jingle~
      ;oh yea and I'm single
hey mr. spider, lend me your lighter
back in an hour,
I thaught you died in the shower?.
itsy? bitsy? ,
I'm just rather ditsy..
wait why am i wet?.......................

all for one bet,

;)_    jesse *mckush
they might even glow ,
glossy and slow
                  they  sure will all  know. and point you to blame,
the roach coach came and taught you the game.
lend me your lighter to make this flame brighter
heat up this fire and help you get higher,
you're mouth's a bit sticky I bet it taste's icky,
doe's it look white?.  you'll sure be alright .,
nick name to the cotton dry mouth tastes like rotton,.
awh, don't say where you bought it or how you got it.
I will be busted and you,
just untrusted.....

jessica     *applegate
Solo, Tolo, Seeit.
{ Be it! }
you took despite with in these words
this is all is true
BlACk '         and          Blue"
we live once.
And tell it loud.
and do whatever.
In the ******* croud!
we'll hit green but pass on the mean
if you think you have a clue....
stick around and learn the truth
we have clean sheets!, We got good beats,.
Fealing weak?
just be a freak.!

we make the noise we make the now.
we take the left          because        we know the right.

we make steady,.
Even if you're not ready..
Need a friend I'll be you're your'e lend
Nd put up a fight
untill the end
yeah?. plus we know black betty (;
some make up to see who you gotta be,.
others off in sight to say what they "thinks" right,
make you have a choice.,
won't let you speak you're voice,
make you out be tall.
take them out and ball,
whooty foo,
grubbin dubbin,
I'm just thinkin around,.
cause it's hella loud my minds in some cloud
to my out side sound.,
Marijuanna is great makes it good,
eats your brain tords the end insane.
you dont grow even though you know.
Its hard to spit and, Its hard to quit.
gets you hungry,
eat, puff, chew,
          lets get high and off we flew.
I can do this i Dont care,
I'll be different want to stare?
lets be bold,
when were cold,
we'll just light up
             bought and sold,
who has my back,
        who the **** needs the crack?.
I lack my money thats ***** funny,
                    bought a sack sold yur sisters bunny,
ahhh now I'm out ,
  **** I'll give you a try,
snort, smoke, shoot,

never toot ya the boot...
your hand just took me oh hard so shook me,
so Im hear depended my gear,
I need that lift,
  ya satins gift,
rock and roll,
I'm a beaty troll,
           your things i stole,
                  lost out control
                       You'd have my back?
I really need you,
                I left them all,
family friends put up a wall,
           I am bound now all around I just ask no more a hit.
         Hey you there you got the "$hit"

Hey its true tell me about it!

Jesse   Mckush
Marijuanna is great makes it good,
eats your brain tords the end insane.
you dont grow even though you know.
Its hard to spit and, Its hard to quit.
gets you hungry,
eat, puff, chew,
          lets get high and off we flew.
I can do this i Dont care,
I'll be different want to stare?
lets be bold,
when were cold,
we'll just light up
             bought and sold,
who has my back,
        who the **** needs the crack?.
I lack my money thats ***** funny,
                    bought a sack sold yur sisters bunny,
ahhh now I'm out ,
  **** I'll give you a try,
snort, smoke, shoot,

never toot ya the boot...
your hand just took me oh hard so shook me,
so Im hear depended my gear,
I need that lift,
  ya satins gift,
rock and roll,
I'm a beaty troll,
           your things i stole,
                  lost out control
                       You'd have my back?
I really need you,
                I left them all,
family friends put up a wall,
           I am bound now all around I just ask no more a hit.
         Hey you there you got the "$hit"

Hey its true tell me about it!

Jesse   *Mckush
Wake up nd bake up,' to what's called the fake up.
rejoices my choices. whats sappy  non happy..
Le pain killer,
after though oh so'  ******...
Back in to reality.
Its told in my world when it's lit its all fit.
stay sleepin till noon .
rise awake for the moon.,
the path of broken pipes starts hurting my feet If i turn back
                              my movment will crack
...But what they say; don't cheat it- you can beat it, with no pain there'll be no gain...
Man this shiiiits laame ;P
trust it i be ready for that fame.
Cudi, Miller, My skrillex killer.
My only tune is dreamin high,
I'm just sober it's a lie, Got my tack my only tune,
iss ok be home in june,
see my boo so soon no doom,
Its a relapse she my trigga I collapse  wit out my *****.
has the tips we seen the trips.
Keep ya real don't give ya lips,
         Your'e friend that blow your'e friend the ***,
don't lose your'e pride don't lose that glow,
I'd feal the blame.
My heart the shame., Restart the button and earn the "name"

