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10.4k · Dec 2012
The Highwayman
Anon C Dec 2012
The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees
The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon the cloudy seas
The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor
And the highwayman came riding,
Riding, riding,
The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door.

He'd a French cocked hat on his forehead, a bunch of lace at his chin,
A coat of claret velvet, and breeches of brown doe-skin;
They fitted with never a wrinkle; his boots were up to the thigh!
And he rode with a jewelled twinkle,
His pistol butts a-twinkle,
His rapier hilt a-twinkle, under the jewelled sky.

Over the cobbles he clattered and clashed in the dark innyard,
And he tapped with his whip on the shutters, but all was locked and barred;
He whistled a tune to the window, and who should be waiting there
But the landlord's black-eyed daughter,
Bess, the landlord's daughter,
Plaiting a dark red love-knot into her long black hair.

"One kiss, my bonny sweetheart, I'm after a prize tonight,
But I shall be back with the yellow gold before the morning light;
Yet if they press me sharply, and harry me through the day,
Then look for me by the moonlight,
Watch for me by the moonlight,
I'll come to thee by the moonlight, though hell should bar the way.

He rose upright in the stirrups; he scarce could reach her hand
But she loosened her hair i' the casement! His face burnt like a brand
As the black cascade of perfume came tumbling over his breast;
And he kissed its waves in the moonlight,
(Oh, sweet black waves in the moonlight!)
Then he tugged at his rein in the moonlight, and galloped away to the west.

He did not come at the dawning; he did not come at noon,
And out of the tawny sunset, before the rise o' the moon,
When the road was a gypsy's ribbon, looping the purple moor,
A red-coat troop came marching,
Marching, marching
King George's men came marching, up to the old inn-door.

They said no word to the landlord, they drank his ale instead,
But they gagged his daughter and bound her to the foot of her narrow bed;
Two of them knelt at the casement, with muskets at their side!
There was death at every window
And hell at one dark window;
For Bess could see, through the casement,
The road that he would ride.

They had tied her up to attention, with many a sniggering jest;
They had bound a musket beside her, with the barrel beneath her breast!
"now keep good watch!" And they kissed her.
She heard the dead man say
"Look for me by the moonlight
Watch for me by the moonlight
I'll come to thee by the moonlight, though hell should bar the way!"

She twisted her hands behind her, but all the knots held good!
She writhed her hands till her fingers were wet with sweat or blood!
They stretched and strained in the darkness and the hours crawled by like years!
Till, now, on the stroke of midnight,
Cold, on the stroke of midnight,
The tip of one finger touched it!
The trigger at least was hers!

Tlot-tlot! Had they heard it? The horse-hoofs were ringing clear
Tlot-tlot, in the distance! Were they deaf that they did not hear?
Down the ribbon of moonlight, over the brow of the hill,
The highwayman came riding,
Riding, riding!
The red-coats looked to their priming!
She stood up straight and still!

Tlot in the frosty silence! Tlot, in the echoing night!
Nearer he came and nearer! Her face was like a light!
Her eyes grew wide for a moment! She drew one last deep breath,
Then her finger moved in the moonlight,
Her musket shattered the moonlight,
Shattered her breast in the moonlight and warned him with her death.

He turned; he spurred to the west; he did not know she stood
Bowed, with her head o'er the musket, drenched with her own red blood!
Not till the dawn he heard it; his face grew grey to hear
How Bess, the landlord's daughter,
The landlord's black-eyed daughter,
Had watched for her love in the moonlight, and died in the darkness there.

Back, he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky
With the white road smoking behind him and his rapier brandished high!
Blood-red were the spurs i' the golden noon; wine-red was his velvet coat,
When they shot him down on the highway,
Down like a dog on the highway,
And he lay in his blood on the highway, with the bunch of lace at his throat.

