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Jun 2020 · 71
Mourning Patricia's Mom
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
Mourning Patricia’s Mom

Patricia’s mom, gone.  Ninety-one.
How to write a requiem:
Remembrance in honor…and an honor
For this writer.

Reaching ninety-one, then gone.
I didn’t know her,
But know her daughter
And I wish to honor all I saw.

One learns a lot from observation.
More aware of what one’s got
When day comes and there’s not a dot
Of earthly earnings, birthday's energies run out.

In the meantime, one’s learned
Love’s devotion is the winner
Where there is no sinner
But an ocean of reward:
Award: a honeycomb of golden good.

So in meekness I pay homage to:
The daughter
And the mother
And all others who, with gestures of unfeigned support,
Find words of thoughtfulness  and comfort.

Dear Patricia,
Know that I impart,
The dearest feelings in my heart,
Certain that you’ll pass them on
With love and deep affection.
Without selfishness but blessedness,
A messenger to all surrounding.
Mourning mom with love abounding,
Mourning Patricias’s Mom 6.29.2020 Birth, Death & In Between III; Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin
Jun 2020 · 61
A Thought To The Writer
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
A Thought To The Writer

I’ve decided - no concluded
That there is no finished product -
That the motto is revision,
Which takes courage and reflection;

Perspective, understanding that
It’s destiny that leads,
Needs continually changing,
As are viewpoints -
Frame of reference
Ever you.

When you’re reading what you’ve written
(I say this from observation)
You’ve come back a different person.
You discover when reviewing,
What was smitten needs renewing:
Shakespeare tearing up the script,
To Romeo and Juliet
Because he thought the first was sh_t.
No double suicide;
No place where anyone has died.

Yes, there is no finished product;
Not in literature or life.
We inspect, reflect, reject
And we rewrite.

A ThoughtTo The Writer 6.29.2020 The Processes: Creative, Thinking Meditative II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
Ducks Came Onto The Grass Today

It is divine. A day in June,
A paradise.
As here we sit and chat a bit
‘Bout that and this, this and that.

Paper plates of summer food.
Some tête á tête:
The world seems good.
Who could want more,
The summer air our succour.

Our new clipped lawn
Down to a our boathouse
Housing table, chair
For guests who come there.
Little rowing boat with motor
All prepared to spawn small trips
For tiny ships
Onto the relatively little waters.

Speaking of our lakefront syrup,
Ducks came up onto the grass.
They hadn’t asked,
They visited, so used to bread
Were they..  Then suddenly,
Five more waded ashore,
Ready for a bready

Eight pm, sun still high,
Ducks swum away, good TV waiting
Sauntering, we left our haven
For the secondary heaven
Of our home some steps above.
A sort of, kind of
Paradis-ical true love.
What a day!

Ducks Came Onto The Grass Today 6.25.2020 Circling Round Nature II; Circling Round Experience;
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
This started personally, turned philosophical, then existential (or vice versa) but ended with the current pandemic!  
Fondly, Arlene
The Benefits Of…Having Been, Becoming, Being
Once you have been comatose,
Been handicapped, come home and started life.
There is no pre-supposing.  
It’s a door.
You pay attention so much more.
You notice other’s posture,
Belly, maturation, stature.
On yourself and on the other -
And say nothing.  
Judgement gone
It’s but to carry on.
All mankind is afflicted.

You are functions and non-functions:
Need to buy a button-hole-der, buttoner (they do exist!)
Set in motion one more ‘trick’ or sleight of hand;
Leave the left, to write with right
Hold the knife without self-wound.
When standing up to feel heel first,
Be wary when foot's bare, ground's wet.

Yet, what you notice even more’s, the gifted
And the giving, all the love around,
The boundless care
When your own hair is falling.
People are so kind,
So hard defined.

As for every passing day.
Creative in its way,
With pandemonium’s pandemic,
You now frolic in the kitchen,
Train and try new, fewer gimmicks,
Mimicry from TV inspiration one's own new found brick.

Oh, the things you learn from having been.
Most of all, that you remain.

British informal, dated a generous, helpful, and reliable person: ‘You are really a brick,’ Gloria said.
Jun 2020 · 77
How To Tackle Loneliness
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
I’m taking the liberty of sending you something just finished,  Motivated first by the thought of Co-vid people (stuck down or not) living in small apartments, forced by necessity to be alone and perhaps going bonkers.  Then, of course, I knew I was speaking to any- everyone - period.
Hot off the press:
     How To Tackle Loneliness

Tackle: such a funny word,
A lovely word, an active word.
Loneliness: a sad, inactive, ‘only’ word
Which smells of isolation,
Friendlessness, abandonment, rejection.
Unalloyed projection
Of a mind not seeing rightly.

All it needs is rectifying;
Taking thoughts from out the air
Or in the head where thoughts are spread.
Rejecting systematically the whirling round,
And casting out their ugly sound;
Lifting hand or leg or ‘***’
To something new albeit ‘dumb’.
It does not matter what you do.
It’s just to shift the thought somehow;
Shake the body, use the eye, eyebrow;
Limbs too are there to help you stay
New focussed, endlessly creative.

You’re not alone when you’re alone.
Make your thoughts a telephone.
Ideas are constant.
Change the coin
With which to launch the motivation -
And the whole becomes a boon
To get your ‘happy’ hormones working.
Happiness is always lurking -
There to make you comfortable.

Loneliness, the thief of solace,
A grief giver, full of malice
Leaves when you create in mind,
Find and form and shape some kind
Of Anything.

Use your senses - all of them:
Eyes, nose, ears, tongue, touch: each limb.
You’ve got a toolbox built within.
You have and are your best companion.
There!  A sound and practical solution
Lies at hand.
How To Tackle Loneliness 6.22.2020 The Processes:Creative,Thinking, Meditative; Definitely Didactic II;Arlene Nover Corwin
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
Writing everyday, as I do, I really do write down any thought that catches me.  It's all a kind of etude: a study, a learning process.  Themes differing, but always a Corwin thread underlying, it seems to me everything I compose has validity, both artistically and philosophically.  (see poem enclosed:)
             Words & Marriage
           Word Paralysis: Stunted Growth

Couples do it all the time:
Talk in phrases long cliched by platitude,
Of staled attitude.
They don’t communicate
(except perhaps when fornicating).
Don’t learn,
The phrases all the same,
Repeated at each meal, each film.

They’re missing out
On IQ raising inspiration,
Real communication
Worn or lost in years or habit:
Customary words inadequate.

They learn to neither listen
Nor to pay attention,
Stopping up their listening ears
Through years of word paralysis.

Sometimes deafness very real
Strikes one to the other mate.
There goes the skill of conversation,
Life’s love communication.

What to do?
What the solution?
Partnership and marriage
As a dance for two
Goes falling through.
Through simple lack of word renewal.

