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 Jan 2013 Anonymous
Caety Lanel
I love the sound each morning
When I wake up
And hear my hips crack
And my toes click
And my ankles snap
And my knees pop
And I feel the ivory bones
Stretched out and throbbing
Over the arches of my feet
Twisting my body into overflexed
Unnatural shapes
Has been the greatest beauty in my life
It reminds me that I dance
I do not claim to know much
Though I'm told each day is a lesson
Yet every hour seems
To layer question upon question
I find it sadly strange
That by a truce I'm worn thin
My heart finds itself confused
With nothing left to win
That night I walked away
One thing I should have said-
You were nothing more
Than a warm body in my bed

Maybe then I wouldn’t
Have to watch your hands entwine
With the silk palms of another
While I stare emptily at mine.
Have you ever felt bottomless?
A void never ending?
Black as night without the promise of morning?
How about devoid, emotionally dry?
The dark gap that reaches inside,
******* away your feelings?
Leaving you without pain, and without joy?
How ravenous that darkness; how gluttonous that hole.
Doomed to feed until it dies and forever leaves my soul.
I want to be a Mirror
Reflecting the Truth-
Neither Good nor Bad
Within my deep recesses
Showing You for
What You are,
Neither praising
Nor condemning
Light is my Life-
In darkness, I am,
No Pain,
No Pleasure,
Can change
The way I perceive.
Truth is my Blood,
My Nature.
In Anger You react,
Smashing me on the ground-
And I, even stronger
Look at You
Out of a Thousand Eyes-
Thousand Reflections
Of yourself.
I am a Mirror.
I am the Heart of God.

-Vijayalakshmi Harish
Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Soft white light,
gently makes love
          to your supine naked body,
                               *you sleep oblivious.
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