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Ansley Popov Jul 2015
Sometimes I dream about traveling the world,
all of the world,
    traveling it so fast that I can make it to each new timezone before it breaks noon,
  then nighttime will never come,
I'll never sleep alone again
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
Stale confessions told by anxious sinners to men in garments paid by the hour.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
there are broken chords in the hearts of the most reckless and at the ends they curl up oh so pretty
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
I find myself constantly sleep walking to visit the grave of my innocence. It's just us there but you make it seem so crowded. You take my breath away in the worst way possible. Leave marks like open wounds. You've turned every path I travel into a mine field.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
I am the majestic black panther resting upon a tree limb as I observe the cantering wildlife below. They know who I am.  I am beyotchcé.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
Sometimes I think that I am childish for flashing back.
My only justification is that I have no control over it.
Move on.
Grow up.
Let your innocence rest in peace.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
I grew up. **** was hard.
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