Who wants boredom,
Wants to snore when loved one speaks?
Love goes sneaking out the door
When words no longer stir or spur.

Words&Marriage 6.20.2020 Love Relationships II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Jun 2020 · 47
It's Suddenly 'In'
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
It’s Suddenly ’In’

We’ve had to wait until it’s ‘in’.
Why must we wait
Until it’s late…too late
To get the message to not care
About the skin -
NOT be aware,
It is absurd
That grisly ******
Must take place
Before we register the obvious:
Oblivious to face, to race
Without excuse or cause
Or any justifying basis.
Unattached indifference once expressed,
The chief compensation and success.

If evil has its origin in ethics and morality,
Dis-pathy (I made that up)
Vile, injurious;
Stinking, *****, ruinous
Where  all rejecting ‘-o u s’
Are harmful in the end,
Then hatred of the pigment
Leads the trend.
Mindless hatred, mindless rage:
It it to represent our age?

In any case, I’ll join the group
Of ‘hoopdehoopers.’
Silently, I’ll  do my bit,
Writing a little,
Saying to the world, “i love you all”.
Even if I too,
Have miles to go.

It’s Suddenly ‘In’…6.19.2020 Our Times, Our Culture II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Jun 2020 · 37
Cause vs Chance & Chaos
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
Tychism*the doctrine that account must be taken of the element of chance in reasoning or explanation of the universe.

         Cause vs Chance & Chaos
                  (an intro into…)

Nothing winds up accidentally,
Nothing is an accident
An arithmetic; from some all-hidden source.
A mathematic not yet solved, but real nonetheless,
With causes, laws that do not pause
On earth and in the universe.

The chases, choices
Numberless conditions
With their endless combinations
Make for every present moment.

Causes vs Chance & Chaos 6.17.2020 Circling Round Reality; Circling Round Experience: Arlene Nover Corwin
Jun 2020 · 53
A Glass Half Empty...
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
A Glass Half Empty…

A glass half empty
Is no matter what, half full.
Actually, factually.
Oxymoron at its best a tool
At worst a fool
Disguised as philosophical.

I know a lady from whose mouth
One’s never heard a hopeful truth;
No reassuring, optimistic path of possibility,
Perception geared to searing truths
That cannot soothe.
Poor thing!
One wonders: “Is she suffering?

One of life’s commodities,
Certainly its oddities;
Those unable to see light
When sun is out or bulb is lit.

There it stands:
A glass that stands for all to see.
Half full and simultaneously empty.

Check yourself and make your choice.
Each course you choose will bless
Or curse an outcome.
Don’t be numb to what goes on.
Don’t be green and don’t be dumb.
The empty half can always fill
With possibilities.

A Glass Half Empty…6.16.2020 Circling Round Reality; Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover  Corwin
Jun 2020 · 87
A Swedish Midsummer 2020
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
A Swedish Midsummer 2020

Geography the usual;
The place on planet just the same;
The night light full till after midnight,
Daylight’s dawn at one or two
With so few hours in between.

This year then,
A little different.
Last year when
A crowd would meet
To dance and sing and drink and eat
On park or lawn or balconies,
Families and friends to hoopla til a dark
Which almost never comes
Makes the ending for them.

This a deviating year;
Debating and departing from
The customary dancing, prancing,
History may chronicle as Distancing,
Fiascos, blunders, six-feet-unders.
Romance from six feet of space

This midsummer in the North
Coming forth with likenesses
Has, by the laws of nature
Put the  emphasis on differences
Which we, survivors aa a race
Will surely neutralise and chase away
One future day.

A Swedish Midsummer 2020 6.16.2020 Nature 0f & Nature In Reality; Our Times, Our Culture II; Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin
Jun 2020 · 40
Each Trick On Mac
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
Each Trick On Mac

I wish I knew each trick on Mac
To send and track;
Each new technique
A winning streak in cyber-speak*

Trying hard to not be piqued
By an ineptitude
That lies within the DNA
(or am I justifying being lazy).
I’m way behind in keeping up.
Way behind in sending through
My things to do,
Like all the books I’ve left to publish,
Then when published, to divulge.  

Indulge me:
Am I to be an unknown, known as anon
Until the kids of kids of kids have grown?
Was it centuries before Johan Sebastian Bach prevailed?
What’s-his name the mystic was unveiled?
Lost for ages Raphael (or some old fellow)…
You know what I mean.
And all because I never worked
To learn this darned Machine!

Each Trick On Mac 6.14.2020 A Sense Of The Ridiculous II; Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin

*(Gimme a break! It’s just a jest.)
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
She Let A Moth Drown In the Lake

She let a moth drown in the lake,
Waves taking stackars* little thing
Further than her oar could reach.
Standing on beach, cupped eye,
Squinting, trying…
Moth was gone.
Death had won.

Just so you know I do no lie,
That ‘she’ was I.
I am the wimp who hesitated.
Fear of depth, of cold, of wet.
Excuses inexcusable.

Death of moth, still flapping moth
Is just as undeserving as our own demise.
Pedestrian, prosaic, commonplace,
Yet compulsively discussable.

All living things delight in life-ness.
While they move and throb the slightest,
They delight.
Who takes a life by standing by
Will also die.
It is essential, is it not, to cry,
Identify with kin?
Kin hereby meaning ‘life within’.

Left with remorse and shame
She self-condemns,
She takes the blame.
She hopes some force
That knows the individuality of moth
Shows sympathy in rebirth
In some future form that has a breath.

So be it, Om, Amen to Earth!

She Let A Moth Drown In the Lake 6.14.2020 Birth,Death & In Between II;Nature Of & In Reality; Circling Round Nature II;Pure Nakedness;Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover, Corwin

*stackars; Swedish; ‘poor thing’
Jun 2020 · 151
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
It hit me!  What is ambition?

Ambition: good, bad, mixed?
On the surface something fixed:
A goal, an aim; useful, beneficial.
In the end, where does it send you?,  
On the face of it, to purpose;
In the end, to race
Where failing can mean falling into illness,
‘Calling’ turning into sand.

Ambition is a strong desire to achieve:
But what?  Success? What is it you perceive?
Luxury? Prosperity? Fame of name? Victory?
Does it involve a plan? A scheme or more,
To carry out one dream, or more?

To hash out, lash out with your psyche:
Them or me;
Who am I, really?
Are you ever to become the model that you had in mind?
Has ambition been defined?

Like ‘status' and ‘exclusive’, words that have been coloured,
Twisted, loaded,
We have planted on ‘ambition’
An Illusory distortion.

Life fulfils itself if you can wait.
Life fulfils itself if you can work.
Life knows your every want.
Life knows your weak points.
(As time goes, the muscles, joints).

Replace ambition with self knowing.
If you want to keep on growing,
Be Here Now!
That’s it!
The secret
                to ambition.