I'm sorry hailey, Leavin nd diseven
                      Gettin lost nd takin cost,
Ya boo jesse Mckush
       for  my  sister  hailey   *haglund
In this room.
I sit trapped fealing's lit i want to shout.
It's not fair i want out,
NOT like you care cause you weren't there.
To the end yet to bare,
Holding strong to the well known songs
Yet today you should pay for the mistakes I had to play.
you wonder why i have no say because it has bin washed away
Life passes through when im hear with out you,
I'm on a totaly different side beyond the out,
hearin all the ghetto my new ***** gotta dead bro,
I've bin with all these red rags mind graffiti sketched tags,
So I miss my girl my sister,
My story tellin listener
my main true,
my blessed  boo,
seen my life she has the real clue,
when I got hit right there stuck wit me,
step dad did uncalled for beatin, cant help me gettin eatin
when we got caught callit go book free,
played a role got your back,
look forward. erased the wack.
no mom,
I gotta stoney,
didn't lisson always roming,
growin with my one friend never was a loney
one two I got you,
three four I'm out the door
five six, new home cant fix,
seven eight, I lost my great,      (hailey)
nine ten, I'll be home when?.
when I got In foster so close I could of lost her
your my completion I'm your creation,..
ying to the yang
the big,
the loud,
The shoot the bang.
we never for the reppin but we ain't afraid to steppin,
got our own gang ,
me and hailey togetha daily,
our name no shame same heart from thee start
aimin for big,
bullseye I'm the dart
walk our own way,
head up with no say,
got my noes in the sky cause you know I be high,.
finger In the air for the ******* that stare,
why the ******* stalkin?,
cause you scared to be talkin,...
make out my way before i get cray
best get to walkin before I get sockin.
               whatever I'm a youngin,
I'm blessed that I hung in,
hey miss miles,
way out gone I miss your smiles,
the power sun rays,
have betraded
the shower fun days back when faded,
lying out beneath the tree
frying us just fealing free,
fealin both our trips
both soft upon the lips
  nows  just drifting out like ships
out upon the eye on guard
  to cry would just be hard,
           day by day the words are lost but
  memories just never tossed,...
all we shared,
  the stunts we dared.
       you were there for sure of course you cared.
and still will do up high up on your hill
  things arnt the same but I'm still sain
about to pop this pill..

in my mind last place that You will still be found,
far out sure around but I'm just dying on this ground
                                        I'm gone no sound......
So I met this ***** that was lerkin like a cool,
chic head up angled like she was aiming for a fool *****,
                       Looked like a ratchet who da hell would snatchet unless ya faith is sappy
cause that girl hella *****,.
        Bend down to light a halfy,
                            Cut shorts **** snorts wreak smoke
           Might choke Taahaaa she broke no joke,.
                             Brain tied Boy lied Needa hero,.
                             On time,**** lime,she know she be a zero.
Ghett heals wet meals not real done deal,.

(sais the white girl that want's to be a rapper :)
Ey my name aint cinderella
I'M not your ***** you fake *** ****,
get in reality you stoopido runt.
i hate your ways and despize you're plays,.
give and take.
I'M wide awake. check your self before you wreck your self.
stop telling your pg tale.
watch my gore .....FEal this ****.....-_-
tahh who cares cadd you nott fit c:
show it with a smile,. it makes them have moreh wonder for the mile,
once you're there through out the walk they no they'll have you through the talk.  
Ey my name aint cinderella
I'M not your ***** you fake *** ****,
get in reality you stoopido runt.
i hate your ways and despize you're plays,.
give and take.
I'M wide awake. check your self before you wreck your self.
stop telling your pg tale.
watch my gore .....FEal this ****.....-_-
tahh who cares cadd you nott fit c:
show it with a smile,. it makes them have moreh wonder for the mile,
once you're there through out the walk they no they'll have you through the talk.  
If I could rap,?
  I'd be on the map.
Id have my own town! that never could frown.
and   have   our   own   page.
Fun on the Run
made Day.   By  day, No pay to play.!
we would be made to live on the stage..
It's not like i Hate this suciety,
.....It's just not a riot.,..
we're not alone if you'd quit being quiet.
some people don't have enough faith to speak up and be proud,.
It's called "originality"