Still of a winter's night, they say, when the wind is in the trees,
When the moon is a ghostly galleon, tossed upon the cloudy seas,
When the road is a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,
A highwayman comes riding,
Riding, riding,
A highwayman comes riding, up to the old inn-door.
I keep sharing songs but they are so beautiful I want people to hear them. This one breaks my heart. More Loreena Mckennitt. Originally by Alfred Noyes I did not know! So I must recognize him albeit Loreena sings it majestically!
Anon C Nov 2012
Oh Helena, how I doth know thy pain
Mocked is thine love when at love's feet thrown
Love hath looked upon thee with disdain
And yet still for him thy love hath grown

Do not despair Cupid's arrow at thine door does knock!
Upon thee, loves eyes an awakening will be placed
No longer can  love's spiteful eyes see thee and mock!
And to thine love will he quickly rush in haste

But first know before one is to have thy way
A comedy must first be struck upon
Alas Puck! Disaster hath struck and a game we must all play
Before order is once more restored and the past foregone

Oh no! Now a love thrown upon thee unwanted
Mockery suspected, no more of this dost thou deserve
Evermore another feeling given to thee daunted
But now sit back, let the story unfurl and observe!

Finally soft words to thee spoken so craved
At once entranced but then felt thee a fool!
From nowhere sweet words so spoken must be depraved!
And in thine heart feeling loves sting ever so cruel

Now thy dearest friend! Intertwined within such a conspiracy
Such betrayal! Dear girl know it is a mistake
Albeit twisted and buried in the cruelest irony
Thy dearest friend, thine love she does not wish to shake

Through troubles and trials thou maketh thy way to a beautiful field
Fast asleep next to the love thy value ever so
Puck, fix thy mistake, give Helena her love to finally wield
And at last house a mutual love to forever grow
Tribute to Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Or more directly to Helena. Dear girl <3. First time trying to write in Shakespearean form so if anyone sees errors please feel free to point them out.
6.4k · Nov 2012
The State Of Things Kill Me
Anon C Nov 2012
In a dark corner, pondering the state of the world
as I write this, I take another drink
drowning in this thing, the drink I mean
opening my mind allowing me to see
everything much more clearly
for is this not what it does
heals wounds, numbs the pain
whilst killing you
how ironic
but I can't stop and I hate it
such a dependence, thoughts much more attuned
when intoxicated and alone
and God how I love it, how I hate it
I know I am weak
I say with cigarette and drink in hand
but it dulls the agony so why not
why not
there are those sober, suffering, judging
at least I can admit it
yes I admit it, I am weak
I love music, drink, loneliness, drugs, misery
I am most alive when I look out
and see those in denial of the horror
I know the truth, I know it is real
I accept it
my friend, this is what it is to be human
I love the idea of peace, love, happiness
but the entire world won't accept it
so I drink
I smoke
I sit alone in a dark corner
and ponder
what if
what would I be if humanity coexisted
5.8k · Mar 2014
Anon C Mar 2014
Mistress of the night
sweet smell of darkness
oh how cherished was the scent
never knowing until it was too late

true love's blinded sight
a pain never fading, forever ageless
tattered soul left in fragments
pain that never will abate

oh mistress of the night
*please don't fade into the shadows
Anon C Nov 2012
Am I not too overwhelming
drowning even myself
still waiting
for thee to turn and flee
how hath thy not done so
for I fear thee
not thee
but the power thy hold
within thine heart lies a key*  
to the lock that would consume me
please, I beg of thee
do not use said key
let me lie in thine heart
*for eternity
5.4k · Jan 2013
Anon C Jan 2013
Broken glass lines the path
as if they were shattered dreams themselves 
fragments of hopes lost in the whisper of the wind 
in the night they lie still
I feel like I am dancing on the shards
as I walk, knowing I am blessed
but it makes me sad too
trash litters the ground
life is tossed into slums
many never get the luxury to escape
merely adding to the glittering pieces 
they pile up unending 
eroding, until the glass is no longer discernible from sand
I am talkin' 'bout the ghetto baby
and it ain't no easy road
5.0k · Nov 2012
Beautiful Soul
Anon C Nov 2012
So long in search of a love like yours  
one that encompasses me completely
releasing all emotion
soul exposed bare and naked
to be examined and still accepted
what a revelation
that anyone would have that capability
attuned to every part of me
I respect you
seeing all my scars yet not even blinking
no cringing, no judging
only pure acceptance and love
a craving to heal, cure and dress my wounds
what a beautiful soul you must have, love
my counterpart, my companion
5.0k · Nov 2012
To Uncle Mike
Anon C Nov 2012
Memories are swept away by the wind
I reminisce all the moments we shared
All my shattered hopes you knew how to mend
No matter what I've done you always cared

