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Anna Aug 2016
When all doors of life were
Closing in front of my eyes
When I thought the guilty is you
You were the saviour in disguise

When I was sinking down
You came in like a Sun's ray
And touched my forhead
Blue the water turned from grey

In he middle of the ocean
I found your land
In the depths of the saddened water
I found your hand

The last breath I was left with
But my eyes were full of you
Salinity of he ocean blurring my eyes
But it just cant blur my view

This was so unpredictable
Or my thoughts were so mercurial
As even when I was drowning
It's you I am thinking of is ephemeral

Bubbles were going up elevating
With them steadily is my soul
And down came my limped body and touched the ocean floor

An unknown calmness was in my heart
My face carried a subtle smile
As I my heart I found you
when I'll be lost in a while..

My end is the happiest one
As the ocean cleared my salty cry
It really was a happy ending
As I dreamt of you ...before the death came by....
Love could be found anywhere anytime..
Anna Aug 2016
With all the hatred people bare for her
       She stood
With all the torture her cyanated skin showed
She stood
***** eyes pierced her naked body ..yet
She stood
Not to show the world
Not to prove
Not to plead
             Just with the hope
That one day they'll realise how hard she look
There is a soft weeping baby waiting of him to come.....
Anna Aug 2016
He slapped her
She was on the floor
Bleedy and teary
Wiped and then she stood up
Once more harder this time.
                                     She said
Anna Aug 2016
In the middle of the night
When the sight is cool
And air is less used
When even plants breathe
                       In the middle of the night
                       When the moon is on its peek
                      And the sun is nowhere to seek
                   Everything is quite as dead
                   Thoughts are full of memories
                    In the middle of the night
When darkness overwhelms
And. Light is just a hope
And people are in their self made world
Even rich and poor do the same
                 In the middle of the night
                    I hereby stand
                Watch you go to sleep
          Deep into the world of yours
              And gaurd you from he reality
             Abscess let you smile....
Anna Aug 2016
Disgust unfolds the realisation cloth
And once you wipe from it.
It shows in what
A mudpool you were in..
Anna Aug 2016
Care for the world
  And the world will pull you down
               Care for the people
                And they will leave
               Care for friends
           And they'll make new
               Care for yourself
  And everything will fall in place...
Anna Aug 2016
We go into deep darkness
Where nothing meets the eye
Keep walking in search of the answers
Answers to the questions unasked
And as we go deeper and deeper
Into the woods where silence howls
We loose contact with with the old light
As we go on in search of a new ray
We don't turn to see what we've lost
The eagerness of caressing the future don't let us do that
We run skip,jump barefoot on the damp ground
We don't look down to see how many we've crushed
This dark wood with the humidity of vapouring blood
Won't stop us from following the ray
And when we reach the end of the jungle
And  have what we craved for
We realise we have no one to show it to
And no road leads out of the woods
No roads left to go home

— The End —