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 Oct 2013 apathy
maybella snow
two brothers
twins, one blonde hair
one brown        

one drowned himself and    
is now six feet down  
one smoking six packets      
to try and drown thoughts

one knew me  
as happy
one knows me
as sad    

one broke down
deep cuts and burns  
one is breaking  
shallow cuts, burnt lungs

i love the brown-haired

i'm falling for the blonde-haired

they both love me
one will never return
is it time to save myself?
..and him?
is it right?
or are we both
just sad and

and now, you've dyed your hair brown
and you look exactly like him
don't die on me
 Oct 2013 apathy
 Oct 2013 apathy
speak to me
I need that much
there has to be more than this
this world
this sadness
this razor

it's not like I enjoy this
I hate it
I hate them
I hate you
I hate me

maybe one day I'll fly
with the ravens
with the clouds
with the sun

but first I must stay here
in hell
my hell
everywhere is ******* hell
and the flames hurt
they burn as they slice me open

they do it
not me
I can't be blamed for these scars
they're everyone's fault
in sick of it
of the stares
of the exclusion
of the pressure

the pressure to fit in
to be perfect
is what presses on that razor
it's not me
it's them
18 days clean and I want throw it all away. I am back on the edge.
 Oct 2013 apathy
What can I say?
Nie wiem.
I guess I've never been too good at anything.
Rolling around in my sleep
And making sure I can't eat normally.
That's about all I've done.
I've broken many hearts just for sport.
And I break my own so I can hurt.
At least that means I can feel.
I had the chance once.
I was so close.
Like I said
What can I say?
I had the blade in my hand
Don't be scared, act like a man.
Could've sliced the tie that keeps me here
With selfhatred, Mia, and constant fear.
 Oct 2013 apathy
melancholy moon
If you leave,
I won't look at the world the same.
My windows to the outdoors may be wide open now,
but the moment you take a final step out the door,
my windows will come violently crashing down,
shattering glass upon itself.
I'll view everything as if it is broken
and even though I'll try to repair it,
the shards will remain pieces of a past life
that you'll leave me forever trying to fix.

Pity my ruins
and call a repairman yourself,
but even Home Depot won't have the tools
to fix the girl with broken windows.

 Oct 2013 apathy
maybella snow
i realize i was sad
a little help would
have been
or at least

even nicer?
to feel as if i                                   wasn't alone
to say the least
 Oct 2013 apathy
maybella snow
why are there people who believe its "poetic" to self harm
it frightens me that there are teenagers who are doing this
to themselves, they're self harming because they think it
is "darkly beautiful" or "sadly romantic" there is nothing
beautiful about the scars covering my skin there is nothing
romantic about being terrified someone, anyone, might see
them, these lines of weakness, that i've placed there myself
it's an addiction, a sick way i clean my head, because
the thoughts jumble up, thoughts of; missing, emptiness,
time, space, names, locations, people, dates, stories, sadness
wrongness, hurt, longing, hate, self loathing, destructiveness
i am no where near proud i fell this deep into a hole this dark
i'm scared of being close to people, i shut myself away,
starving myself to reach "perfection"
because maybe if i am skinny enough to be considered "perfect"
then people wont care, wont notice the pink and purple lines
covering my form. no. there is nothing poetic about sadness
nothing. so stop convincing yourself you want to be a sad
lonely, scared, self destructive "poet"
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