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 Jun 2013 Anton
Paul R Mott
I can’t see for the sun
It’s the darkness lights me up
But that ain’t the way to live
Mere wandering can’t fill my cup

I get up late from when the world starts
I can’t catch a break 'cept for my broken heart
Broken not from women, broken not from friends
Broken only from the things in life that won’t end

There’s always the confusion
There’s always the pain
But in spite of these things
The sun pokes through the rain

With the sun above us and the rain below
It should be easy to deal melancholy a blow
But only for the permanent people
With their permanent problems

They can make peace with woe
Since it is all they know
But for those with fleeting spirits
And seasick minds, a solution can be much harder to find

So we spend our lives searching
With the journey as our goal
But with no destination to find
We keep walking low

Out of sight from the sun
Treading carefully on the rain
No impetus for shaky souls to run
A simple “I don’t know” seems to be our refrain

Not from sloth do we shun a rationale
But from confusion, wonder, and the urge to corral
All our misgivings and doubts into something that’s right
Something to sooth a troubled mind when it keeps up the night
 Jun 2013 Anton
Andrew Quilles
Poseidon and Zeus have teamed up on this horrid night.
Thunder and lightning to show off their might.
It calms me down as the thunder roars.
It gives me strength to walk upon the shores.
Poseidon and Zeus have a plan made just for you.
Heaven has made a spot for your rest too.
 May 2013 Anton
L Gardener
Floating across a river of blood
in a pool of massacred dreams,
ripples of hope.
The water runs red because of the plague,
to remind of the good and warn of the bad.
Undesirable outcomes
of the ways we've been behaving.
I wanted to take a dip in that forbidden stream
before all this happened.
To watch it run clear and catch flickers
of light across it's ebbs and flows,
like someone had sprinkled glitter into it.
I wanted the beauty,
even though I didn't know how to swim.
Never had I been within something so
natural and crisp.
I was willing to drown if it could wash over me,
and make me feel as connected as it seemed
to everything around it.
How could this be considered erroneous?
It seemed peaceful...
Until lives were slaugtered on its banks.
Others who felt the same,
our kindered hearts,
we wept into the deep opaque water.
Water none of us knew existed until we saw it.
This same small creek,
that I had never been emerged in,
was now a scarlet current infused with tears.
Ripples from the sobbing rain are what remind us,
that it is an ever moving entity,
with a mind and a song,
and will filter itself someday,
with a slow, harmonious bubbling of purification.
I can wait, and let time heal my subtle rejection,
because now I know what I want.
I want to swim in this elixir of life.
 May 2013 Anton
Sienna Burroughs
it seems easy to believe,
in you and me
when the promise of the light in your eyes,
seeps through my indecision.

my fingertips sliding across the palate of your every inch.
the spaces i have touched painting, colors tracing my every outline,
intertwining between all the small details that define us.

red, like fire, conviction,
spreading across my chest with blinding heat.
echos of animosity, as the lingering flames crawl across the embers they once drew upon.

blue, breaking against waves of progress,
aches washing away with each pull of the moon.
White froths of inspiration.
the sun lay just above, you see?

forrest green, branching through my veins.
spinning life through my every corner.
your skin like spring,
leaves falling to my feet as you pull away once more.

grey, inhibitions.
tears, wrong way signs, fails and falters,
dancing themselves into a web,
tangling me into your response.

deep rust, connection.
iron lending to our foundation.
a place to plot the seeds of what could be.
a place to rest our old souls,
once our bodies can longer be seen.

— The End —