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Mar 2019 · 143
April Dean Mar 2019
When they come here
It's never for me.
I find myself lingering,
And wondering why
But knowing it at the same time.
You have to open your heart
To invite people in
And for reasons even I cannot fathom,
My heart cannot be opened.
I must resign myself
To forever being
An outsider.
Mar 2019 · 209
April Dean Mar 2019
The warmth that filled me
My companion
My strength
My heart
I hear the voice over and over
"Oh, she's already gone."
And my heart
Breaks and branches
And over
And over.
And I know...
I know she's gone.
But what I wouldn't give
To have her back.
Apr 2016 · 325
April Dean Apr 2016
The normal life that's passed.
The life that was lost.
The talent given and taken.
The innocence of a simple life.

What would have been.
What could have been.
What should have.
What never should have.

The blinded artist.
The muted singer.
The deafened tuner.
The wounded athlete.

The child who survived
when everyone else did not.

The woman who lost her beloved in life.
The man who lost his beloved in death.  

The people who must endure
through endless pain
endless torment.

Those who suffer for the sake of others.

Those who must allow others to suffer for them.

The kind people.
The poor people.
The broken people.

The parent waiting for their child to wake up.

The child waiting for their parents to come home.

The celebrity despised by everyone
who never did anything
you or I wouldn't have done.

The genius who lost their intellect.

The hero who lost their sanity.

The witness kept awake at night
wishing they'd never gone out.
Nov 2015 · 281
April Dean Nov 2015
I wish I could trust people.
I really, truly do.
The nicest people have
the nicest voices
the nicest souls.
They comfort me.
I wish I could trust them.
Let my guard down for once.
I shouldn't even have a guard.
I'd like to say my life is nice.
A nice life, with no reason
to keep myself guarded.
If I can't feel safe,
is it still nice?
If my guard won't come down...
Why can't I trust someone?
Why do I keep my guard up?
Is there a reason my guard doesn't fall?
They say behind the nicest smiles
are the cruelest intentions.
Nov 2015 · 300
April Dean Nov 2015
The heart chills, my mind stills.
What am I doing?
My existence, devolved to nothing.
My strength seems like something of the past.
I think of death.
Sweet death, cold
Like ice cream.
The more I taste, the colder I feel.
The more my mind hurts.
Yet I cannot stop myself.
This taste that lingers on my tongue
is perhaps
the only thing keeping me sane.
My eyes are frozen.
I keep them covered to keep them warm.
Unlike the ice cold chill I always feel
The only antidote for this cold
Is the warmth of a blanket.
They say that people can provide warmth too
to leave my only point of sanity and comfort?
It seems too much for me.
My frozen body cannot thaw.
I no longer create my own warmth.
I need others.
A stronger person
who can protect me from the Cold.
From this moment,
I was never my own.

My pain belongs to me.
My discomfort belongs to me.
My chill belongs to me.
I would never burden someone
with my troubles.

I hurt because I don't want to be hurt.
I am protected because I don't want to be safe.
I am cold because I don't want to be cold.

I am dead because I didn't want to die.
Jan 2015 · 474
Black and White or Grey?
April Dean Jan 2015
I hate being around people
Yet I hate total solitude

I cannot stand the silence
Yet the sound of others drives me mad

I hate being this way
Yet the thought of fixing it
frightens me

Changing who I think I am
To impress others?

This lonely world of black and white
Could not mix shades of grey.

Is the white evil?
Is the black?
What if I choose wrong
Like I always do?

Would I scuttle back into the shadows
Like the disgusting creature I've become?
Dwelling amidst the trash and garbage
Where other creatures dwell?

Or do I jump into the light?
That peace by some forgotten lake,
barely a blip on some local map,
which Time and I have forgotten?

To me
Neither is preferable.
I cannot live
Dwelling in the shadows
Nor basking in the light.

From here
I do not know
what I am
why I am
and I always fail
at preparing the color
I want
April Dean Jan 2015
I complain about the weather
I complain about the cold
I complain about my pains
And all the people 'round me

I send away my friends
I send away my peers
I send away my family
And complain about being alone
Jan 2015 · 311
The Ghost
April Dean Jan 2015
A ghost drifted into town
No one knew her name
Her parents moved straight through her
Her peers talked around her
If anyone noticed the ghost
They became a ghost too
The ghost tried speaking
But to no avail
The other ones around her
Gave her no peace.
The bright light in her mind
Could not reach around the corners

I do not know where this ghost is now
but I know how she feels.
Jan 2015 · 364
We Decieve Ourselves
April Dean Jan 2015
I'm fiNE.
nEver felt better.
have you Decided
on AnytHing in yoUr future?
if you haven't
Give up.
Jan 2015 · 517
We Ignored Her
April Dean Jan 2015
She called for us
We ignored her
She called again
Still we paid no mind
She stopped calling
Did we care?
She slit her throat
We did not stop
Her heart did.
Only then did we look up
and realize we were wrong.

