What kind of future do you want, hmm.
I can't really get a thought, thruuu.
Wondering what direction I'll go, too....
There's no proof..
on how to live
We just copy other men
Other trends..
others might just
accept us in,
if we pretend
Hiding our pain under false pretense
But the music in the back ground
It plays suspense,
You're smiling in public but the pains sunked in
You're drunk in addiction and bad habits
You're stuck with an anger
you've had since a kid...
Sad little outcast stuck in a frame with alot of bad contrast harassed with no shame,
Leyfred is my past.
let it be 87 again
Before I was born into a world full of sin,
when my eyes didn't analyze
every moment I live,
what if
again and again
And again
And again!!
And the gain,
is a pain an invisible weight
without a restraint
And to hate is a shame,
everyone's just
trying to live
To compete is the same,
It's always better to give
Understanding instead of trying to argue and fight over things,
we're all human beings,
Trying to rise up above evil doings.....
Every struggle you face
Is preparation for the future that's paved
Everything that you say
could be heard out of context,
Then exploited in ways
That would lead all astray
Never feel the need to explain
This life is all staged
Everyone plays the same game,
So make sure your batteries are charged
It goes on for decades..
Some sellout,
some never change,
Some evolve,
Some are just strange,
Some are lost
Some are the same..
Son of God
That's who I am...