And if you have bin to the point where lifes just crap?,
you've taken the pain of that hard life slap
lifes a ***** so play with it's wack
for this moment
don't turn to no crack

you cant go wrong,
[step out side and]
[Hit this ****.]
.and get you're *** into

     Aroma of the happiness
Now you laugh., just at that past.
YOU made New, and You got through
any person,
Can take the flight
because we all just live to die -riiight?.
       young at heart with a tid of stupidity.
expect a melloo for you're hello  cause I'm always high nd it's hard to say bye (:
******* say hell no cause there brains just be jello
^^peace with out dat sappyness^
If I could rap,?
  I'd be on the map.
Id have my own town! that never could frown.
and   have   our   own   page.
Fun on the Run
made Day.   By  day, No pay to play.!
we would be made to live on the stage..
It's not like i Hate this suciety,
.....It's just not a riot.,..
we're not alone if you'd quit being quiet.
some people don't have enough faith to speak up and be proud,.
It's called "originality"

And if you have bin to the point where lifes just crap?,
you've taken the pain of that hard life slap
lifes a ***** so play with it's wack
for this moment
don't turn to no crack

you cant go wrong,
[step out side and]
[Hit this ****.]
.and get you're *** into

     Aroma of the happiness
Now you laugh., just at that past.
YOU made New, and You got through
any person,
Can take the flight
because we all just live to die -riiight?.
       young at heart with a tid of stupidity.
expect a melloo for you're hello  cause I'm always high nd it's hard to say bye (:
******* say hell no cause there brains just be jello
^^peace with out dat sappyness^
I hit up rock bottom once.
I had no where else to go..
Almost got shot, my mind was so flow.,
my oh so called team. The family of scream ...
the mom made of mess
the daughter of stress,.
step dad did the beatin ,

For his own reason.
I still don't get why he enjoyed making us cry.
when he would hit he just would not quit
making her watch , me on my last notch...
even at four I was pushed to the floor.
once i was eleven I ran for the door,

All from this point I've looked up to a joint .
my new way ,
has bin lit. Nd bin fit.
I look forward to a smile,
Bin alone for the longest of miles,

I was a child created of wiled
I take in stories most made taste so mild.,
YOU made my mothers thaughts and made me be lost ,
I'm not a little girl I'm a devil child
You say,!
That's why I been on my way
I'm sick of feeling
seeing or hearing.
why  would I turn?
to hear that real burn?..
I don't look the best,
I'm sure not a ten,
give me a rest,
I'm stuck in this nest,.
how can I fly if you just make me cry,
why such  a deal  if you know how  I feal...