Remember how we used to play guitar
On The Road To Nowhere we'd take a hike
All these memories seem distant, so far
I miss those days, I miss you Uncle Mike

I'd like to again visit Urchin Falls
And drag our canoe down The Peace River
Hear the frightening sounds of cougar calls
Fossil dig while the rain makes us shiver

When do we get  to spend time together
Play in nature all day, despite weather
4.8k · Dec 2012
Self Expression
Anon C Dec 2012
some say "oh it is unsightly, *****, disgusting"
looking like that you must be bad, a sacrilege
self defilement, so sickening
do they ever stop and think
it is not self defilement
is it self expression
*let me express myself
I had to take my gauges out at work today. It hurt like a beast just starting out again and now I have to shove them back in and endure some serious pain because some people think it is unsightly. Should it not be my right to do what I wish to my body?  It hurts no one but me. Tattoos more often than not have deep meaning for people. Piercings express internal pain for some. Fingernails well hell I have em long for guitar. I wish more would think before judging.....
4.7k · Nov 2012
Anon C Nov 2012
A smile throwing me into endless space
Eyes that speak of nothing but beauty
Hands strong, yet so gentle
Lips so perfectly formed
I want to lean in and steal the sweetest kiss
I wish to have the ability
To take every pain, every tear
And wipe their existence away
Into the endless space your smile provides
Never again to cross your mind
For that is what you have done for me
Set free from my eternal cage
I am not the same
Let me breathe the same air as you
Lost in throes of passion
Simultaneous *******
I wish to see all, share all
With you and you alone
Learn every beautiful aspect
Of your body and mind
Let go of the scars that made me who I am
For you have finally made me feel whole
4.5k · Nov 2012
The Mind Of A Hero
Anon C Nov 2012
Why might I ask, doth a path lie here
Amidst thorns and angry boughs
Why path, doth thy lie here
When you leadeth nowhere
For so long hath I traveled
Encountering oh so many dangers
Nowhere may I walk
Without a vicious hand drawing up sword
Fiery hate, burning steel
Alas, another life must I rip away
For I cannot lie down and die, no!
Ah, Tamriel, may I not just live in peace
Nay, into your war drawn, a side I must choose
And follow seemingly endless, pointless paths
Much akin to the one lying before me
Ordered to ****, ****, ****
No peace until one or the other side is annihilated
Upon my shoulders this burden lies
Betraying many whom hath trusted me along the way
Until one way or another a corrupted man lies in control
Then off again down another dreary path
Dark Brotherhood seeking my assistance
Ah, but thou art vile murderers
Down with ye all!!
My blade vows never to rise to such hatred and angst
Dragonborn, Dragonborn! Help us please!
Fetch the Elder Scroll, Banish the evil!
Yet another burden
It would seem all of Tamriel needs at least one favor
Yet I do not shy away
For I love thee, Skyrim
I love the smiles good deeds bring, the thanks
I will continue to fight for what I believe
Until to Sovngarde's arms I am graced
I foresee many of these in the future. I have an unhealthy love for the world of Skyrim and I find myself consistently wanting to write stories for every soul who lives within this realm.
4.5k · Nov 2012
Anon C Nov 2012
She's preparing her heart to be broken
And why should she not? Is this not the norm?
These beautiful words so softly spoken
Or should she just let go and be reborn

Too late into an unknown world she stepped
The fear is still there but she can't care now
Edge of the horizon, ready, she leapt
It is too late with this she makes a vow

To fight would be madness 'twould be a sin
Regardless it is worth it to let go
Finally feel the happiness within
Take these four walls down and let the love grow

