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Anne Cameron Nov 2009
The blood that flows threw my viens is powerfull and strong.
Wanting you...
Needing you...
Having my heart...
Giving it to you...
Anne Cameron Nov 2009
This is for a friend.
Some one I believe in.
Some one who holds my secrets.
    Yet may not know he does...
Some one who understands words written.
    And the sorrows in doing so...
Some one who thinks he hides in the darkness,
    But I know walks in the light...
I just want to say thank you.
    To a friend...
Thank you for broadening my horizons.
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
Follow me...
I will lead the way.
Follow me...
I will help you.
Follow me...
I will break, but I will heal.
Follow me...
I will always understand.
Follow me...
I will always forgive you.
Follow me...
I will always trust you.
Follow me...
I will always be with you.
Follow me...
I will love you forever.
Follow me..........
a.c. 02/03/97 (written for my son, in a hard time of his life)
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
Look beyond yourself and see the beauty before you.
Life doesn't revolve around us humans.
Nor does it revolve around the animals.
It moves around the land...
Allow your self to see the grace and beauty.
There are many things you don't notice...
Look at the flowing creeks as you pass by,
it brings life to creatures great and small.
The trees that grow tall, protect us from danger.
The land, it gives us it's life and it's love.
The mountains that makes us think in "AW"
Our own lives are beyond us many times over...
Look and see....
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
What is confusion?
The hurt that won't go away.
The thoughts that won't subside.

What is confusion?
The love that I can't stop from showing.
Being unable to understand.

What is confusion?
Having feelings, but not wanting them.
Feeling crazy, but knowing your not.

What is confusion?
Not knowing what's going on.
Being lost on familiar ground.

What is confusion?
When everything makes you mad.
Being unable to fill the voids.

What is confusion?
Having no patience.

What is confusion?
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
I wish you were here...thoughts of you will keep me awake threw out this night.
My eyes to dry to cry and my heart to cold to defrost...
My heart left tender and soft by your gentle hands fitting the pieces that were shatter so long ago...
I would surrender anything to be with you.
I will hide and find the time to destroy it, when I see you so this is why I will not draw my sword...
And the crys within harden and feed the beast, I wish to leave you so you may never have to look inside and endure the pain... but my heart begs me to stay..
I scream and I shake but the walls never break...
Your touch sets me free and your words let me breath...
Its been a while since I could hold my head up high...
Its been a while since I was last set free...
Kissed by the lips of an angel...
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
Will You...
Will you... One day remind your own words of love...
Will you... One day... come forth with an army and brings these walls crashing to the ground...
Will you... One day.. Peal back this armour...
Will you...One day.. Return what was lost to me...
Will you...One day.. Bring these dead roses back to life...
Will you... One day.. Bring me back to life.. and embrace me with your loving arms and remind me what it is to be whole.
Will you... One day..
ac/ 10/15/02
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