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Paying the price
Of indifference
Sow a wind of despair
Unshed tears are innocence
When the reaper
Comes looking to share
Like proverbial sheep
Led to slaughter
By an iceingdeath touch
Vile ravens sweeping
Blood in the water
In fear
I use faith as a crutch
My soul is now bleeding
I've been written off
Death angels claws in my hair
Lay still in the dark
Try not to cough
Then remember l really don't care.   Hy
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
Atiyeh B
You were in my dream last night
Woke up not feeling so right
Woke up feeling like I had died
Wishing I had never cried

Thinking someone must have lied

Closed my eyes again in despair
Knowing this whole thing wasn’t fair
Wishing time could repeat itself
This time with me being my own self

You ask what my dream was about
All I tell you is it was full of doubt…
I say I was hurt and put to death
With you taking away my last breath!
Sir, I admit your general rule,
That every poet is a fool,
But you yourself may serve to show it,
That every fool is not a poet.
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
People make people into banks.
I put everything I had into him
And waited for the day I’d get my check.
And then I figured love is not a debt
Love is not settled like a score.
Love is not for clean black ledgers
Love is like a messy sea that pushes up against a shore
Even though the shore will always push it back.
The only time that love is measured is when you see that line
That marks the shifted sand
Where love relentless
Reached and tethered
Herself to land.
Where she turns white from clinging,
Where, though she drags herself away,
She is always returning—
—if the shore grows weary of her hugs
She is not hurt
He does not owe her.
She does not ask that he adore her,
Or implore her “stay. . .”
Only that he let her nuzzle him as gently or
As fiercely as she feels her current sway.
She is tidal, she is beautiful
Almost brutal,
But, giving more than taking,
The sea is faithful as well as wild,
She can change the shape of a continent
And kiss the toes of a child.
She will be gathering him deeply under her heavy waves
And lingering to lick at his soft edges
Sprawling across the coast like a bed
She will love him this way,
Until the moon crumbles
And all earth’s tides are dead.
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
Long drives, full of smoke, conversations melting into aurora’s milky shades after losing time in words; searching for it in each other’s eyes
Winter snow warmed by your thighs
Everywhere inside your voice, velvet blankets, curled in our cocoon
Engineering butterflies, highlighted by sun-varnished fields
In the car and in our eyes we saw eachother’s (two others together, not one another but an other ) minds smiling suspended, a suspected coming seduction
Your smell enveloping the pillow for days after, mid-day sleep for your touch and afternoon naps for your body, midnight slumber for your eyes, and morning red-eyed serenity for your thoughts
A necessity and a need
Pretending that IT’s not there
But IT’s everywhere
And she’s out of town so I’ll stay with you
And we know in the shower, we know in the kitchen, we know as my fingers slide through hair to tame the beast in your wild curls behind left ear
Pearl cream and warm caverns of electric heat, living pulsating oceans dripping rhythm and blues, exploring sensation.  
As you remove the protection
and we can feel the concave and convex atom fit atom,
completing complex patterns and opening eachother’s wonders: from
Closed to open to fixated pupils to lights on and conscious of each prickly soft sensation building each moment forming each expanse of your silky body
A reality so dreamy in time, so blue neon in memory
But imagined into dark corners, madebelieved-backed-out of existence…again and again
The car becomes the motions of goodbye, oh but for a month, oh but for a few, oh but for a forever year, and finally a never
And I travel 2000 miles to die in forgotten Springfield
And it becomes real after that white horribly glowing hospital, wanderers scraping of their faces but mostly just failing at suicide and everything: all. at. once.
We know now and don’t pretend
Telephone vibrations heating our voices entwining our choices, imagined bodies and pictured eyes
The love that radiates as if a star you see but only after it has already died, burned itself alive millions of miles away
Aesthetic aftershocks of your heartbeat running against my chest those nights of that laugh tickling the corners of my ear
Now where even Time fails us, a mist gracefully bowing over the water as it recedes with its illusion of contact
Now like something that has lost all edges: an image, a symbol, a perfect form escaped from the world of perfect forms, the empty form of eternal comparison or the shattering porcelain gavel
Now too broken
Now too high
Now too late to bring my baby home.
Deaf into that obsidian dream hanging
like a new moon behind everything,
the northwest-telephone rainy and cold
And it’s gone
But I remember seeing myself inside your eye, your reflection dancing in mine, the space between possibility
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
M Leinie
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
M Leinie
The information came,
Quick and sudden,
In layers it clouds my mind of all brightness,
A layer of desolation
And one of despair,
Spinning, twisting, and turning about,
Confusion, bitterness, and fear,
So many more
I cannot count.
Why? Why does it have to be?
The ache, the pain, is too deep
My tears flow freely,
Bringing no relief,
Nothing can, nothing will,
erase this sorrow.
Why? Why does it have to be?
closely by the fire
eyes dry
vacant stare
dried by the fire
shallow framework
crispy marbles
carbon is dry
that grabs
and closer,
on my face
warmer than
my face feels,
dry flames
like my eyeballs
crush like baubles
santa is coming
smells like rainwater on tarmac
chargrilled oily wetness
numb fingers
from falling and
slapping my fingers
against it

tap tap tap the feeling has come back again)
time for dinner.
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
Raindrop may fall on you head
but thats just the british weather.
All I can say is bring your umbrella out everyday.
Since those raindrops are never going away.
My eye is red
My face was blue
I've finally left
And hope I never see you!
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
Jeff Moats
No one knows how deep I feel,
How much I love you, no one will.
My heart feels pain, so deep because
I keep thinking of what once was.

When both our hearts were intertwined,
You gave me hope, the future shined.
But now we've been apart so long,
And everything has turned so wrong.

Now it seems we'll never be,
And through my eyes I'll never see,
How can I be naught but sad,
When you were all I ever had?
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