-  glayz  *welch
I am hear and I am there
One home two home
Blue home new home.
scattered shattered as-if-it-mattered.
I've paid cost for my moms loss
I have learned and I have yearned
day by day with my new say
with her toss I can't feal lost or I'll cry and they'll  ask why.
I get scared when i get tared,
over and over the story's bin shared.
            with all her cries made into lies,
no one would lisson help her  with this mission
they  distroyed her they deployed  her
she's old and untold just a mess by the guess,
with her cold man the beast with a hand
knew how to hit and not how to quit.
I was young and showed him my tounge I didn't lisson he belonged to the prison.
I'm her last choice , she just burn't her voice.
I'm her gold key to setting her free
why'ed she say yes when he stepped to his knee?
to be with him she thinks he'dahhh lisson.
all he would do is give her a *****,
Give me my Mommy! stop making her drain all you have gave her is a lost brain.
and my heart?.
just a pain ....
I can't live to be her I can't stand to see her.
all that we had you turned into bad every last bit you made a big fit,.
Bang, I got you
Dang he just shot,
that power he bought me.
he moved free
that flower,
so fresh out tha shower.
our **** with tha deat
our beat down the sheet
your'e muscles our feet.
your song how you speak,
you know how to squeeze me and sure how to please me,.
day by day's it written by faze,
you couldn't play me ,
but make this a maze key.....
rise in dreams,
no flaking on reality.
Watch in thaughts to relief in sucietty
Feal as slow on your level to be she grow
Rewind the news kick back the blues,
Make proud,
meet you're loud,
Know the fact's eyes wide
Control the story.
Here's my smile to youre unknown shown glory.
Far out this atmosphere give all up
For an Ice cold beer,
way High up sober just to cry...
lets just fry us her and I,
bein crazy ****** lone.
take me home and get me ****** ! <3
when life lays low  no truth stay high.
when they sing i sit and cry,
tore up mess lost kiss sad hug leaning towards the glory mugg ....... SHot * want to know feal free too show,.
twisted truth lays low you know,. deap dead thaught's just want to glow'  
it brakes you down as if that clown.
by the way clown's are different, they get the bad impressions of people that don't really focus on silly things i guess,  = ]
they go out of their way to  get the attention of people that  have time to laugh,  
.....the real life....
My life,
Hate, it.
loved it till the moment
I got my horse her name is tilly,
what a rough rider my little filly,
when I give her lovin she tells me back with shovin,
when we start ridin I lead her to the side in,
Round bout the barrel swift like a carol,
when she starts racing I cant hear her pacing,
along with her feet i can feal the rythm and chase her to the beet
I'd never use a whip she lissons to my hip,
she can be craazy I gotta hold grip she can be lazy I gotta give her lip.
Fly over jumps streak through the creek,
Don't over run even when fun she'll feal weak and turn the other cheek.
Now were done I say she's number one,
end of our session we both learn a lesson,
head to the barn to untack give her  grain her favorite snack.
and brush her main cause I'm her master Take her back out to the pasture ,
with other horses
there all at play It's dinner time I'll get your hay.
When I fall you better catch me,
  cause my pains just one more chore,
hear to there I'm out the door,
I look up and no one there.
If you listen might just care.
easy nice is there a Christ?
where's my friends that really knew me?
wheres my friends that never threw me?...
My buddies the ****** the cudis
Nd the all around nuttys,
Keep me safe through out the night watch my boys get down and fight,
always trust I be alright got my ****** close and tite,
get a call for sure we'll ball we're on the roof we're at the mall
Follow those dreams,
           Make real no sceams.
sit and think be you don't blink,
Aim the beam and make the team make us cheer and make us scream.
get out get livin get fame get drivin,
Feal that fire and get that heat,
Now you rule you cant be beat
Your'e on top they say you cheat,
Pass the test my points will meet.
      I'm the **** nd I'm still stunnin you just quit You're ***** is runnin
that was fun well while it last your'e girl is trippin might needa cast,,
Like a bee sting on my *** you a pain thats in the past, gave me lip nd watched ya dip
I'll take a nap right in this bed all these words stream through my head what you said led to this rap
I'll wake up and get a clap ;)

Jessica   *Applegate
You did it once not much trouble,
One more try will cost you double .
now your'e stuck your'e soul has baled,
your in jail your'e life has failed,
                  Hard to turn back forget the wack crack.
your'e pore kid whatever he did, You feal cold but once was gold,
Left the family empty handed you went high and never landed.
                       Miss you mommy feal abandend
Need for speed?! plead for lead... Could't quit your'e mind just split.
                                  I'm-still-fit-I-have-a-g­oal To be the BEST ,..
your'e in a whole with mind at rest.
                                            I'm at school it's on my chest It's mommy's day wish you the best.