Ambition 6.13.2020 Nature Of & In Reality; Circling Round Experience; Definitely Didactic II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Jun 2020 · 83
When Laila Smiles
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
When Laila Smiles  

When Laila smiles, white wagging tail,
All around her smile too.
Her happiness comes rolling through.
Running, jumping,
Even when she humps a doll which she can pull onto the floor,
She is adorable.

Smile contagious, doggie-gorgeous,
Lively Laila, lovely smile, canine fine
Is most divine!

And when at night she goes to bed
There’s nothing more that need be said,
Except “Goodnight,
You dog delight!” 🐶

When Laila Smiles 6.11.2020 Love Relationships II; Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin
Jun 2020 · 72
Strange Mixtures
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
We Are Strange Mixtures

Human beings are notorious -
Thinking up excuses
In defense of faulty judgment
Or of ‘right out’ low intent.

One knows people, modest, kind,
Who fall down on their sword
When it concerns the lie.
Defensive in the most unworthy sense
Which to the hearer makes no sense,
Is nonsense clear, reasoning vague, logic  dense.

We are a race of contradictions,
Our convictions often faulty.
It is bravery
To always try to tell the truth,
Admit one or the hundredth myth.
What, why this fear of truth?

The ego, which we need to live -
A dual tool for our survival.
Slap bang that! - a dual fuel.
One part tells that us we are we,
The other gives us vanity.

To allay and keep at bay the negative,
Become the person meant to be:
Open, humble, self assured, free of funk-anxiety,
Unified and undefiled
Is the gift we will receive.

We Are Strange Mixtures 6.12.2020 Circling Round Experience; Definitely Didactic II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Jun 2020 · 35
We Are Strange Mixtures
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
We Are Strange Mixtures

Human beings are notorious -
Thinking up excuses
In defense of faulty judgment
Or of ‘right out’ low intent.

One knows people, modest, kind,
Who fall down on their sword
When it concerns the lie.
Defensive in the most unworthy sense
Which to the hearer makes no sense,
Is nonsense clear, reasoning vague. logic  dense.

We are a race of contradictions,
Our convictions often faulty.
It is bravery
To always try to tell the truth,
Admit one or the hundredth myth.
What, why this fear of truth?

The ego, which we need to live -
A dual tool for our survival.
Is precisely that - a dual fuel.
One part tells us we are we,
The other gives us vanity.

To allay and keep at bay the negative,
Become the person meant to be:
Open, humble, self assured, free of funk-anxiety
Mixture unified and undefiled
Is the gift we will receive.

We Are Strange Mixtures 6.12.2020 Circling Round Experience; Definitely Didactic II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Jun 2020 · 99
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
Dear reader,
     This is a long one. Though it was written in 1995,  I’m including it because the inexcusable and inhuman Floyd phenomenon      
demands answers of some kind, human beings seeming to have a need to exclude; itself a discreditable phenomenon.
Have patience and read to the end, please.

I heard them talking.
Back and forth they talked about the universal;
Secular society’s exclusion of the concept evil.
Focusing on genocide, race killing pride.
They harkened back to World War Two,
To Pole, gay, Gypsy, Marxist, Jew –
When one mustachioed-crazed face
Decided to **** off a race that never was a race.

“How does it come about, they asked.
-And how can we prevent it?
There was rabbi, priest from West and East.
“How can we **** the killing beast?
Turn killing to a feast and peace?”
They were erudite all right.  Not right, bur erudite.

One said, “We teach the whelps. Education is what helps.”
One said, “we cannot burn the seed. Punish those that do the deed,
Chase the villains, make them bleed;
Justice must be served and seen.”
The cause was man alone.

But where was God, I heard me groan.
The priest and rabbi, smart but green,
-Oh, God was there, but cause was man.
The cause was man?
How can the cause be man when God is absolut-er than
First cause and seed, the first split second all decreed,
All that stems from filling need.
Plainfully clear, it followed as the night the day
That even murdered masses stay
Within the scope of God’s good meaning.
(from which one ears oneself screaming)
If God is, and still they die,
There’s meaning somewhere in the sky
And meaning must be dying’s seeming,
Any other meaning dreaming.
(Let’s let that specific theory by)

Back to rabbi and to priest:
Back and forth they sought solutions.
I could see a key, a yeast
Which, when expanding, chokes pollutions:
Heres the  final codicil:
Leave the club that says “Exclusive”.
Join the club that says “Inclusive.
It’s not easy not to hate,
Include the ‘yids’,
The blacks, the gays; yourself. the kids.
But it’s a gate.
We are geno-of the-cide.

By taking God on this queer ride - or ethics or morality,
A good way to begin Is make a circle drawing in
Someone whose eye you catch; who happens to fall in your patch;
Who chances near, or seeks your ear;
In short, who forms the batch of living skin.
(Include the wretch you are, as well,)
To make a heaven out of hell,
And feed the world with perfect food,
Tell, yell and ring this perfect bell:
Include, include, incude!!
Inclusive/Exclusive 5.23.1995 Definitely Didactic; Our Times, Our Culture; Defiant Doggerel; Arlene Nover Corwin  (revised 6.9.2020)
Jun 2020 · 61
360 Joints, 600 Muscles
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
I loved writing this.  It took 3 minutes (figuratively)
Three Hundred Sixty Joints, Six Hundred Muscles

Feel inspired:
You have muscles, joints.
Anointed by the highest forces.
You can run and walk,
Go for a jaunt,
Lift, push and pull…
Can sit completely still,
Your joints and muscles circulating,
Socializing in the company
Of body.

There is a trick.
If you are well – or sick
Locate the tiniest of movements, and
Take tiny steps within those moments:
Move!  Test! Prove!
There is a guarantee: You will improve!
Every tiny movement prompted by
Your inner wish; roused and stimulated,
Motivated and impelled
To do your will.

Each joint a function and an unction.
Muscle/joint a juncture to another.
What a wonder!
Wonderful and wondrous
All these crossroads;
Never overloaded.
Seldom tired.
Feel inspired!

360 Joints, 600 Muscles 6.9.2020 Nature Of & In Reality; Circling Round Nature; Arlene Nover Corwin
Jun 2020 · 864
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
Amputation (the final word)

Who thought…?  Who knew?
Now it’s you
And fingers gone
To amputation.

You’ve seen programs. Said, “How brave!”
Thought about limbs saved and strengthened.  
Training every second hour,
Power growing,
Phantom aches and pains still gnawing:
They’re a marvel!

Now you know!
For that’s the way the cookie crumbles,
And it humbles one, for sure.
There’s no cure for amputation.
Something gone is gone.

The answer is to go on
Taking pleasure, having fun,
Taking sun and making merry ‘fore the sun goes down,
The gone-ness mostly in the brain.

Strong and proud:
Join the crowd!

