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 Dec 2012 Anonymous
Zach Davis
Abandoned dusty in the attic
A shadow flitters around the edge
Caressing the smoky veil of glass,
Searching to remember his first waking moment,
When he had become but a phantom
Of a man-
but alas... it had been always.

Silently knocking on the wall
Which holds him from the other side-
You saunter by and blink
And shun the one moment you could have seen
And he is forgotten from the ones who never knew him
And the fabric
Runs like soot over his world.

His eyes see but the ghost of the substantial,
His world imaginary staring through a window of glass
From which shines an impossible prism
Cutting a path through the smoky din
The dream-dust settles, making it but a circle
Glowing in the light
That he could live in another’s eyes.

The mirror shatters.
Crushing glass slashing shards into the air
Shrieks erupt as the phantasm is
For the first time known,
The storm that had been hidden in that one-way mirror
Now unleashed, yet
You avert your eyes as if it was still a pane of glass.
 Nov 2012 Anonymous
Pablo Neruda
Body of a woman, white hills, white thighs,
you look like a world, lying in surrender.
My rough peasant's body digs in you
and makes the son leap from the depth of the earth.

I was lone like a tunnel. The birds fled from me,
and nigh swamped me with its crushing invasion.
To survive myself I forged you like a weapon,
like an arrow in my bow, a stone in my sling.

But the hour of vengeance falls, and I love you.
Body of skin, of moss, of eager and firm milk.
Oh the goblets of the breast! Oh the eyes of absence!
Oh the roses of the *****! Oh your voice, slow and sad!

Body of my woman, I will persist in your grace.
My thirst, my boundless desire, my shifting road!
Dark river-beds where the eternal thirst flows
and weariness follows, and the infinite ache.
Gold sandy beaches flow from her follicles
Eyes like oceans, the Atlantic and Pacific are storming with jealousy
Her personality washes over slowly, low tide waves calm treacherous nerves
I use to navigate these water so well, acting the part of a sailor
These days, I consider myself lucky to hear her crash against the shore
My fingertips will never forget the feeling of sand between them
This is for Hannah, but it deserved a better name than a generic "Self Tittle"
I challenged myself to write a poem for anyone and everyone of my friends that retweeted a tweet on my twitter. This is one of them.
 Nov 2012 Anonymous
Glass Girl
 Nov 2012 Anonymous
The girl who was glass
with her heart torn in two
was afraid she would shatter
if she just dared to choose.

She cried till she slept--
it was all that she did,
until the day came along--
until she ran and she hid.

Her choice never made,
her mind still in thought.
As the townspeople worried,
she was found and then caught.

'Your fight has been fought,
your battle is done,'
the townspeople called
as the banged on their drums.

She wept and she moaned
as they yelled in her ears.
They told her to choose
but it would bring out her fears.

She said one single name
just one single word.
The townspeople gasped
and then came the birds.

They pecked at her eyes
and cracked her glass skin.
Then she knew that her fears
would finally win.

The girl who was glass
with her heart torn in two
was afraid she would shatter
if she just dared to choose.

— The End —