dedicated  to  my  *brother
these lilttle pretty boy's with there ugly *** hearts
talkin this crap not even one clapp, taahaha :P and there thinkin there slick ,. pshhh
ther'e not even fit nd there lookin like ****, rude ******* madee sick
there words arn't right nd they sound oh so white I'm so down to fight nd show emm whats right like seriously dude I'm a girl nd I'm suren i'd kick assss all they'ed have left is a little ***** classs.
like seriously who tha **** likes an ******* that's stuck the fukk up
excuse me every one my mom just got me these tite *** aeropostale ******* cause i aint got no man junk .
it's a pain jammed in my *** so Ill just cover it up with bein a big O'l prickk nd sayin I'm better. nd Thinkin i'm bigger .
you're in way but I'm seein yuhr play
that diss you just made just made chu look gay! ;P
like i just said snitch,
Get out nd go figgurrr,
take that crap with ya we don't want yur linger
if ya look backk ***** i'll show you my finger
these lilttle pretty boy's with there ugly *** hearts
talkin this crap not even one clapp, taahaha :P and there thinkin there slick ,. pshhh
ther'e not even fit nd there lookin like ****, rude ******* madee sick
there words arn't right nd they sound oh so white I'm so down to fight nd show emm whats right like seriously dude I'm a girl nd I'm suren i'd kick assss all they'ed have left is a little ***** classs.
like seriously who tha **** likes an ******* that's stuck the fukk up
excuse me every one my mom just got me these tite *** aeropostale ******* cause i aint got no man junk .
it's a pain jammed in my *** so Ill just cover it up with bein a big O'l prickk nd sayin I'm better. nd Thinkin i'm bigger .
you're in way but I'm seein yuhr play
that diss you just made just made chu look gay! ;P
like i just said snitch,
Get out nd go figgurrr,
take that crap with ya we don't want yur linger
if ya look backk ***** i'll show you my finger
I know the game with out my name,
****** get the fame boii thiss ***** lame.,
in this world whats left to blame.
all this fake!
built up feals great?.
your at steak cause you're too late...
You took my plate with my meat heart and you ate it....
like dude,
you ate it.
it's behind me it's in side you.
it's my making .
                      you your FAKING.
YES!.   you tookit . _ .
bless bless bless. YOU BOOKIT
--------***** fit yuu tookit >_<.

When i was loe, .... mind to flow,  you mutch too blow cuz ..
waz-a -***! haha :)
and.           when i was High back in my fligh
there was no sorrow for yOOO to barrow..
                                        whatever tho I got doe ,
1 more thing, YOU. Need. To. Know.
steal my thaught and you'll get shot,
i am me and can't be baught :)
says the white girl that wants to be a rapper ha. ha...
          My lights fill this room,
                      fights trips mind is a doom,
  you sink right in your chair,
  cant blink.
                  hard not to stare...........
            quick flash bright like a flare,
          Lsd be scared of a dare.,
                   or lost aroma,
                                  Filled with my happiness~
peace with out the sappyness (  0  _  0  )
                                                                  Love Jesse  
I'm my light in this dark,
lets go bodies in thiss park,
Hit you hard blood like some shark,

leave you down,
sad face mad clown,.
I'm a mad chic,
I'm a bad trick,
        where I rome in this town is the home to my sound,
hear me back feal around,
I like to rap still under ground
Hiddin dark,
all bite no bark,
Cause i'm quiet,
You know your fealin crushed
no drugs the systems flushed,
missin out  dancin molly
balled out ready I'mma dolly.
one chance for this dance.
***** dubby, fat drop.
keepit  comin cant stop.
just one sip then I'll dip,
one tab for a trip,
gotta cab,  from a tip
now I'm back givin lip    (      ".       ".     ) /
                                                                             I just want out,
  my old road route,
puff just a bowl,
  cuff on  parole.
                         bear pong,
                          my clear ****.
                                      mac miller the G song,

^^^^^just needing some one to talk too in this shelter :/
Let us walk,
let them fight.
in the end we'll be alright.
You're in my site .
Just like a kite
. with out control.,
                                                              st­uck on parole..
Be my boo I see right through
         You are untamed .
thiss , just inflamed.
    your'e parents fault they did not change!
there mistakes left you to blame..,
   your past my level on a second step.

that's why I look up and tell you wassup..
holding you're sane'   avoiding the lame  
You are free when you're with me
be my fighter.

jesse   *Mckush
We* are bold but yet so cold,
         Live and die.
         Move on don't lie ...
         Fear no fate of you're to late
While I stay you would not wait.
In your thaughts felt so scarce,
Left behind in a lonely place
with left grace into my place I'm my light
dark in the fright.
We are bold but yet so cold,
Live and die.
Move on don't lie .
Fear no fate of you're to late
While I stay you would not wait.
In your thaughts felt so scarce,
Left behind in a lonely place
with left grace into my place I'm my light
dark in the fright.
It's simple it's short
the main drug you snort
pumped hyped your proud,
next dumped in the croud.
Lifted Drifted out like a cloud .
Puff this it's cherry my main ***** that mary
out with a ducey took off with ya lucey
one shot six shot guzzlin like it's juice
Got that molly, So call me
$et it we'll ball see.
Drugs over hugs,
we don't need them thugs,
thass  what  I  got  thaught   never  **baught
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