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 Mar 2013 Ariana Strange
 Mar 2013 Ariana Strange
I will not get on my knees
And bow at your feet
Or beg and plead
For you to stay here
And cuddle me in
Like you always did.
I do not need you
Or your voice
Raised against mine
Acting as if you can
sweep me off of my feet
Just to collide with the ground,
Again and again
Using only hands and lips, you
Left marks on my bones and
your scent covering my skin.
Tracing lines down my spine
you read each vertabrae
like your favourite book,
Again and again.
And I have given chances
One, two, and three.
I've since stopped trying to
deny you, and my protests
an attempt to convince you
and myself
that I am strong enough to say no
but it always comes out as
yes, yes, yes.
Half-naked and can't sleep, my glasses has hit the floor it's such a shame
As I Look over its 2 am, our love is about to transcend
This is our history for the future
Let's put it all out there

All my focus is on you, I can't sleep when I think about you
insomnia is in the air

Your love is within me, your warm embrace is near me
the moments when we are gasping for air
yea babe I just took you there
this love is a milestone and we will soon be playing our song
all my focus is on you, I can't sleep when I think about you
 Jan 2013 Ariana Strange
You can melt me with a touch
Yet, freeze me with a look
I think you were right
I am an open book
Ever ******* up?
Ever made a mistake?
Hey listen,
We all play that game.

Something slipped out,
Did the wrong thing.
That's okay,
We all play the game.

The game of being human,
Of living life in haste
The game of being impulsive,
And making mistakes every day.

So don't get down,
By mistakes upon you.
'Cause I know,
You’ve done it too.

So please forgive me
If I do wrong to you.
For when it’s my turn.
For the favor to be returned
It’ll be okay
It’ll work out someday.

— The End —