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Anne Cameron Oct 2009
Black is only black... right?
White is only white...right?
and grey is just a mix...?
I think wrong.
Black is all colour.
Every colour our hearts and minds can imagine.
White is a reflection of all colour.
It reflects back truth and clarity of all colours.
Grey then is all colour, yet a reflection of all colour...
In essence grey is truth and clarity in our own hearts and minds...
;..; V ;..; 2009ac
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
I don't know what to think, distraction, confusion, misunderstandings.
This thinking_ all it does is mess me up inside.
Making time and space unbearable.
I don't want to be here any more.
just want to be with you.
I can't believe you found me.
I can't trust my own mind or think straight thoughts.
Everything is every where...
A hand to hold.
A body to hug.
A heart beat to hear as I lay sleeping.
I want so much....
But I need so little...
;..; V ;..; 2009/ac
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
I will stand and face thyne enemy on the road to death and distruction.
With sword in one hand and staff in the other.
For I fear evil, but not enough to run and hide...
For when you hide from your prey, you don't face it, you don't understand it.
I believe in my self and in those who walk the same path beside me.
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
She walks with grace and beauty, her dark rose colored dress flows behind her on the ground.
She has no idea where she is going or why.
The day has just begun and she is already over taken with emotions, she hates it.
She doesn't want to feel anymore, it means she has to care, and she does not want to.
Why should she when thoughs around act so stupid, they seem so lost.
she sighs" emotions are stupid, I wish they were gone!"
She walks on for many hours leaving people and places behind, feeling no regret or no lose.
She carries with her a sword her father had and a blanket her mother made and a necklace of lost love.
She would walk till she fell or fell sleep on her feet.
Nothing means anything anymore.
All is lost, there is no meaning.
2006 ac
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
How can anyone believe in a god that drops bombs on us, allows wars to run rampt, children to go hungry, and animals to be beaten?
I cry ****** tears of saddness and grief!
Everything is wrong.
Nothing is explained.
We smile and take what we are given, and we act greatfull.
We are all sad beings of our selves.
What is worth living for if we cover over our problems with a lie.
How many times have you heard someone say there fine, when really hell is breaking lose inside...
So much saddness, too much to go around.
Humans say make the best of a bad situation, Well I say BullSh*t!!!
Humans are all ONE and ONE for all........
There is no unity, or love or real kindness or trust
How can we believe in human lies...
I don't want to believe in thier lies or misconceptions of truths anymore.
All I cry for is truth and understanding...

signed A Lone Vampire's thoughts and tears...AC 2007
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
My gifts to you-

My mind is insane,a shattered remnent of it's self, lost in a world of confusion and fear.

My body,skin as white as new snow, scared and ******, and as cold as the crypt I lay in...

My heart, shriveled and dead, no longer pumps the blood that I drink to keep me warm...

My soul is all I have left of grace and beauty, love and truth...

Take it and leave me now...

It is all I have left of being human.
ac '06/10
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
Love is too complicated to explain to those who can not
Open thier hearts,
Release thier minds,
And allow thier souls to soar.
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