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Where did you go?
Living your dream
You seem so happy
Did you forget about me?

I hope you did
I was holding you back
You were so worried
You just need to laugh

I want you gone
I want you happy
Though I could use a hug
Every now and again

You don't need me
I'm the dust on your feet
I'm baggage you never needed
Shake me off and leave

You're better than me
You don't need this
You deserve the best
Not this burning nest

So I'll see you around
In my dreams I'll love you
In my mind I'll keep you near
But you will forever be free of me
Feedback is appreciated.
We keep getting hurt,

You and I ,

      I and We,

   We and You,

You and me,

Constant fighting,
These sparks aren't igniting,
Those logs aren't burning,
Neither of the flames yearning.

    So read this note,

From Me to You,

Whose hand is holding the lighter underwater?

       Hold this note,
And don't respond or quote,
Unless you plan to write,
Words that might,


You to Me.
This poem was published by World Poetry Movement into the book, Stars in our Hearts: Essence.
It was a semi finalist for their competition in 2011.

It has also won an Honorable Mention from The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers for the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards of 2012.
My tired eyes close,
To retreat to a sheltered mind,
Weary from the fighting,
A war of words.

This is what i never wanted,
To pick up my sword,
And stab you in the heart,
With my words.

All this time passed,
To be wasted upon bitterness,
For you have a narrow mind,
And I a narrow heart.

Have we been blind,
To walk the miles we have walked,
Spent the moments we have spent,
It wasn't wasted.

Wasn't in vain either,
Our lives intwined for a mere moment,
When it did it felt like magic,
Now that feeling is gone.

Replaced with the hollow emptiness of a warrior,
And a bitter spear my right hand clutches,
If I could replace this with your love once more,
I'd drop my weapon and take the final blow.
Outside the window
I see the snow
There's nothing I can do

It's as cold out there
As it is in my heart
Waiting here for you

Suffering through Christmas
Alone beside the tree
Remembering the day when it
Was only you and me

The world ices over
Before my eyes
The wind is blowing strong

Freezing me
Down to the bone
I thought you were the one

Awaiting for the Spring to come
All the ice to melt away
But even when the chill is gone
You won't be here to stay

Dreaming of all the flowers,
Happiness, and sun
Even when Spring does get here
In my heart there will be none

For every cycle has its end
Mine has come to pass
I should've known, just like the seasons
We could never last

So as the months go by
And the calender's seasons change
I'm stuck in this cold Winter
My season stays the same

Sitting at this window
Knowing what I see
Knowing I will never feel
What everyone else seems to be

All other people
Feel the light of Spring
Experience the heat of Summer
And all the happiness Fall brings

For me it's only Winter
Shorter days, even longer nights
By this window I spend my day
Searching for your light

The light you brought into
This dark heart of mine
When you left you put it out
Gone, without a sign

Here by this window
I search everyday
Waiting for your light to shine
And my Winter to fade away

But the sun never shines
Down on my face
Happiness I do not see
There never is a trace

Patiently I view the land
Empty and quiet everywhere
Your footsteps hidden under the snow
Like you were never there

The wind whispers through the cracks
In a sweet, soft tone
Almost creating a presence here
Where I am so alone

In this place of ice and cold
Where Christmas never appears
Excitement from the days of old
Is now replaced with tears

Someone move along this season
Winter, and all my fears
So I will have a reason again,
To smile when Spring is near
I have used up all my tokens
and squandered all my pardons;
all that’s left is tarnished pyrite
and a jewellery box for two.
For I will tear your heart out
and feed it to the coyotes;
you may be the one for me,
but I’m no good for you.

As the field runs crimson
I’ll proceed to crack your spirit.
I know that this is foolish,
but love - this is all I know.
If the moon would make a bargain
on the dust that seals up fractures,
I would strip my backbone
reaching out to make it so;

I would mend each tiny crevice
- plant hydrangeas in the darkness,
but without a new foundation
it is all still frail and makeshift;
and each compounding weight is
all crushed-guts and shattered-statements.
Again we’re set a whirling;
we can’t recognize our faces.

The strongest tree is only paper
and my convoluted nature
is just a fallacy I’ve built to house,
my fear of what is true.
So, we’ll dance until our knees split,
you’ll repeat that we’re a unit
and as I kick the chair out
choke a final, “i love You.”

. . .  .  .   .   .    .    .     .     .     .      .      .       .       .        .         .          .           .                 .

Amidst staggered breaths
my fragile frame converts to dust.
Oak entombs the ashen ruins
of a long awaited  
lazy day!............the saints, the "heroes of yore"
untouched, unsullied
immune to grief


the mystic peace.........the saints, the "heroes of yore"
reappear in white underwear
healing and lecturing you
on the greatness
of "the way"


lazy, crazed!..........the saints, the "heroes of yore"
huddle in  cold shadows
forever knocking
on the devil's door!


and nurture the nurturing
that is god
the world
Laying in my bed I weep,
Scared of a new day to come,
Revealing one's feelings; begging for a soul to keep,
I wonder where the difficulties have suddenly sprouted from.

Positive of what I feel,
Yet, afraid of the words you will say,
Love, a broken heart is hard to heal,
You have so much power to destroy me either which-way.

Never felt this way before,
Butterflies dancing amongst the thoughts of you,
Uncertainty weighs my final decision poor,
But, I can't help if by some chance, you feel what I feel too.

What if you declare yes,
Tears streaming; saying you've felt this way all along,
Oh, how have I wandered into this frustrating mess,
Holding back from our perfect love song.

What would happen if my expectations fall short,
Alienating the person who would mean the most,
My heart would feel like a distant ship leaving the port,
Empty and hollow, like a quivering ghost.

Love, I can't help but to wonder what I wonder,
I want to escape from this silly wrath,
However, until I wake from the depths of my internal slumber,
We will each walk along our own seperate path.
Look me in the eyes,
say that you won't let me go,
we are forever.
Um, no idea what this is...actually. It just sort of came to me.
I’m hated by the world because I won’t sell my soul.
I’m frowned on by society cuz I’m not very old.
My teachers all look down on me, but I do what I’m told.
Because I am a metalhead, I’m always treated cold.

So what if I’m opinionated?
I’m sure that you are too.
There’s things we won’t agree on,
that much I know is true.
But why are you so ******* me?
Cuz I’m not the same as you?
That’s why I have true happiness,
I am not fazed by you.

(Might add to this later.)
Music flows through the air, like a soul,
Valued as a gift from our divine creator,
A perfect melody designed, to make one feel whole,
With a meaning, scribbled deep upon a scroll,
Swelling up to complete our inner core,
Music flows through the air, like a soul,
Filling up even the deepest dug hole,
Lyrics provide the answers one searches for,
A perfect melody designed to make one feel whole,
Higher and higher the notes tumble and roll,
Through the wind they will flutter and soar,
Music flows through the air, like a soul,
People craving a taste, like chips in a bowl,
Boom Boom Boom, the thunderous music will roar,
A perfect melody designed to make one feel whole,
For that is the artist's dream-weaved goal,
Open up your eyes to it, it is more than a bore,
Music flows through the air, like a soul,
A perfect melody designed to make one feel whole.
This poem was published by Creative Communication: A celebration of Today's Poets, Fall Edition.

— The End —