Now despite her fear there's no turning back
God forbid she's wrong, her heart may turn black
I wrote this to express the fear of falling in love and possibly getting hurt. I come back to read this at a later point. Man was I right to be afraid ;)
4.3k · Nov 2012
Anon C Nov 2012
Nightmares bring forth my minds deepest worries
They unleash unknown evil I want not
Dark demons,  an evil creature scurries
A beasts breath is on me and it burns hot

As I feel myself sink into dreamland
Terrors in the night wake and walk about
Afraid evil will touch me with its hand
I feel fear well up and I start to shout

Weight of emptiness crushing me to tears
A shadow of death looks down so vivid
Lurid evil feeds on my minds worst fears
A sharp faced demon bares teeth so livid

As I slowly begin to awaken
I see relieved, my life isn't taken
4.2k · Dec 2012
In Your Final Moments
Anon C Dec 2012
I was sure I would die today
that my heart finally stopped
collapsing in pain
feeling a pop
I was sure
the worst part
I felt nothing
maybe a little fear
just a little
aside from raw fear though
no thoughts crossed my minds
*this is it
4.1k · Nov 2012
Anon C Nov 2012
Everyone knows that she's not like others
She's an outcast in this cold broken place
Suppressing her true self til' it smothers
As she walks around here and hides her face

She wants to fit in, be able to gleam
And be a part of every single crowd
But she can't, she holds it in til' she screams
And above her head there's always a shroud

Sadly, she walks through the halls, her head down
Others watching her with a sinful sneer
She turns away and wishes she could drown
All that stops her from coming out is fear

What would they do if she held her head high
She'll never know, she just lets them pass by
Dedicated to all those who feel so alone due to the cruelty of others.  Especially in high school.
3.9k · Dec 2012
Buried Alive
Anon C Dec 2012
Eyes are open, am I blind
do my arms not work, far they cannot extend
thump, thump
what am I touching, in what am I encased
what an odd sound, like rainfall but more menacing
what is that sound
I hear it above
starting to feel afraid, a dream this must be
air is growing thin, claustrophobia sets in
my nails begin to claw at whatever this force field may be
trapping me in my worst nightmare
bloodied, sore to no avail the trap holds well
hysteria next, screams, wails, laments
please God let me wake up
hours later, numb, deadened my empty eyes stare at the dark tomb
acceptance sets in with the realization
I've been buried alive
I am terrified of being buried alive. Dolan's Cadillac comes to mind. A short story by Stephen King.
3.7k · Nov 2012
Step Inside My Mind
Anon C Nov 2012
Housing thoughts that so often incite
a sick sort of darkness, that may cause one to shy away
so all these thoughts are for you that I write
so you can walk amongst my dreams and view the decay
feeling the need for you to see every corner of my mind
and were you to decide to turn and run far from me
you can before it is too late, lest to my darkness be confined
this allows the ability to avoid all this that is my insanity riddled with debris

There is of course a light within my darkness as well
for every Yin there is a Yang or so I hear
therefore on darkness I will not always dwell
hopefully this can alleviate any fear
and reassure that there also lies hope and love within my soul
a lot of which by you is often times inspired
basking in so much light, releasing me from despair's control
it is these things about you I have always admired

So please, take a stroll down the many paths my mind holds
I will hope they are not too overwhelming as they begin to unfold
3.6k · Nov 2012
Emotion, I Am Alive!
Anon C Nov 2012
Finding solace
tears to my eyes
in something so simple
as a cello or violin
emotions they hurt
but are so lovely
feeling, cherishing each one
for it means I am alive
overcome by it
whispering of trees
a smile
sweet dreams
every sight and sound
screaming its own emotion
hey you!
yes you
I am alive
3.3k · Nov 2012
Anon C Nov 2012
Ye, other men seek me I admit
But they do not possess the fire I envision
The passion I have so desperately sought
So long life passed before my eyes
In an almost trance like state
I was frozen in time, yet the Earth still spun
These dreams grew dull
To be sure, I had almost forgotten them
You reminded me
Brought unto me an awakening
Such an amazing feeling
To recall ones dreams
And realize they can still be achieved
I feel relief wash over me in abundant waves
As I finally venture forth from my stupor
I bask in the beauty of the world
The world you inspire me to appreciate
And all I can say is thank you
Thank you for bringing me to life
3.3k · Dec 2012
Anon C Dec 2012
Time to venture into the mouth of Hell
I pray I do not lose myself, wish me well....
Anon C Nov 2012
Each one of you
broken, bruised, abused
lying on the floor
let me find the pieces
put you back together
dress your wounds
listen to your stories
save you all
If only I could
3.3k · Nov 2012
Anon C Nov 2012
A dream that encompasses me
The smallest things have such beauty

