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Ansley Popov Jul 2015
I am the happiest person I know,
I get excited at everything,
I love the trees,
I love the way the air smells when it's winter, when it's summer, when it's spring or fall,
I love the people I've surrounded myself with most of all.
I do not know when this happened,
or who was behind my conversion,  
but I know that at this point in my life I truly love myself,
with make up or without,
I love every version.
I am proud of the protector, the artist, the friend,
and the student that I have become.
The game is not over, but now i love myself,
so I have already won.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
we cling to music, art, poetry, we are desperately afraid to be alone in this life and we search for something or someone who feels the same way we do, we want someone to explain the parts of ourselves that we cannot.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
Why do you hate me I don't know what I did wrong even though you tell me all the time sorry I should listen better how is it that you were able to break free of the spell God cast on mothers the one that has them love their child more than themselves perhaps you're god yourself that would explain how you know that everything I do is evil especially since my actions and myself as a whole are completely perpendicular to you you must be God that would explain how you are able to constantly reasure and identify me as the "spawn of satan" you made me hate myself you begged me to **** myself people comment on my "talents" often they have such faith in me which is sad because why should a stranger love my future and appreciate what I've become more than the creator herself why do you hate me and what did I do wrong I may be The Fallen Angel but what you left out of your bible is how badly I wanted to be up on the cloud with you to show you that if you gave me wings like the others you created that I too would fly again I'm writing my longest poem about you I admire you and I feel sorry for you more than any single person I know you are the worst mother in the world to me only I would have been better off mentally had you just abandoned me instead of staying around to beat me like a dead horse but also I am better off with you    having you in my life has made me the best   you have made me so strong you constantly remind me what love is by the sparkle in your beautiful eyes when you talk to my brother that's when I remember what a kind lady you are and how strong you are     And lastly, I am better off with YOU, Donna, as my mother  because you showed me what love is not.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
Often when we are angry, we focus on what other people have done wrong, but the problem with that is that it gives away our power. If we, on the other hand, focus only on ourselves and what we could have done better, we will feel less bitter and more empowered.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
We all receive 24 hours each day to prove to ourselves that we are what we think we are and also what we want to be.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
Contrary to your belief instilled by your evidently crippling lack of discipline , no one owes you anything
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
Yeah you may be a ****, *****, *****, but that doesn't mean anything to me at all, whether you spend your Sunday nights on your knees to praise The Lord, or you're getting on your knees to praise a man, at least you don't think you're above everybody.
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