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 Mar 2014 Annie Borisuk
 Mar 2014 Annie Borisuk
It's beautiful how
You move your mouth
And vibrate your vocal cords
It's beautiful how
Your lungs expand
Taking in oxygen that
Will soon flow through
Your veins
It's beautiful how
Your heart beats
In your chest with
The promise of life
How it welcomes the
Weary and empowers them
To carry on
It's beautiful how
Your brain sends
Electricity through
Your body each carrying
A wonderfully crafted thought
It's beautiful how
Your joints bend
And twist into the
Most wonderful shapes
It's beautiful how
your lips rise into
A smile and how
Your hips move while
You walk
It's beautiful how
Your eyes flutter
Like a hummingbird
From flower to flower
It's beautiful how
Your skeleton carries
Your skin and shelters
The vital organs inside
It's beautiful how
You're you
 Mar 2014 Annie Borisuk
A letter to Hope;
We'll feed you to
The people but
You will never be
Able to satisfy them

A letter to Joy;
We'll hang you
Over their heads
Just out of reach
Your life won't
Be spared

A letter to Harmony;
They will sing about
You in all of their
Songs but they will never
Know what its like for
You to dwell with them

A letter to Faith;
They will never understand
You because you sit gagged and
Bound in the background
And they will blame you for everything

A letter to Patience;
We'll lock you in a room
filled with ravenous dogs
And we'll let you out
Just a little too late

A letter to Peace;
We will burn you
Before the crowd
And they will cry for
The war that has killed
Our sons and daughters

A letter to the people;
You've murdered everything
That you've ever wanted from
Us we no longer have anything
Left to give
 Mar 2014 Annie Borisuk
Do you ever get stuck on someones physical appearance
To the point where you can't get past one of their features
Its just so eye catching and no matter what you can't help but focus
On this one aspect of them that shouldn't really matter so much
When you talk to them you find yourself fixated
Eyes drawn to whatever it is that calls for your attention
You see I only ask because I am having this very problem
I adore her to no end but I simply can't get past her eyes
They're just so beautiful
 Mar 2014 Annie Borisuk
I used to never be able to see what she had and I didn't
when all I ever wanted was to walk you home
I always knew those wood chips wouldn't amount to anything,
band t-shirt and clothes we picked out that were too cool
Cold coffee and watching you fall asleep at the table,
sitting in supermarkets and hopeful hopelessness
Now I see what you see in her
Paint splattered skinny jeans cross legged on her bedroom floor,
vinyls of all the bands you loved,
the ones I never gave a chance
She says every night
how cute
funny you are
and all the little things you do that make her smile like she didn't know was possible
And all I want to say is I know
I know about the devils he chooses to hide, and the problems that do and don't affect him
I want to say You know how he gets when he's angry? Like all the calmness in his body flows out like a river through his mouth straight to my heart with words like promises being broken?
But the truth is she probably doesn't
She probably doesn't know of the rivers in you
or the strange quirks that make you blow up,
while others you try your hardest to avoid fighting with me about
"We all have our own opinions," you'd say
I am guessing - only guessing -
She is the blood coursing in your veins,
the lack of reassurance she needs and the problems she doesn't complain about
Well, that's a nice break from me
She doesn't have to apologize a million times for accusing you of lying
When all you wanted to do
was make me believe.
 Mar 2014 Annie Borisuk
 Mar 2014 Annie Borisuk
if you were the sun and he were the moon
he'd die every day just to let you breathe
and if you're in need of a home for your broken heart
he'd make a house out of sticks on the beach, where you could live happy ever after
he'd live for you, he'd die for you, he'd do it all over again for you
he'd study the way your eyes roll back when he said something cliche
just as you'd watch the cigarette hang off his lips like a circus show in an artificially lit gas station
he'd rub little circles on your hand when introducing you to his friends because you were nervous
he'd fight off all the little demons dancing in your head by spinning you around his room like a ballroom floor
he'd say 'i love you' even if he knew those words couldn't hold you together forever
he'd say them for him, for you, for the nights ahead where you're miles away thinking of laying on his bedroom floor
you'd say 'don't' and he'd kiss you in the middle of your sentence to lengthen the limit of your forevers
he'd hold on to your wrists when you tried to slam his door, he'd let you hit him when you were angry
he'd climb up in the sky and hang off the edge of the crescent moon, and he'd reach up to grab a star to bring back down for you
he'd rearrange the constellations and align the planets to be just like you'd always dreamt about
he'd feel a pain in his stomach when the sun caught the tint of your hair the first day you said goodbye
he'd call you just to hear your voice on the answering machine, because you would never pick up
he'd stay with old friends just to ask how you've been, and feel an emptiness when he found out you were doing just fine
a boyfriend, an apartment, and a disease called growing up that you'd whispered you'd never catch one summer night
he'd do it all for you
if you just
let him in
Walking down this quiet street

tonight's cool breeze caresses my face,

but I remember when it was your touch

and your embrace

That smile that played across your delicate lips

that tasted like your chapstick

your quick agile tongue that always made me smile  

and hazel eyes so deep I got lost every time

I try to shake the feeling -

the sadness crushing me

do you remember calling me "sunshine?"

or have you forgotten me?
A pretty little bird sits in a tree
Telling her story to anyone she sees
Singing because she can.
She has a broken wing
But she told herself that she was beautiful,
and that she could fly-
So she did.
She flew and sang and told all the other little birds
That they could fly too.
Well time came and went
And the pretty little bird doesn't sing anymore
She's broken and old and bitter
Squawking  at the world she loved so much
That broke her heart
And told her that her broken wing made her not beautiful-*but a monster.
And I dream but I don't sleep,
because sleep implies rest.
So all of the restless dreamers,
we wander the streets
in a heaven and hell of our own creation;
the demons of our imagination.
And we sing of love.
And we sing of hate.
And we whisper of rebellion-
and we seal our fates.
We own the night,
but they own the days;
the ones who enslave us-
but we break off our chains.
Because we dream without sleep,
and we wander without rest.
The restless dreamers
who own the streets and the demons-
because we have faced them.
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