Your fingers used to be just fingers, now they're my fingers
Your hands used to be just hands, now they're my hands
Your lips are still just lips, but now me and them have history
Your body is still just a body, but now I've lost track of the times I've held it close
I can reach out whenever and find you
I can tilt my head down to my skin and still smell you
I can close my eyes and start to feel you
I can let my mind wonder and be with you
You don't make me feel like loving
You make me feel like fighting
Fighting to be with you,
Fighting to keep you,
Fighting whoever tries to hurt you,
Fighting myself to not do anything stupid to loose you
But I already lost one fight
I lost the fight to not feel this way
I lost the fight with my wall to stay up
I lost the fight to not love you
So whose to say I will not lose another