Walking down a dark street
Nothing to be seen
Shrouded in silence

Dancing in the rain
Drops caressing your lips
Kind eyes shining bright

A stroll in the woods
Everything connected
Speaking nothing, hearing everything

Laying upon the earth
Feeling it spin beneath
Smelling that sweet smell

I love to be alive
See all the beauty life has to offer
Isn't it funny
The simplest of things much more beautiful spent with you
3.2k · Nov 2012
Anon C Nov 2012
Unsure of how one could love her
Thus constantly second guessing
Considering self unworthy
So then this feeling
It doesn't matter if she is hurt
It does, but it is expected
For she is unworthy of happiness
3.2k · Nov 2012
Never Good Enough
Anon C Nov 2012
I'm constantly trying to change for you
Yet no matter what I do, it's not right
I have tried every route, nothing will do
Ways to appease you are long out of sight

I do not want to hurt you so I stay
But, if I stay it will slowly **** me
Someday maybe you'll change, Oh God I pray
Someday you won't be so cold, you will see

The mask I'm wearing is cracking slowly
People see what lies beneath, it's empty
Eyes stare in darkly, mine stare out coldly
Loneliness I feel, driving me crazy

All I am asking is to understand
Why do I feel like this, I need God's hand
3.1k · Nov 2012
Anon C Nov 2012
Lost in a sea of darkness for years
A rotting corpse, eternally still
Sea of darkness born from tears
Drowning in silence so shrill

Mind gone, never ending chasm
Reach out, naught will be found
Sanity merely a phantasm
What is real, illusions abound

Wrath filled hands reaching in
Threatening to disrupt the balance
That insanity houses within
Forever feeding on malice

Look now into cold, empty eyes
Eyes of a corpse you despise
3.0k · Dec 2012
Anon C Dec 2012
what did I do
to deserve such an angelic
2.9k · Nov 2012
Anon C Nov 2012
Life lays before me in dark broken paths
All the roads look so good but are so wrong
Evils entangled hands reach out in wrath
Days on these paths have been weary and long

So which path is the right one to go down
Maybe it's the path showered in roses
I see the many thorns reaching around
The path fades, I see that option closes

I swing around to find what path is next
I am then greeted by angry darkness
This path is a chasm, I become vexed
Wearily, I jump into the abyss

No more paths to choose I am just falling
I look up, none can hear my voice calling
Written long long ago but I still feel it at times.
2.8k · Nov 2012
Sweet Sweet Child
Anon C Nov 2012
A child, oh to not understand death
whisper in the wind
feels like forever, mere fractions of moments
alas, life is not long enough
to behold every wonder the world has to offer
wishing to be a child forever
dancing in innocence
what is there to bring woe
for a child does not understand death
life blossoming eternally
never ending possibilities
oh how I envy you sweet child
never grow up
evermore let your spirit soar
please, for the sake of your humanity
do not become what the world sees
retain sweet blissful ignorance
for a child does not understand death
2.8k · Nov 2012
To You
Anon C Nov 2012
You're half a world away and I don't care
I see the true beauty that lies within
I see beauty with you I wish to share
I can't prove my love much to my chagrin

Such a positive force I've never met
God such hope I have not felt in so long
One word comes to mind, one word this kismet
For always it is sure that we belong

I will do anything to prove to you
How beautiful you make this world for me
Without a doubt my love for you is true
Anything less I do not wish to be

