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anu Nov 2017
I am at the edge of pains
No one could hurt me
More than this
Writing with floded tears
But with the dead heart
I am surviving today
I will not make it tomorrow
anu Oct 2017
Just every moment I am dying
Ah!!! Just no one should get pain like this
I am ******
Hate every bit of my life
Wish to die every second
But going to hurt myself
anu Nov 2017
Hate this life for everythings
How cheap creatures humans are
Its because everyone is cheap
And the one who created is more cheaper
I don't want to be harsh this way
But I am forced to this way
Just tired of this life
Please God leave me
I want to die
Though I can't
I will shout like this

Readers sorry for posting  this
I am cheapest
So bare me
anu Jul 2017
Just fed up
I have never been tired this much
Mental illness
Affects me physically too
Around me everyone were in illness
It's that I couldn't take care of them
It is adding fuel to my burning soul
One thing I could trace
I am loosing my own self
My good soul and manner
Sorry for sharing
Just poured out
God really I am in need of u !!
anu Aug 2017
I will not cry
Just because I am week

I will not stop believing
Just because everything hurts

I will not die
Just because I can't accept living
Nothing could change me and my fate !!
anu Mar 2017
Just wish to be all alone in my world
But this world
Hurts to its hard
Irritated to the exteem
God, ur testing to the extent
But I will hope
anu Feb 2018
I am fed up with everything
Whatever happens
Be true and strong

So you can cross
Anything and everything
Actually I planned to write sth but I have written its opposite
I mean I planned to burst out
but instead I consoled !!
Ha ha I am positive it seems ..
anu May 2017
I think
I don't deserve anyone
In the world
anu Aug 2020
When you have no words to anyone then it means u r ready to go to God....
Yes I am ready it seems....
anu Dec 2016
The one word that describe my living
No words
God help me
If not
anu Sep 2017
Missing everything
Makes  my life and
Me, a very strong one

anu Jan 2017
Am searching some happiness
Still I know I won't

But what for am i searching
Why am searching

Hate searching now
I think the word hate itself hates me!
anu Jan 2017

Am in need of










anu Mar 2020
Instead of dying everysecond
Can die in a

Suicide !
anu Jan 2020
I will win

From my own enemy
My devil
anu Nov 2019
Will die......
anu Mar 2020
When noone is there
Why to live
Getting mad
Tired of being tired of life
anu Dec 2019
Am in extremes
Nothing could give me peace
Please i beg you
Lord !
anu Apr 2020
If I want to curse God
Only one thing
I will ask him to be me
To have this pain !
Had enough !
anu Jan 2020
Very soon
I must reach
What i want to reach
I won't come to u
Reason i am an orphan
With thousand around me
Years passed
Nothing changed
U heard
But still unheard
anu Jan 2020
தொலைத்தது தொலைத்ததே
தனிமை தனிமையே
இருள் நீக்கவும் இல்லை
தனிமை நீக்கவும் இல்லை
நானும் மறைவேன்
தனிமை வெல்வேன் !
Definitely will win this pain one day
anu Feb 2020
Hate life to the core
Living only with pains
Will make me think
Why to live??

But will live
By counting the blessings !
Had enough !
anu May 2018
All my dreams
Broken down into pieces

Nothing to worry
Because I have my Bro to tkcr of me in my every worry

I have to smile
And I want to move for a mile

I know it will take time
Until I don't want mind to rhyme
For Self !
anu Mar 2018
How hard the situations are
Be the best whatever you are

I don't have the bag of positive vibes
As I have seen it only when you prescribes

An Young and engertic  samiji
Whom I wants, to have heartily an ever he he

Though you won't express
Nothing should make you feel stress

A positive epitome
Should have happy heartily home
This is a try over for my dear ..
anu Mar 2018
I don't belongs to anywhere
I don't know what to do find everywhere

Just feel like crying
But I don't want to do it as it is one way of killing

God just begging to give me a peace
If not just take me please
Just tired of everything !!
anu Apr 2017
Just wish to die
Hate everything in the world
When a girl loses his own control
It shows she shouldn't live at all
But to keep smiles on others' face
How long she will cry
Thank God ..

Sorry for posting
Just poured out
anu Dec 2016
When I write
More negatives
I started hating myself
But I will write

Its because
I don't have any
To tell me
"Don't cry,
Don't worry,
Be strong,
God is with you"

But my great family
Hp members
Are exceptionals

I am hurting myself
Friends help me
To forget my bleeding wounds

I shed all my tears
Sry for sharing this..
anu Nov 2017
I am tried of everything
Start pretending
Keep smiling
And moving
No other go !!
anu Nov 2017
God I beg you
I wish to die
I don't want to have the next day dawn
I am crying
And will cry ever...

