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Is to be one of

Over the longing
of something
of sentimental Value

To hold it tightly
till near crushing

Longing even more so
for the
cradled warmth of
a held tight fear

Unleashed through mouth
Words now sought for

Wrought in the mind
of the despaired anger

Fought till the grasp
of a hoof
cut deep, bone shown white

With the sharp love
dripping cold, pooled
under heel

pursed tightly the soft
essence of touch
between tongue and teeth

recedes back into the
folds of reality

Decimated is the conscious
of the dreams washed

Fades to black
photo perfection sharp focus
Lost realms in solitude untold
When I was bad,
I mean young,
The summers in the city were
Mean hot,
Ran with the bad boys.
Not bad bad just teenage bad.

So the cops came and got us
Where we were hanging,
Took us down to the precinct,
Till around midnight.

Came home at one am,
My pop heard me come in.

Asked me where I'd been,
So I told him that I'd been arrested.

He thought for a second and said,
"Good. Now go to bed."

We never spoke of it again.

A thousand years later
I figured out why.

I had never seen my formal pop
In his underwear till that night,
And never saw him that way again.

He was more embarrassed than I.

Considered the matter closed and
My heart, full, finally, now.
Just for a while,  stay beside me.
Beside me to make me happy
Happy enough to forget my envy
Envy in my heart so hard to carry.

Just for a while, don’t walk away
Don’t ignore these feelings I can’t say
Maybe I can’t get the chance everyday
I will still care even it hurts, come what may.

Just for a while, please close your eyes
I just want to feel the fake paradise
Wanting to let go of my feelings in disguise
Before I utter my broken goodbyes
Let not each unkind word I ever spoke
drive you ... further from my arms

let not each plate and promise broke
make a fist ... of open palms

Let not the fact you love me so
make you think.. you have to stay

let not the past mistakes be repeated ... go
just leave me...  just ignore the things.. I say

I'm sorry.... not

I'll change.. nothing

I love you... being afraid.

Just leave your ring ... beside my whiskey glass

and like my tears....

It's a cold, windy October afternoon
Winter is grasping the necks,
Of the flowers yet to bloom

My fingers turn red,
My breath collects in the air
All of nature, becoming dead,
Feeling the wind rush past my hair

I get a cold chill,
Autmn reminds me of my belly filled
With Apple Cider and warm stew
And all the memories you,
And I, that we shared together
It's been a day and forever, but,
I can't stop seeing you in the decaying leaves
and the sun have waited all day long
better to say
the sun had wasted all the day
wating for the night to come
to feel and see what it would never can
the beauty of the dark and the silence of the night

at the other hand
it lended its brightness
to a full pale moon that happily sees
the sun and the light
the day and the night
the light and the dark

but shamefully hides one of its faces
the scary one
the bruised one
surely that one which really needs the light
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