Soon enough it does not matter how long
I will hold out for you, I will be strong
2.8k · Nov 2012
Who Am I
Anon C Nov 2012
I am not so pretty as you think you know
broken inside, lonely and lost
I am unsure of what it is I really am
when is it I last did grow
and when the ugliness you truly come across
will you be as a lion to a lamb
Ah, alas I do want to be all that
all that which is so beautiful
so torn up I have been
can I achieve these dreams such a road how do I arrive at
these thoughts give light to an epic struggle
If you can give me the answer then please do by all means
Who am I?
2.8k · Dec 2012
Black Hole
Anon C Dec 2012
Black hole swallows all that is beautiful
Black hole furiously obliterating every light
Black hole seeking to destroy all it touches
Black hole will always be alone
For black hole is just that
Black hole....
What is more powerful and mysterious
2.8k · Dec 2012
Anon C Dec 2012
Grasp hold the unborn blossoms
clench tightly
knowing a flower waits to burst forth
slowly to the top caressing sweet tendrils
each one holding a life its own
pass them by climbing higher
knowing each their own way will unfurl
reach to the top, touch at last
the mother of these creations
her children are safe
look down below
they smile
2.7k · Nov 2012
White On White
Anon C Nov 2012
I breathe in with the rain, sigh with the wind
All is wrong, the sky is white, the clouds blue
Lying in agony, for I have sinned
The color of my pain now changes hue

I beg mercy, my soul becomes blacker
My misery fades but then reoccurs
The world against the world, please just take her
No one's here for anyone, visions blur

I am no one, I am white against white
In constant pain but nowhere to turn to
I give in to my sins, I've lost my fight
Tearful eyes look 'round, the happy are few

Why do I live in a world filled with pain
What the hell's the point, there's nothing to gain
Anon C Nov 2012
At this moment
gun in hand
lying broken
unable to stand
would one pull the trigger
no hope to regain vigor
bones aching
can it be done
uncontrollably shaking
ghastly gun
can one raise their arm
probably not
but one does consider it yes?
to cause oneself harm
utterly distraught
on occasion
when so alone
soul worn with abrasion
smooth unfeeling stone
smothered in despair
oh to be free
from a life so unfair
eyes empty as a dead sea
what is a man's last thoughts
on the brink of eternal darkness
soul tangled to indiscernible knots
already a carcass
2.7k · Nov 2012
Silent Soul
Anon C Nov 2012
Silent Soul so many years
Emotions never expressed
Basking in sorrow
Silent Soul cannot speak these words
But poetry does not judge

Now finding solace
In the whisper of pen on paper
Kiss of fingers on keys
Silent Soul now screaming
Into the echoes of space and time

Ones mind is a playground
What is reality
Silent Soul forgets
Falling into the abyss of imagination
2.7k · Nov 2012
I Am Human
Anon C Nov 2012
I am human
Yes I judge
I do not wish to
Yes I get jealous
I find it selfish
Yes I have darkness
I find it haunting
Yes I get lonely
It happens too often
Yes I am weak
It makes me sad
Yes I love addictions
They make me feel whole
Yes I fear
It is only natural
Yes I am angry
It fuels my passion
Yes I have dreams
For I am only human
2.6k · Nov 2012
Imprisoned by Indoctrination
Anon C Nov 2012
Nature is my religion
The Earth my temple
Why can you not accept it
Your opinion I've always respected
Why must you oppress mine
Why is it you are so right
And I so wrong
The beauty of the Earth speaks within herself
Prove to me why I am wrong
Then maybe I would change
Probably not though
Indoctrination cannot penetrate my mind
My eyes have been opened
If you cannot open yours
Then it is at this time
I feel sorrow for you
A slave to the ideals of man
Ignorantly living in bliss
Forever imprisoned
I am sorry for you
2.6k · Nov 2012
The Sands of Time
Anon C Nov 2012
Do you ever wish you could turn back time
To relive a moment before it fades
To stay forever would not be a crime
The times these days, unhappy I am made

Why does time slide through your fingers like sand
Why can't the better moments last longer
Memories fade, I'm left with just a brand
A scar of the days that made me stronger