Amputation 6.6.2020 Pure Nakedness II; Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin

Amputate; To cut off (a limb) by surgical operation.
Origin: mid 16th century: from Latin amputat- ‘lopped off’, from amputare, from am- (for amb- ‘about’) + putare ‘to prune’.

Note: “Amputation” was aimed at anyone who is amputated and happens to read it.  It’s not aimed at the world.  I saw this impressive  documentary about a group of men and women sorely handicapped in one other way, taking a group trip to and through Vietnam, and was so moved I just had to write something.
They went through rivers, caves, highways, narrow wooden bridges, taking turns at driving, some never having driven,  trusting one another, exhorting one another...
That’s what inspired this poem.
Jun 2020 · 30
Your Style
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
A worthy thing.

         Your Style

Do a one thing long enough,
Often enough;
You will see a style come forth.
Identifiable as your style,
Pattern coming from within
Your structure as a whole.

But line that guides
Lays undiscovered  
Till the inner person,
His or ‘her’ son finds their role.

Back to style in art or dress:
Deep in, steeped in your nature
It unrolls, unfolds in stature
Till its maturation shows.

The key:
Repeat the thing you love to do -
The mode you cannot do without.
A theme, a form, a fashion’s look -
Test and smile, for all the while
You can look forward to a style.

Your Style 6.7.2020 Pure Nakedness II; The Processes: Creative, Thinking, Meditative II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Jun 2020 · 53
It's Always A Long Road
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
It’s Always A Long Road

It has been said,
It is a long, long road ahead
To where you want the road to lead,
The bed you lie in’s one you’ve made.

Not glad to be pedestrian,
Let’s hope that what you want is of significance,
The highest of your competence.

How easily we’re pleased with less;
The choice that leads from bad to worse.
Tychism’s doctrine* has its flaws;
Life not just chance and not just chaos.
Things have causes and effects
Projecting further cause/effects.

With little place for accidental luck
Or good/bad providential fluke.
It’s what you do with what’s been given
That’s the recipe for living.

In the visibly explicable,
Choice is faintly recognizable.
The road will never fail to be a trail
That defies portrayal.

It’s Always A Long Road 2.5.2020 Circling Round Experience; Definitely Didactic II; Arlene Nover Corwin

*Tychism: the doctrine that account must be taken of the element of chance in reasoning or explanation of the universe
Jun 2020 · 35
Living With Three Fingers
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
Living With Three Fingers

You become:
More concentrated,
Focussed, isolating body parts
As act demands.

One might maintain
IQ is raised, synapses sewn;
New cells in charge,
Not barging in
But chemically presenting selves
With means, new paths that swath
New clumsiness
In cloths of velvet.

Life imagined as a hell
Is well behaved instead,
The head collected,
Body following its lead.

And one can only speculate,
There is a will -
Quite silent, still,
But still a powered character its own.

Achievements shown, talents done
Through ‘fingers three,’
You still are you - will always be.
And from this moment, ‘finger free’.

Living With Three Fingers 6.4.2020 Circling Round Experience; Pure Nakedness II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Jun 2020 · 44
A Nose In My Ear
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
A Nose In My Ear, Or Ageing Love Song

Watching morning TV,
Eating late – toast, egg and coffee,
He leans in and nuzzles me.
(A funny word: to nose-el,
And a funny feel.)
Have you ever had a nose in ear?
You can no longer hear –
Not for that second, it somewhat vexatious,
Nonetheless, a candy and ridiculous,
And  yes, oh, yes, a sugared kiss.
It was and is.
A Nose In My Ear 1.13.2013/revamped 6.3.2020
A Sense Of The Ridiculous; Circling Round Eros II; Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin
Jun 2020 · 67
Thinking Clearly
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
Thinking Clearly

Simply trying to think clearly -
Times and destiny against me;
Not alone, it is we all.
A world of digits and addiction,
New temptations,
It admittedly an effort,
Tiny hippocampus shrinking ever.

Worlds and words that curl around reality
Like smoke from chimney.
Chronicles of global sadness,
Headlined news chronically bad.
A world of digits and statistics of a world on fire,
World that cultivates desire.
Ego mine is trying, as a consequence,
To change the sequence.
No veneer or scornful sneer.
Pensive, clear, fully sincere -
Harder probably, than ever.

Thinking Clearly 6.18.2017/revised 2.25.2020; again 6.2.2020
Our Times, Our Culture II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Jun 2020 · 34
Letting Go
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
Letting Go

First of June,
Which he’ll recall many a moon.
He, jazz pianist, pensive, listener,
Chanced to hear a fellow player.
As can happen
A conveyer, lightening-like
Strikes home and he’s a freer man!
The improvisor
Comes out wiser.
Something in the sound’s approach,
It simplified but still cohesive,
Has adhered, become adhesive
And a coach.

“Listen here!”, and sitting down,
The chord an old but fresher sound;
Change but subtle
There is no need for a rebuttal.
He’s been transformed. It, simply so,
By listening to the radio!.

Was it the tune or was it he
On the brink of some new potency?
Gift from heaven, as they say?
Anyway, he’s found the sound by letting go.
With years ahead to work through to…we never know.

Yes, never know exactly how
The whole will play out.

Letting Go 6.1.2020 Vaguely About Music; Arlene Nover Corwin
May 2020 · 42
How the Brain Works
Arlene Corwin May 2020
How The Brain Works

It loves detail, first of all.
Generalities do not excite it.
Non-specifics, loose and vague
Give no delight,
Carry no weight,
It wants the truth.

If body’s trained, or has within it energy,
The tendency to move with speed,
The lovely brain transforms each need,
Breaks down each fact as act
To fit into its aim,
Which movement may or may not have a name;
Duty, task, procedure, chore
Undertaking taken for no more than fun.

Endearing brain loves to explore,
Take on itself the new untried.
It has a visionary side inside
That keeps it fresh and beautiful:
A purposeful conception, not by half,
A dutiful creation in itself.

Talents, gifts, its origin
Non-convention its beginnings.
Gem potential when you get it,
Plastic and experimental if you let it.
It holds to the good lifelong,
Yet treated wrongly values wrong.
Born to serve each one on earth
It is the gain of endless worth.

Amused, confused oh, reader dear?
Come near to this cerebral matter,
Leave the life of nattering,
Live to see what really matters.
It’s all there in the brain.

There are things I did not cover,
Could not cover: will; willpower.
Brain likes detail.
Unconcerned by big and small,
What is and is not trivial,
Import (to it) all the same:
Detached neutrality its other name.

How The Brain Works 5.30.2020 Definitely Didactic II; A Sense Of The Ridiculous II; Nature Of & In Reality; Arlene Nover Corwin
May 2020 · 204
Just One More Anomaly
Arlene Corwin May 2020
Just One More Anomaly

Memory, how is it working?
Reconstructing what it will,
No matter how one wills it.
Using tricks or keeping still,
It goes downhill sulking, lurking,
Modifying all the while.

