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bitten nails, broken skin
i speak volumes through a pen
the unkempt look of a tired teen
emotionally broken writing queen

i write melodies for the youth
the ones who know the ugly truth
and after all is said and done
i speak for the ones who stand alone

i write for the ones who stay in their rooms
who have inner horror of the imminent doom
of facing the decision to live or to die
i speak for the ones who silently cry

i write for the broken primadonnas
who realize all they really wanted
was a beautiful body (thin as a stick)
i write for the sweethearts, lovely, dysmorphic

i write melodies for the hated
the ignored, defeated, self-harming, tormented
the unloved darlings of this generation
oppressed by society’s views of perfection
the unwanted lovechild of sadness and hate
we feel in our hearts that we all are mistakes
i write for every last tired young soul
for i write as i speak
and i speak what i know.
how prevalent and real the problems are
that we often on see on the reel.
there's a reason why movies are made
pure entertainment of course
but others are a source
an insight
made to bring to light
what often evades our sight
we best take heed
because when people look back on what we did
when the future looks back to the past
they will see that some lived
and some died
and few fought
and the few that did
they won something that could never be bought.

and you better believe that every muscle
every bone
in this man's body
will have felt what it means to fight
to struggle
to fail
to fall
to endure
and to crawl
until the skin on his knees
and the skin on his hands
have merged with the dirt
to the point where he will be forced to stand again.
to fight some more.
fight to change the course of history
for the better
even if he is not to be remembered
for the fight is not for glory
but for right.
for truth.

for light.

so it's up to you
what you're going to fight for.
or what you're going to continue
to ignore.
 Sep 2013 apathy
netanya janel
if ever you wonder
if ever your heart should grow curious
for lust and love and spirit
electricity that splits the spine
a jolt of lightening
rushing through wide open veins
baby hairs standing on end
on the nape of your neck
a wave of cold sweat
dripping through your hair
moistens your back
if ever a moment passes
if ever you refrain from yelling loud
sing a melody
scream “i love you”
skip through a crowd of people
and smile
and forget your worry
the temporary madness of yesterday
because you are static, ecstatic
you are wonderful
written by me
What can be done to consume this feeling of emptiness
What can we done when we're broken into a million pieces
And how do we fix the broken pieces together
How do we learn to love again

What do we believe in .. when there's nothing left to believe in
What do we hope for when all dreams are blurred
How can we heal and forget the wounds when they plague our minds
How do we become blind to the scars that are left behind
What becomes inspiration when the faith fades

Are happy endings hopeful in nothing but chaos
How can we keep hoping when reality promises noone a happy ending
How can an immaculate being hurt you so profoundly
And how can you still be able to love him

When will the light outshine all the darkness
And when will the swift wind destroy all this confusion
When will stars align
And When will the moon shine at it's greatest intensity

How do we escape misery's stifling grip
And how can a fear so consuming be diminished
Can this sinking feeling be controlled
Why do we become so numb
How do we leave when we're being pulled by the forces of profound emotions
And the longing of a fragile heart

**But why .. do we all strive to be loved when love becomes so detrimental..
 Jul 2013 apathy
A friend can be like the storm that blows everything up, tries your patience, causes changes; but reminds you to be geared up and vigilant.    

A friend can be like the rain that, at the first pour, leads into anxiety; but later on, raindrops keep you calm, thus a friend shows tranquillity upon everyone – serene and happy.

A friend can be like a lightning rod that strikes everyone surprise with annoyance to the ears; but reminds you that a surprise – with all its noises – grants unsolicited bliss which lasts in memory.

A friend can be like a cloud that separates from the others in the vastness of the expanse, and floats alone – the emo, ; but reminds you to be considerate and sympathetic at all times.  

A friend can be like the mist that seems mysterious and unreachable, full of secrets and vagueness; but reminds you to take risk of knowing him profoundly so to appreciate the truth within.

A friend can be like the sun – superior in nature – that can heat up the situation; but gives you warmth in times of coldness, reminds you that darkness would just pass, and that the new morning unfolds soon to absorb your pessimisms.

And a friend is as constant as this – day or night, sunny or rainy, cold or warm, filled or cloudless – the azure that covers everyone beneath any threat, any trial, any worry, any doubt; the azure that holds a promise of watching over you as it did yesterday and is doing today, and the azure that awaits your hopeful tomorrow…

Is that which embraces you under its shelter and defence – yes, the great sky.
KHR based ^_^
 Jun 2013 apathy
 Jun 2013 apathy
When the first time I see you...
My mind blew up
It drive me crazy
When you say I love You
But now,
I realize...
It just a fake, a nonsense
I achieved from you
You're moving on
You leave a scar deep in my heart
You leave a memories I couldn't forget
A beautiful memories that hurt
I standing here alone
With the pain inside me
But I know I am strong
I have to take this pain
I know I can
I just stay here
Watching you
No matter the sun getting hot
No matter the nights getting colder
I am here waiting for you
You hurt me but I faithful
Your love
My love
We will start this all over again
Without pressure
Without pain
Without broken heart
Sometimes hurt
But broken heart can't stop me
Like Kelly Clarkson song
What doesn't **** you
Always make you stronger
Inspired by a song ;)
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