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Aug 2021 · 1.4k
in the gloaming
katherine Aug 2021
loose gravel crunching loudly beneath me transposes
into the soft thudding of my feet against the soil.
the meadow, my old friend, greets me
with a whispering wind. we are both happy.

the sun dips just below the horizon,
watercoloring the sky in lilacs and siennas.
cicadas converse around me, as I am
but a guest at their lovely hillside home.

the cotton-swab clouds part, and the moon debuts.
she is pure, unsullied radiance. with the stars as backup,
and the sky as her stage, she pirouettes, beginning
her nightly routine. tears glide down my cheeks.

rich plums of dusk fade into the dark navies of night,
and my head sinks into pillowy grass.
my eyelids become lead, and the sandman arrives.
everything is quiet, and this peace is eternal.
this is the first in a collection of 10(ish) poems that show the speaker going from a happy, doe-eyed lover to a jaded, traumatized pessimist because of an abusive partner. oh, also! im planning a cool contrast where the first and last poem are actually describing the same scene, but the describing is being done by someone in two drastically different head-spaces. anyways, i hope you enjoy :)
Feb 2020 · 88
katherine Feb 2020
i was fine china.
my grandmother
locked me up for safety.
never to be used,
and never to be

you always felt the need
to take me out of the cabinet
and treat me like a play thing.
no care for my fragile state,
my ornate beauty.

thats the thing,
i was frail,
thin enough you could crack me
with only a touch
you neednt
throw me around.
speak loudly and with conviction,
and my beauty becomes tainted.
no longer does a common viewer
see me as

loving me requires work.
i am no longer the china
contained and validated
through others’ opinions.
i am instead,
the mosaic of the glass
after it plummets to and scatters on
the floor.

my beauty is in the pieces
and the new beings they create.
no longer a cup
cradling your abuse.

you broke what i was.
and that let me be
my strong,
unbreakable self wants.

— The End —