Date, event - assumed, imagined;
Recipe for roasted chicken, how and what the vitamin,
Where one laid the just used pen;
Truths about what might have been:
One is not amused or gladdened!

One reads histamine boosts memory.
Where to start: ear, nose or eye?
The husband tells a story,
But the story and the history refashion
Into joke or smoke, or expectation.
An honest man, he reconstructs time’s long bygone.
What and is there a solution?

How to boost the falsifying, garbled brain,
Train away the stigma and enigma?
Food: The marvel is the good it does, in spite
Of junk consumed both day and night,
Those lovely cells of memory;
Losing neurons constantly.

Interests, hobbies:
Training. learning, instrument…
Any bent, life but experiment;
Each callisthenic ‘heaven sent’.

A poem one way to speak,
Renewing bits new and archaic;
One in which a syllable will stick,
Inspired to get a kick out of the rhythmic lyric
Born in life.

Just One More Anomaly 5.29.2020  (formerly Another Autobiographical Anomaly 2.11.2019/Recomposed 5.29.2020) Pure Nakedness II; Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin

Anomaly: oddity, peculiarity, abnormality, irregularity, inconsistency, incongruity, deviation, aberration, quirk, freak, exception, departure, divergence, variation; rarity, eccentricity.
May 2020 · 58
How Can I Resist You?
Arlene Corwin May 2020
How Can I Resist You?  
(based on a true story - as they say in films)

“How can I resist you?
Says the husband to the wife.
You are the treasure of my life.
I can’t desist.”
“How can I ignore the body next to me?
A body that I love to watch and love to see,”
Says the husband tenderly.
After many years of nights together,
Days deciding whether such and such is right;
For him the very sight of her
Excites his eagerness to please,
Put her at ease
In any way he can.
There is no plan,
Just following the fancy of the moment.
“Will it be potatoes, eggs or rice?!
Without thinking twice,
The meal a catalyst
Anything can taste as nice
When fancy’s fantasy takes part,
The mind and heart allied.
For both of them, no whim or hunger is denied,
Including pride in what the other realizes and attains.

How Can I Resist You? 5.23.2020 Love Relationships; Circling Round Eros II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Arlene Corwin May 2020
Words To Loathe:  -Ism, Dogma

Time and again I wrote of -ism.
(Criticism, witticism doesn’t count)
Coming at the ends of words
-Ism turns to hardened turds,
To be followed by the herds
Who seldom understand a thing
In its entirety.

-Ism makes a word into its specialty.
Takes a system or philosophy
And breaks it down to dogma’s ideology.
There’s always something wrong with dogma.

Dogma says “i’m right, you’re wrong.”
A hackneyed song.
Dogma takes opinion,
Makes it fact, actively
Turning people into minions,
Underlings and servile
To the prominent, the dominant and vile,
Screaming all the while,
Each gosh darned night
“You’re wrong, we’re right!”

Guidance to the prudent:
Don’t become a rodent.
You are you with views original,
Authentic, actual, primordial.
Conventional or not, they are,
And you, an individual -
Undivided and your own.
There is no need to ban or loan,
Prohibit others or exclude.
It’s downright rude, crude,
Not to say, misleading and deluding.

Words to shy away from, fly from:
Words omitting possibility,
Emitting sheer hostility, dishonour and discredit…
Words that say,”We’ve got the secret.”
All those words that separate
The small from great.
Who is to say what’s small, what’s great?
That’s it, the last and little bit!🙋‍♀️

Words To Loathe: -Ism, Dogma 5.21.2020 Words To Love; Arlene Nover Corwin
Arlene Corwin May 2020
One idea can lead almost directly to another  - although a day apart, as in this case:

     Sometimes the deepest questions elicit the easiest truths.  Because it is rather sillily written this ‘truth’ below is slated to go into a collection called “A Sense Of the Ridiculous #II,  A Sense Of The Ridiculous #I  already published.  (see Amazon or Barnes & Noble, I think )…and more, I’m sure.
      Simplistic, Black & White But True🤪

Teddy Roosevelt, the President,
Said, “Where you are, with what you have, do what you can”.
Do it, do, do, do”, said
The President!

And I concur with Teddy's view,
For reader, do
You have a better, more complete

Complex issues
May have layers,
Many sayers,
But sometimes there are no clearer
Answers than one thin as tissues.

Simplistic, Black & White But True 5.20.2020 A Sense Of The Ridiculous II; Circling Round Reality; Arlene Nover Corwin

         The Elixir

If there ever was a magic potion
Inbuilt in an earthly notion,
One to change the habits old
Into a new and lifelong gold;
Outside all tricks,
The negatively nix;
A lotion of refreshment
Portioned out, the perfect servant,
Ocean of vitality and vibrancy
And most of all, not fancy,

It is doing what you can
With what you have
Wherever you may find yourself,
Tools always in your hand
Or foot, or leg or mind,
Its wangling angling,
Its instinct, intuition, reasoning.

Right there in existence
And your presence
Is the feature and the fixture:
The elixir.
Elixir 5.21.2020. Words To Love; The Processes: Creative, Thinking, Meditative II; Arlene Nover Corwin

Elixir; (also elixir of life) a preparation supposedly able to prolong life indefinitely:
May 2020 · 58
Words To Love
Arlene Corwin May 2020
I hope this isn't too terribly abstruse.  These things come into my head and I can't let go:      Words To Love

What a charmer!
A main player by design
Being hard-defined,
A simple overlap of layers
Is this karma’s nature.

Panoramic drama;
Kernel of the daily
And  eternal of the kernel;
Methods, messages and meanings
Both external and internal.

Anyone who ’s told of it,
Grabs the bit, takes hold of it,
Doesn’t quit, yearning to learn more of it,
Is one, who burning, benefits.

One, two, three: Cause, effect and destiny.
Four and five: Work and motive.
Pure intentions lead to good,
Flawed intentions lead to bad.
What you do in moments
Is a fragment of the morrow
And a judgement of the future.

Karma is the deed, the work, the action.
It’s both principle and law.
It says, actions make a difference,
Every feature of significance
With outcome and reverberation.

Karma is the causal chain
Encapsulated in your very own
Synaptic brain.

Words To Love 5.18.2020 The Processes: Creative, Thinking, Meditative; Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin
May 2020 · 124
When This Is Over
Arlene Corwin May 2020
What else can one say, but …  

    When This Is Over

When this is over
You’ll still have your character
To deal with.
Times will alter,
But there never is an after.
That’s to say, there is,
But business
Is the thing: merely continuing:
Busyness and nothing more.

And there you are,
Left with character,
Its strength and flaw,
To grow, evolve, refine, define
Through change and understanding,
Standing under with humility,
God, destiny, not pining
From mistakes, goals missed
And all the things ones’s pis_ed away from ignorance.

