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Nov 2017
i hate getting sad

to the point where
my body shuts down,

and all i can do is just lay there,
and think about all my problems
Nov 2017
it *****,
doesn’t it?

feeling like you’re not good enough
no matter how hard you try
Nov 2017
it’s better,
to have nobody

than to have someone
who is half there;

or doesn’t want
to be there
Nov 2017
can you see the real me,
can you?

broken till the last piece of my heart,
and still wearing the smile on my face;

that’s the real me
Nov 2017
you have to accept

that things won’t ever change
no matter how much time and effort
you put into it
Nov 2017
you know,
when you thought
everything was going
straight in the line

but it wasn’t

when you thought
you would have
the happiest ending

but you wouldn’t

it *****, right?
Nov 2017
i’m not strong;

i’ve just learned
to accept the things life gives

and stop wishing
for the things i cannot have

that’s not strength
that’s wisdom
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