Sorry for posting !!
anu Jun 2020
I am broken my anaaa
Feel like as if baby is drowning in sea
Miss you my amaaa

anu Apr 2020
Its better to leave this world
It seems

To die everysecond
Killing thyself
Is best
Thank God
anu Aug 2017
Will tell us
Could understand us

A blink
That gave me a link
For a new friend
Who  seems too kind
Happy to have a new poet friend
anu Sep 2017
I need to talk
But no one is there
It is not a shock
As I will talk
Only to me ever

Atleast I could pour my feelings into beautiful words once
But now I .... Hate myself
anu Feb 2019
A New born baby of me
Blooms by seeing my God with His Goddess
For the first time as we

Ana and Anni ....
Never seen
An heaven
But today lived even

A palace
Where I merged with
Pure love and care

A lonesome girl
Merged in
Heavily smiles
Of God and Goddess

No thanks
But a
Hapy tears !
A beautiful day with my brother and his wife ( Myyy anaaa and aniii )
anu Feb 2015





I Love my friends ...we are seven.we were together for four years.From first year we enjoy every seconds.when  i'm upset  they who make me laugh..even they, and my love on them motivates me to write this..thank u my guys....
anu Nov 2014
A..,I Struggle to start
but ,you are very close to my heart

A-you are the starter for my unknown world
A-you are the initiator for my lovable world
A-you are the motivator for my challenging world
A-you are the consollor for my dark world
And A -You itself the protector for my every world

A..,Now I like to give my  tribute
  For your precious gift
And that is this poem
  under the pen name of Anu
which starts with your 'A'...
ama,apa-my first words which i spoke in my childhood..
affection- my affectioned persons name starts with that..
aim-my aims motivete me
alone-being all alone[sometimes loneliness comforts me]
anu Sep 2017
Facing  challenges
Will make a life

But  facing challenges
For having a life
Is itself  a challenging life !!
Prayers 1
anu Oct 2015

With you dear
Every other friends are near
But  we are never
And that makes me clear
That you are my (lover)dear..
Love u my donkey...
anu Mar 2018
A dried land was there
My heart
Once a seed was planted
My childhood days
And it was watered
My college days
And now a plant was dead
My present days
Though the thunder was not there
A little drop of acids
And makes my heart
A dried land
Just a thought to pour out my feelings in a different way
anu Dec 2015
May this new year brings
A glorious and prosperous
Life to all..
My heartly Newyear wishes to my HP family ..
anu Oct 2015
Having a disturbed thoughts
To have my second thought..
ohhhhh God,let me be a amnesia patient soon...
No other creature should born like me..
anu Feb 2017
At least I wish to get happiness
In my dreams

At least there is a good soul
To tell me
That a support is there
And someone to hear me

Only hard times
Showed me
A greatest souls
In the world

But my worried continues
As a fear kills me
That I shouldn't lost
These great souls too

But I have hope
As I can move on
With an heavy heart
Thanks for the great souls ( my friends)
My Soundarya and My new frnd ajit
anu Nov 2017
I have smiled from my heart today
Its because I heard
What I want to hear
Though this wouldn't be a permenant day
But a gave me a hope
To pray for that day
After a long gap I am feeling better.. Thank God !!
anu Sep 2016
Feeling very bad
4 years ago
Just thinking
How was this moment


Still it's paining!!
anu Nov 2017
Very happy to have my aka back
But too sad to hear that she is back
With the same sadness
Aka but one thing is sure
We have crossed too many sadness
So we can cross and sure
We can move on
Hold my hands ka
We will move on
Ka !!
For my lovely aka elsa !!
anu Nov 2017
Its hurting
And I am crying

I don't know what's this feeling
And Why something is forcing

Just known well that crying
Can change nothing
But still I am longing
And I will be longing !!
Shared how I am feeling now
anu Sep 2018
I am back
A longning girl
Who breathe longning
And who is going to die for longning !
Psychos are born
Its me
Miss my ana !
anu Oct 2019
When I thought
It was dead
But a tear proved that
It was eternal

Never eyes met
Hands holded tight
Lips blabbered not
It lives
As pure as it

Because still
I am alive
And it will

In thoughts
Nothing i wants
Newly i like to coin alove - a love live after its death........
anu May 2015
I don't want to think about you
But i don't think nothing other than you
How mad to like someone deep...
anu Jun 2019
Me stood on the seashore

A wave of memories
Merged me in the sea of magic happiness

A baby pepble
Hugs me with its innocent voice
' Ma '

A grown rock
Dashes me with its innocent noise
' priya '

A sudden storm
Caught me in net of reality

Me came out with an oceanic droplets
Just try over.....
Sum up of what my mind does....

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