We’ve talents, gifts
To sift through, filter out;
Finding what we’re all about
To work and use
Amusing us and fusing them
To worlds around,
To bond and bind societies;
Bid welcome to the mishy-mashy miscellany,

Watch the mind: it’s shifty, tricky;
Thus, the one security
Is to be found in in purity!
Work on it!

When This Is Over 5.17.2020 Definitely Didactic II; Our Times, Our Culture II; Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin
May 2020 · 667
Arlene Corwin May 2020
This is long, but go through it.  It’s worth it.      it was originally called "Words That Changed Our Lives", being inspired by the  connection between pandemonium and pandemic.  


Words that show lives but a tribe:
There to scribe, describe our lives.
Words that come from health or sickness: mind and body:
Prowess, fearless, speechless, endless;
Dangerousness, selfishness, childishness - nothing escapes;
Sowing seeds of mental shapes
That come from mind-to-mouth.

Now’s come the time to learn some new:
Epidemic and Pandemic,
Plus another word to view: Endemic.
Just a few, but whew!
Hoping that it’s not titanic - the Titanic!
Let me help you.

First came epidemics:
Measles, smallpox, influenzas…
How to conquer, name and aim,
How could and could we control the sum?  
Sometimes.  Some.
Coming back to hit us all the same,
But vanquished?  Germs and viruses not dumb -
Survive  anti-biotically (the foe of symbiotically).

Year twenty-twenty,
Epidemic now pandemic,
Plentiful and more than plenty;
Too, too many - far too many.

Struck by the invisible;
Questionable, susceptible,
Humans daring not to touch,
Wondering, asking when will it become too much?
And thus we come to the last word:
Endemic: background sound
Though underground many a year
Alive and well and waiting for…
Pandemonium 5. 14. 2020 Nature Of & In Reality; Circling Round Experience; Our Times, Our Culture II; Arlene Nover Corwin

pandemonium | ˌpandɪˈməʊnɪəm |
wild and noisy disorder or confusion; uproar: there was complete pandemonium—everyone just panicked.
ORIGIN mid 17th century: modern Latin (denoting the place of all demons, in Milton's Paradise Lost), from pan- ‘all’ + Greek daimōn ‘demon’.
(of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.
an outbreak of a pandemic disease: the results may have been skewed by an influenza pandemic.
ORIGIN mid 17th century: from Greek pandēmos (from pan ‘all’ + dēmos ‘people’) + -ic
1 (of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area: complacency is endemic in industry today.
[attributive] (of an area) in which a particular disease is regularly found: the persistence of infection on pastures in endemic areas.
1 an epidemic of typhoid: outbreak, plague, scourge, infestation; widespread illness/disease; Medicine pandemic, epizootic; formal recrudescence, boutade.
2 he's a victim of the county's joyriding epidemic: spate, rash, wave, explosion, eruption, outbreak, outburst, flare-up, craze; flood, torrent, burst, blaze, flurry; upsurge, upswing, upturn, increase, growth, rise, mushrooming; rare ebullition, boutade.
a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time: a flu epidemic.
• a sudden, widespread occurrence of an undesirable phenomenon: an epidemic of violent crime.
May 2020 · 49
Reply To An Unhappy Verse
Arlene Corwin May 2020
I ‘know’ a man (if one can ‘know’ anyone on a Mac) who writes like a dream; fine poetry, deep, erudite - but suffering.  Oh, how he suffers in his verse!  And so, I felt myself forced to reply in kind - my kind.
     I start off by quoting one of his weaker adjectival descriptions and base my response on his picture of life.  

        Reply To An Unhappy Verse

Man is ‘weak’ but man is strong!
The ego always plans to stay,
But strengths and insights
Can and want to rule the day.
So do not dream, do not desire.
Aspire to maturity, the spirit’s liberty
Leave childhood memories behind.
Continue on with climbing into mind
Where you, dear * will  find
The optimistic peace you dearly, daily long for,
So be strong for this.
Its not far off - a kiss away.
You do not want to miss its entry.
Have a nice and healthful day!

Reply To An Unhappy Verse 5.11.2020 Circling Round Experience; Nature Of & In Reality; Arlene Nover Corwin
May 2020 · 33
More Questions 2020
Arlene Corwin May 2020
More Questions

More questions from reflections
For your meditations:
What verbs apply:
To have, to be…?
That point of energy
Containing all,
No, being all, no, knowing all?
A consciousness? Non-consciousness?
Verbs puny.
Adjectives, nouns, pronouns too
Think or bust, reflect you must;
Inevitable, you will ponder, contemplate,
Bit by bit eliminate…
That’s it!

He/she, even it is you,
And if complete,
Then you’re its part,
A part-ner cog.

Assuming cause,
You/He all One,
A mind aware, with laws.
It’s God, for goodness!

Theoretically, the  hypothetical
Needs faith to lead faith to
The  real;
The anything of something..

More Questions 8.22.2013/revised 2.7.2020 /5.12.2020 To The Child Mystic II; The Processes: Creative, Thinking, Meditative; Circling Round Meditation; Arlene Nover Corwin
May 2020 · 76
Lumps & Bumps
Arlene Corwin May 2020
Lumps & Bumps

Wrinkles, lines, ache this, pain that;
And then the lumps, perplexing bumps
From nowhere, showing, growing,
Coming and not going.
You think cancer, other
Causes: worry, costs and doctors,
Signs and trends!
Will they never end?
These changes downward,
Foul, sour, dour, cowardly?
Unsightly forms informing us
Of beauty’s loss, of songs unsung,
Boss death and wretched other wrongs?
Lumps  and bumps which must mean something;
Nature's drowsing rousing.

Lumps & Bumps 5.29.2016/revised 5.11.2020
Circling Round Ageing; Birth, Death & In Between II; Arlene Nover Corwin
May 2020 · 50
Ideas Are In Your Head
Arlene Corwin May 2020
I was thinking about all the misinformation that we walk around with in our heads, taking it as truth.  ideas are in your head.  
     I’m sure I wrote this phrase somewhere before, but I’ve no idea where, in what form or what and how I said it.  So I’ll start again.

        Ideas Are In Your Head

Ideas are in your head.
Where else?
You think your thoughts,
Which thoughts are ultimately forced,
The force produced by you alone:
Your tendencies, your latencies
Your genes, your DNA - in short,
Your very own creations,
The perception never what you think.

Objectivity? No matter how we try,
Improbable, implausible  because of “I”.
No matter what the truth,
No matter what the source:
Encyclopaedic, Wikiped…
Accepted to the -enth degree;
It does’t matter.
You, interpreter of all that courses
Concentratedly or scattered.