Our present is important
Hers was too
If we paid some attention
Her blood is on our hands
We paid no attention
When we had the chance.

Now our future is built on one more ****** corpse.
Complain if we must

We put it there.
Jan 2015 · 306
The Evil in our Hearts
April Dean Jan 2015
The Evil in our Hearts
feeds on our Dream.
Forgotten Lyrics to a Song You never sang
The Plot to a Story barely conceived
The Musings of great Minds barely noted
The Insignificance rang.
Nothing perceived.
How convoluted.
The Color forgotten
The Answers hidden
Pathways invisible
You say You tried.
You gave up before You started.

This Evil in our Hearts
is Fear.

Fear of
the Unknown
What comes next
being Insignificant
being Forgotten
Never being Known
Emerging from the Shadows

with a Dream to change
Passion is the Key
The Key to overcome our Evil
is not Fearlessness.
The Key is Courage.
Courage to overcome this Pain
Surely This is true.

My Evil keeps Me hidden.
The Shadows are my Refuge.
Step into the Light.
Inspiration floods the dulled Heart.
And then You know
Your Dream Was Real.
Jan 2015 · 326
My Pain
April Dean Jan 2015
I'm only one person.
What can I do?
My mind splits in two.
Right and Wrong are not the pieces.
And excitement lingers
only in my memory.
I have forgotten
How people speak.
I have hidden
for too long.
My eyes burn
because I cannot sleep.
My head hurts
because I cannot think.
My body hurts
yet I know not why.
Movement startles me.
Sound startles me.
Pain cripples me.
I feel no motive.
Why am I here?
Why am I?
Am I?
Jan 2015 · 272
The Sky Changed
April Dean Jan 2015
Why have the days gone?
The sunny days have gone
leaving only clouded days.
At night
I see no stars.
By day
The blue sky's grey.
The warm scent of the plants blooming
has been replaced by
the cold scent of death.
My heart
feels hollow.
My breath
is shallow.
My eyes are red.
Add a pain
in my head.
These thoughts
My sunshine is hidden.
The moonlight doesn't shine.
These glorious, happy days of mine
How long has it been?
An eternity?
Bearing with this heaviness
Where do I go?
What do I do?
Can I change?
Must I change?
Will change become me?
I have forgotten
the warmth of the sun
the special mystery of the moon.
The stars don't speak to me
and I don't to them.
My childhood
warmed by ignorance
Dec 2012 · 487
One of Many
April Dean Dec 2012
Suppose our chains break free.
What are we now?
Who are our minds?
Our minds think alike.
We think as a single person.
You and I? No.
We think as us.
Do we think for ourselves?
How our thoughts are intertwined!
But we are as lemmings.
Do we think for ourselves?
We think as a group.
Our thoughts run as one.
Twin powers.
Multiplied by millions of voices.
Unanimously we cry.
Do others hear our voice?
We would never know.
Whether our cries come an inch away
or a mountain away
We are not heard.
We have different skins.
Different faces.
Should we not be different from one another?
Our minds should not be so close.
We need privacy.
Our thoughts should be our own.
My thoughts should be mine.
Your thoughts should be yours.
Different people.
But common thoughts bind us as one.
Break free of the bindings!
Break free of distress!
Break free to be your own person.
I am my own.
Nov 2012 · 385
Thief of Thoughts
April Dean Nov 2012
A devilish fiend approaches me.
Dagger nearby, he follows me.
Watching and waiting.
Do I know?
Oh perhaps, but he makes my mind absent.
What comes to it?
Surely there must be something...
Just as I have it, he steals it.
What a fiendish thief this devil is!
He follows still, stealing my thoughts.
And if I could know!
To know of the reason I think of nothing!
To know anything!
He steals it all.
What can I do, as he steals what is not his?
Could I do something?
Perhaps, if I were to know of his stalking.
But he steals from me what I do not know.
And what I do not know is because of him.
At last, I notice the shadows moving with me.
I'd thought they were my own, but this one continued.
And as he prepares to block my thoughts again,
to claim more as his own,
I break free.
I am no longer bound by this insufferable curse.
My thoughts move freely now.
I realize who he was.

— The End —