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Anne Cameron Oct 2009
Love is not always something you feel, but something you see.
Like the grace and beauty of the mountains.
The tall green and elegant trees.
The motionless stance of the prairie land.
The hustle and bustle of the city, lights large and far as eyes can see.
The old among the new, brings wonders to me.
The "AW" of the land that meets the sea.
The combination of all, holds everything together in peace.
We are all a great family.
Live and let live for our children to see.
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
If there's one face I want to see,
so beautiful, so true...
One smile that makes a difference,
to everything I do...

If there's one touch I long to feel,
one voice I long to hear...
Whenever I am happy,
or just needing someone near...

If there's one joy, one love,
from which I never want to part...
It's you, my very special love,
my world, my life, my heart...
Co-written/03/09/07   ac/sc  (My daughter and I wrote this)
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
If I could have just one wish...
I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating in tune with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you.
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
Some times I hurt so bad, I just don't feel real.
All I want it truth and honesty from those I love more dearly then life.
Is that too much to ask?
Tears run down my face and feelings, so upset I can't bear it.
What do you do?
When you love someone, it is for the good AND the bad, not just the good...
Nothing and no one is perfect and I don't ask for perfection.
I only seek it for my self even knowing it will never happen...
There is no way to control the out come of things, they just happen,
because they happen.
Just for now...............Know that I Love You.
Please don't leave me. I would miss so terribly if you did.
I can not try to make you stay, if your feeling you have to leave,
but you have to know that my heart willl break apart with out you...
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
I May Be Small and Tiny in all Things...
I have Friends that Love and Trust Me
If you MESS with my Friends
You MESS with ME...
I will Walk with Them Every Step of the Way...
If YOU MESS with My Family
You WILL Wish You Were Never Born.
For I Will Die For Them.
Don't Mess With Me...
Remember TNT and Dynamite Comes In Very Small Packages.
And I Am A Very Small Package....
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
There will be a day that I leave you, My Love.
A day that I will walk on rose pedals threw heavens gates.
But untill that day comes...
Remember you are the man that touched my heart and my soul.
I love you now.
I will love you always,
You will see it in my eyes, when I look at you.
In my face, when I smile.
In my arms, when I hold you close.
In your ears, when you listen to my heart.
This is your mark...
Invisibale to all....But you.
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
How do you believe in a face not seen... or even one you have?
How do you long for the body that does not warm you?
The hand you have not held?
Or the lips yet not kissed...
How do you trust words spoken/typed?
Do you read them... or in between them?
Are they true?
Are they real?
Are they thinking the same as you are?
Some say there is a click...
Some say a connection...
Some a feeling...
Some even an energy...
Love is hard to explain.
It can happen in the strangest, most exciting and unexpected ways.
Do you believe...??
In Cyber Love... ??
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