What is idea, after all?
Purpose; porous* understanding;
Wish, belief, a supposition;
Mental picture, theory,  
Feeling, fancy…

Any drive that drives you
Forms within your head.
Recognise this fact instead of
Taking what you think as sacred.
You’ll become more undiminished, interested
And open-minded.  Guaranteed!

Ideas Are In Your Head 5.4.2020 The Processes: Creative;Thinking; Meditative II; Arlene Nover Corwin
*porous; poetic licence
May 2020 · 62
Beauty's Tide
Arlene Corwin May 2020
This is the kind of spontaneous nonsensical thought that shows up out of nowhere.
       Beauty’s Tide
I watch a certain TV lady;
See her daily.
She has reached the peak of beauty,
She doesn't know it.
Doesn’t know because
She doesn’t know its opposite -
Not yet.

Still there are signs to spot:
The thinning hairline;
Traces under eyes when she’s been working hard;
No sign of crepe-y neck.  Not yet.
No jowl-y chin, skin smooth and tight;
No ******* falling;
Waist still small.
One of a certain age can tell.

The menopause that takes no pause -
Facing just the right decade,
Beauty’s manifested light will fade,
But she, her gifts
Will probably not choose facelifts  
Or any kind of lift at all.
Her mind will shine - charisma too.
She will reach out to the ones who view
Until she decides - not to.

Beauty’s Tide 5.3.2020  Circling Round Experience; Circling Round The Ego; Circling Round Vanity II; Circling Round Woman; Arlene Nover Corwin
May 2020 · 41
Up Above The Clouds
Arlene Corwin May 2020
Thank you Kent for spouting out the suggestive phrase ‘up above the clouds’.      
       Up Above The Clouds

You never think
That up above the clouds
Sun blazes.
Though we know it’s dazzles,
We so easily forget
When day is dark and wet.

(Today is one such day,
As I sit typing ‘way
Shrouded by the dismal cloud outdoors.

Ah well, one manages to execute
The tasks that one might skip
If day was dipped in dripping sunbeams.

As the pearl of wisdom goes,
“Be thankful for small blessings”,
For who knows
How many unknown pains
Might be there without rains
As we engage is climate change.

And whomsoever dares complain
(As I have done this soggy day)
Does not deserve a foggy day
Like this specific sun-less Friday
When the future prophesizes ocean’s rise
And parched, infertile, ‘fry’ days.

Up Above The Clouds 2.7.2020 Circling Round Nature II; Our Times, Our Culture II; rewritten 5.2.2020/revised5.24.2020 Arlene Nover Corwin
Arlene Corwin Apr 2020
This was written in two minutes, two minutes ago, the bolt of lightening hitting as I was doing hand laundry.

       The Princess & The Pea 2020

Since my operation, I mean amputation
I’ve become the princess & the pea:
A whole set of new formed, framed sensitivity,
Plus a set pf parts I cannot feel.
Forever reeling with the adaptation,
Realising all life is but adaptation -
And perhaps adoption of the new.

Bare feet and I feel every crumb.
Two knuckles barely touched
And I am numb,
No more the nimble fingered
I was used to from
The decades prior.

Poor princess!  Now I know
Why she goes down in history,
Fairy tale no airy tale: reality.

Time will pass
And more will happen.
Whether it will be ‘Alas’
And I the captive,
Or a brand new happiness
I cannot prophecy.
But by and by
The pea may liquify
And dry, and I,
A princess only.

The Princess & The Pea 2020 4.30.2020 Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin
Apr 2020 · 87
To Be Read & Spread
Arlene Corwin Apr 2020
It’s 4:40am wakened, wide awake .  Therein, lie cycles  all thei own - neither nocturnal nor diurnal but somewhere in the middle.  And working on a level of acuteness, phrases, insights, images, I catch hold of one or the other and begin to write…

    To Be Read & Spread

One wants one’s output
To be read & spread: remembered,
Often wondering why the need.
Reflection shows renown to be
It’s quality one wants to share,
The DNA determining
The factor in this factory.

It isn’t air, nor intellected-mind of self,
The body or the pelf.
You’ve learned to know
It’s neither ego
Nor seeds sprouted by conditions,
But a passion to pass on to generations
What was high inside the low, the mediocre.

At long last you’ve found an answer.
One more sensibility
That makes most sense In some abstract and senseless way.
Unexplainable, you’ve tried,
Not knowing why,
This gift of instinct pushing daily.

We copulate to procreate.
The writer's urge is surge enough:
A procreating in creating.
Whew, one’s coughed it up at last.
Laughed because
One’s found an answer in-the-rough.

To Be Read & Spread 4.28.2020 the Processes: Creative, Thinking, Meditative II; Arlene Nover Corwin

pelf; money
Apr 2020 · 32
The Sin Of Pride (again)
Arlene Corwin Apr 2020
Today’s didactic insight: just happened to hear the phrase ‘the sin of pride’ this morning.  So here:

        The Sin Of Pride

I heard the phrase: it froze, was glued.
First thought: What’s sin?
The second: what is pride?

A sin is when you miss the mark,
(Connected to self- condemnation -
Sadly, to iniquity )
Pride is when you’ve chosen wrongly,
Guided by a mostly falsely high opinion
Of oneself and one’s importance.

Yet we use it as a virtue,
Nurture as if it were good;
Pride in country, children, kin..
Fact: exclusion and restriction;
Leaving out, elimination;,
Failing to include oneself as sinful,
Ignorant and rude.

Reality contains the certitude
That we are all a family
With variations in the tree:
Tendency and quality, person, personality.
None is better or more worthy -
(one more fancy theory).

We’ve all filled with invasive traits:
“All-inclusive” like the place.
Different nose, different face,
Different color, difference race;
Talents more or less intense;
On the fence;  

Pride: to swap for modesty,
A lack of vanity,
The ever growing insight that we
All are everyone and nobody.

The Sin Of Pride 4.26.2020 Definitely Didactic II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Apr 2020 · 197
The Sin Of Pride
Arlene Corwin Apr 2020
The Sin Of Pride

I heard the phrase: it froze, was glued.
First thought: What’s sin?
The second: what’s pride?

A sin is when you miss the mark,
(connected to, sadly, with guilt)
Pride is when you’ve chosen wrongly,
Guided by a mostly falsely high opinion
Of oneself and one’s importance.

Yet we use it as a virtue;
Word to nurture
As if it were a good.
Pride in country, children, kin..
Pride: exclusion and restriction.
Leaving out, eliminating,
Failing to include oneself as sinful,
Ignorant and rude.

Reality contains the certitude
That we are all a family
With variations in the tree:
Tendency and quality, person, personality.
None is better or more worthy -
(one more fancy-pants idea).

We’ve all filled with invasive traits:
“All-inclusive” like the place.
Different nose, different face,
Different color, difference race;
Talents more or less intense;
On the fence.  