I think back, those days make my heart flutter
I hate times I love, they make me bitter
To know what I have lost makes me shudder
I fall to the ground like scattered litter

I want to recapture the better ones
Before they fade into oblivion
Written long ago. I am unsure of the year.
2.5k · Jan 2013
Protect Your Mind
Anon C Jan 2013
Braveheart, you are my Braveheart
Take me in your arms
You are my Braveheart

Fighting so we can be free
Fighting for our dignity
Fighting for the truth and then
We can go and live again

Fighting for the way that's right
Fighting for our truth at night
Fighting up until the dawn
He won't stop until he's won

This is where he's going to start
This is my one true Braveheart

Braveheart, you are my Braveheart
Hold me in your arms
You are my Braveheart
Braveheart, you are my Braveheart
Hold me in your arms
You are my Braveheart
Done by Dj Sakin & Friends. This is for someone.;=PLgUN9E-emUOwkXpgzc8XJHRqTIG48gY3g
2.4k · Nov 2012
My Oldest Friend
Anon C Nov 2012
So used to being alone
afraid not to be
it is part of me now
how does one step outside
peer through a darkened veil
one that has so long clouded their vision
fear striking every part of their being
for stepping outside this veil can be painful
giving yourself over completely
for the world to tear you to pieces
is that so wise a decision
or shall I continue to hide and trust
in the loneliness that has made me who I am
dark, comforting, yet painful
I know it so well
my oldest friend, loneliness
you have become a part of my soul
*what would it be to lose you
2.4k · Nov 2012
Black Sheep
Anon C Nov 2012
Are you a Black Sheep?
The one they all say is responsible
For every unwanted moment
So selfish
Ah yes, you must be self involved
Because you are different
Because they do not understand
What you are
That you are alone
Wanting to be accepted
That is all a Black Sheep can ask
But Black Sheep you shall remain
It is alright friend
I understand
Written for a friend having a hard time right now.
2.4k · Nov 2012
Good Night
Anon C Nov 2012
Each time we say good night, I am silent
Not because I do not wish to say "Good night, sweet dreams!"
But, because I examine your beautiful face
So as not to forget, knowing it will soon be dark
For when the lights are out and only darkness can be seen
I will have the silhouette I quickly sketched inside my mind
To keep me company until the morning arrives
2.4k · Nov 2012
Anon C Nov 2012
All this bitter fury locked within here
My mind is reeling, nowhere to turn to
I stand on a cliff looking down in fear
My head is jumbled, thoughts I had askew

Surrounded by people, yet all alone
I feel lost inside, they see but don't care
Each day while they watch my despair has grown
I want to ask for help, but I don't dare

I can't think straight, my minds locked in neutral
My dreams are slipping away as I fade
Paths chosen in my life I can't control
Decisions for me already been made

I want to turn the pages of my life
But they won't let me, they only cause strife
2.3k · Nov 2012
Beauty of Music
Anon C Nov 2012
Naught in this world gives me more emotion
Every sound chimes a different memory
Music brings my body into motion
Nothing brings more beauty to scenery

I don't always know who I am inside
But this melody brings me back to life
Many times I have sat alone and cried
How is it our lives give so much strife

But I hear this beat and begin to dance
The music of our people brings me hope
Music within us gives the world a chance
If we all stick together we can cope

Lets listen to the music, lets all fight
Dance with the music make our future bright
I wrote this to express my love for music. Namely Trance in my case perhaps others can relate though if they are as passionate about it as I.  At the time when I was writing this I was not only thinking of music but of world unity and equality which I hope was expressed well enough in the poem.
2.3k · Nov 2012
We All House Darkness
Anon C Nov 2012
I am frightened to death of faulty hopes
I know deep down all great things are fiction
I'm too quick to trust, I fall and can't cope
It cuts my soul, until I am stricken

Why must I insist there's just good, no bad
My eyes only see the black and the white
In innocent souls all people are clad
I know it's not true, it just can't be right

I must train myself to look deeper
See the dark hateful souls that lie within
Inside all of us lies a Grim Reaper
Eyes look out so innocent, hiding the sin

