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Oct 2018 · 164
Ali Atiku Oct 2018
I trusted you
like air trusted moisture
It got rusted

I wanted to speak my mind
But bleeding before
The heartless is futile

My heart shattered
Into pieces
I stitched the pieces
To lessen the pain

A lesson learned
A loner living

I wanted to hurt you
But doing so will
Hurt me more
Because I still care
About you

I will want to
Have you back
My happiness
Lies with you

I have to let go
Of you
Why am I
Clinging to memories
Oct 2018 · 156
Ali Atiku Oct 2018
The luxury of time,
denied by the lack of interest.
Feelings ignited by the carefree mindset.
Longed for caring arms.
Hunger for success.
Crave for control.
That luxury turned out to be the distasteful wastage.
I don’t blame you for it nor should you blame me.
Time is a process.
Soon enough we know the outcome as we are punished or will be for negligence.
You in, on or out of time.
Time and choices do you justice.
With patience we conquer.
Happiness is a state of mind,
not a material possession.
For its free but requires to be mastered.
I like to be vague for I don’t have the power over time.
Oct 2018 · 207
Presence and Absence
Ali Atiku Oct 2018
An absence in nothing is not explained,
not even by scientists or philosophers.
Not seeing her makes my eyes feel like a toddler denied of bedtime bottle.
It etches, anticipates and longs for the presence of that absence of nothing I crave.  
I am not dying inside nor is it painless,
it's full and yet emptiness overshadows it,
it's like a hollow space.
I am gone to the abyss of oblivion and lost in the thoughts of this mystery.
A case to be solved.
I am out here looking for her,
like a vampire in the streets at night,
longing to satisfy a hunger for the first **** in months.
That hunger for blood is inevitable.

You can't precisely know well enough until you experience it because the essence of the first-hand experience is a presence.  

I know I will probably be rejected.
I know she will avoid eye contact. I accept that well with grace and utmost respect. Now she is denying me of her presence.
Not something I wish to happen.

If she is expecting me to stop my pursuit.
Then she should know that she is making me anxious.
I like mystery and this puzzle is getting complicated day by day.
If I stop, it's my breath, not the chase.
If there is a need for speed, I am up for it.
This is a challenge for the most wanted.
Thankfully, rivals?
I see none.

— The End —