Pride: let’s swap it for humility,
A lack of vanity,
The ever growing insight that we
All are everyone and nobody.

The Sin Of Pride 4.26.2020 Definitely Didactic II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Apr 2020 · 73
Arlene Corwin Apr 2020

Handicaps: we have them, each and every one of us.
Too busy with the busy-ness to notice,
Till one day life catches up;
Former choices do no longer;
Slurping, supping, sipping wine and caviar.
What you’ve been, no longer are.
Leg, finger, hand-icap:  
Imprisoned and aware
In new surprising ways, forced to adapt:  
Perhaps pace slowed, head bowed,
The lapse of time interpreted anew.

Doings take on an insistence you
Ignored all through the years before;
A not-so-secret cue to more-than-woo a state
Wherein resistance is effete,
Clues lord, you servant.

Yes, we have them in the karma.
They may harm.  They have no charm.
They are the permanent new feature,
You, prisoner and creature
Left to farm this new terrain,
Use its fertility to seed again
A life of happiness;
Fruitfulness no less than it was once:
A handicap turned Ponce de Leon.

Handicaps 4.26.2020 Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin
Apr 2020 · 65
The Good Ethic (a&b)
Arlene Corwin Apr 2020
The Good Ethic (a)

We have to have good leaders
Upright, ethical.
Leaders who, role models all,
Rather than distort the word
Would, if a situation called
Fall on the situation’s sword.

Tidal waves, cracks in the earth,
Lava, outbreaks at our teeth,
Pre-set, present, hard to say,
What’s needed to de-threat
Probabilities that link mortality:
A changed morality,
And from the start, start
Well before calamity
Starts rumbling.

It can’t, does not take much to just not cheat.
Susceptible, corruptible,  unreachable
Can suddenly become  impeachable.
Bleating, leaders,
Grumpy, tweeting…
Ought not take much to delete
A leader’s grumbling, tweeting, bleat.

A man of trust is what we need;
Whose only beads come not from gods
But from a creed of noble hearts.
The Good Ethic 4.25.2020 Defiant Doggerel; Our Times, Our Culture II; Arlene Nover Corwin

      The Good Ethic (b)

We need, must have good leaders
Upright, ethical.
Leaders who, role models all,
Rather than distort the word
Would, if a situation called
Fall on the situation’s sword.

Tidal waves, cracks in the earth,
Lava, outbreaks at our teeth,
Pre-set, present, hard to say,
What’s needed to de-threat
The probabilities that link mortality
Is changed morality,
And from the start, start
Well before calamity
Starts rumbling.

It can’t, does not take much to just not cheat.
Susceptible, corruptible, unreachable
Can suddenly become  impeachable.
Bleating, leaders; grumpy, tweeting…
Ought not take much to delete
A leader’s grumbling, tweeting, bleat.

A man of trust is what we need;
Whose only beads come not from God
But from a creed of noble heart.
Simply defined and hard to find
We miss the ethical of mind.
The Good Ethic 4.25.2020 Defiant Doggerel; Our Times, Our Culture II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Apr 2020 · 48
The Essential It
Arlene Corwin Apr 2020
The Essential It

More refined and more defined:
The essential ‘It’ still growing.
One can’t know this
Unless —
One looks back with two ‘eyes’ anew
When suddenly, no instantly
What was approved
Now begs to be removed
Because one’s changed and different.
Hard to put one’s finger on, but altered.
So revision and reshaping is in order.

One refines,
Remakes mistakes
Although the stakes are low
For you’ve no place to go, your work also.
You write well but you never sell.

The new is fun.
For instance, one’s
Mistakenly typed in placebo.
One’s been given someplace new to go,
Refined and new defined the artist.

The Essential It 4.23.2020 The Processes; Creative, Thinking, Meditative II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Arlene Corwin Apr 2020
You Are The Only You, You Have

One hears about the worry many
Have about their kin
In times of inactivity, fragility,
Consciousness tuned in to facts and day’s report -
The only fact to care about:
You are the only you, you have.
You cannot save another,
No behavior, thought or flurry
Can affect the other.

One liberating grace:
The others too must face that they too
Are the place there is to hide,  
A living emphasis inside
Where every measured space
Is space enough to find some peace.
An inner armour and release.

You Are The Only You, You Have 4.15.2020 Circling Round reality; Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin
Apr 2020 · 37
The Moment Of Now
Arlene Corwin Apr 2020
The Moment Of Now

The moment of now
Can never be repeated;
Never come as, why, and how
It did.

To be used
It must be used for what it is,
For what it is, is without price
To use, up to the hilt, and dealt
With live, a life improvisation.

As for influences:
You imbibe them round the clock;
That is to say, you soak them up non-stop,
And by your preferences,
Confer on population near
Around the clock, non-stop,
Effects and influences till you drop.

As influencer, everyday aware
That you are kindling’s  scintilla —
The tiny spark that fires up the furthest star,
Let what you’re conscious of become
The constant one you  are.

The moment’s measurement
Is infinitely small;
It cannot be defined at all.
One can just drink it in;
The never-ending, golden link
That bends and anchors then to now.
The Moment Of Now 4.14.2020 Nature Of & In Reality; Circling Round Time II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Apr 2020 · 87
When Joy Leaves
Arlene Corwin Apr 2020
One of those not-so-often reflections.
When joy leaves, what steps in?
Nature doesn’t love a vacuum -
Almost never leaves a vacuum.
When joy leaves
Rampant listlessness of mind takes over
And a person by the name of Nover is observer.
Paucity so strange and foreign
Doesn’t doesn’t really want that thing - that joyless thing
To put the mind, spine, neck to swing
(As in the concept ‘noose’’).
When shorn or torn from mind-set,
Sleeplessness replacing it,
The active peace hard to get back
Unless one has provided self
With some kind of a silent frame
With any kind of name, (though lame) for comfort -
Times when happiness has left its home inside your heart,
It’s but to wait it out,
To find again the peaceful state
With gentle and unsentimental will
To stillness.

When Joy Leaves 4.9.2020 Nature Of & In Reality; Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin
rempant listlessness; an oxymoron
Arlene Corwin Apr 2020
Everything (Is) A Point In Space 2020

Everything is a point in space,
Related to a point in space;
Nothing far,
Nothing near,
All things relative to here
Or there or then.
Not just to here or when,
Or yes, how long.

Tonality’s keynote song
Has contrast-worth,
All on earth non-absolute.

Enter point, enter center,
No obstructing intercepter
But a  center and a center of said centers,
(even centers have a center
As a point in space
Un-erased by laws of time).

At the root, I have surmised,
There is no friction and no bias.
Or is it a pious fiction,
Science fiction’s pie-in-sky?

Everything A Point In Space 9.7.2002/ re-composed 4.4.2020
Nature In & Of Reality; To The Child Mystic; Circling Round Science;
Arlene Corwin
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