I'm left clueless, what in this world is good
I saw the truth 'neath the lies, there they stood
I wrote this at a time where I felt I could trust no one  and felt utter betrayal.
2.3k · Dec 2012
Anon C Dec 2012
Were there reason to suspect treachery
I do not know
mind has become lost in an awakening
thus senses dulled
were it normal such a flip flop of the senses
I would think me safe
as it were I find me tossed into the dark
wondering what curveball may my way next come
I am lost in the Amazonian jungle
waiting for venom to strike out
naught in this secluded wood could be serene
or is this my paranoia talking
but I know this game
Jumanji let us dance
it is your turn to roll the dice
I am watching afraid, confused
what intention could be that
of a python stalking a mouse
2.3k · Jan 2013
Anon C Jan 2013
What is this sound
melodic, pure, a feeling washes over me
one like jumping into a clear mountain spring
rushing through sand dunes giggling as I stumble
skydiving, knowing I am safe and will forever fly
this sound makes me want to listen always
like the birds singing and the winds whisper
the trees swaying telling their secrets
sunshine bathing me warming me to the core
the sound is your laughter
and it is my favorite music
if you would not mind laugh again please
I wish to dance
2.3k · Nov 2012
For You Mom
Anon C Nov 2012
I don't understand why you just left me
You left me behind and never looked back
Was I not your little girl, your baby
You cared more for repulsive things like crack

Now you're gone, now I'll never have a chance
To see the face that cared for me so long
Memories fading, I want to enhance
The times we used to have which are now gone

Mom, why did you let the devil lead you
Walk so willingly with him side by side
Life could have been better, you knew 'twas true
Instead you chose wrong, to my face you lied

I always had one last flicker of hope
That was stolen, by one last hit of dope
2.2k · Nov 2012
Oh How I Beg For Coexistence
Anon C Nov 2012
Ah, the earth and her brilliant beauty
radiating life, such a beautiful perfect circle
everlasting, eternal
how I love you, adore you
but then I see this, humanity
corrupted, angry, power hungry and so full of hate
and my heart bleeds
why is it we cannot live equally
share all the world and the love it has to offer
money? religion? human nature?
God, why can we not all look beyond it
children dying, innocents left bleeding on the streets
innocents who wanted no part in your war
and you took the one life they had and ripped it away
when all they wanted was love, security, peace
a child of all things
wanting to wake and play in the streets
knowing naught of why there is so much hatred
or even for that matter, what hate  is
so how do innocents become so hate filled
indoctrination, it is taught
I do not believe we are born so filled with this horror
so what is so hard about going beyond this
people full of love these days so rare to find
ones that dream of coexistence
why is this?
do they ignore the idea?
are they blind?
or do they just not care?
content to live in a world
a world where people are shot down
I know they see it
I know they know of it
how does their heart not bleed like mine
they see pictures, hear it on the news
whether they knew them or not their story is real
their suffering, their pain
it is heartbreaking
it is unfair
I know I do not have it so hard
but I see their lives riddled with suffering
and I feel I know them
I want to reach for them
save them all and I cannot
tearing at every fabric of my being
I feel so far from being real
when I speak of this and people say don't think about it
how the hell can I not?
I exist within this world
this world so fueled by hate and anger
how can I ignore others pain
why am I finding myself weeping daily
for someone I never knew
I knew their pain
I knew how unfair their life was
so why do I feel so alone in this feeling
humanity you are tearing my soul to pieces
Not really a poem. But every day opening a web page or seeing the news and I see this turmoil in the world  and I cry. I cry almost daily for all the pain and wish to God I could save us all. I needed to get it out.
2.1k · May 2013
Deck of Cards
Anon C May 2013
lost in the hue of insanity
will The Joker find his Queen
does The Joker then find his Queen
will he grow wings to fly
or ride the phoenix to the bowels of Hell
well, will The Joker find his Queen
or will she continue chasing dreams
The Queen went down the rabbit hole
and The Joker was left behind
The Queen found loneliness was her love
and The Joker remained the fool
will The Joker ever find his queen
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