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anna grace Feb 2022
When you’ve been broken by love time and time again, it gets harder to tell when you are really in it.
You could have everything you ever wished for, and still question your worth, still question if you’re cared for.
And as stupid as it is that’s just it, the thing about love is that you’ll never know when you have it until it’s gone.
anna grace Feb 2021
i knew it was getting bad again when singing in the shower turned to stinging.
when drinking water began to feel like a chore.
i knew it was bad when all i had to look forward to was a bottle and how good it would feel on an empty stomach.
it’s bad again.
anna grace Feb 2021
i am damaged goods, i pride myself a little too much on not letting people in, and at this very moment in time i am falling apart at the seams. I try so hard to keep people out that not even those close to me can realize how much i am hurting, how close i am to falling off the edge. And even the people who have figured it out seem to be overwhelmed by it, not knowing where to start. I pride myself on being a puzzle to those around me, and processing my emotions by picking up the bottle and depriving myself of food. My coping mechanisms are not healthy but they work, they work for me. I have been stripped of every last shred of hope at the young age of seventeen. I’m not writing this to sound like a sob story I’m writing this to share my story.
anna grace Feb 2018
the world constantly brings you down telling you what you should and shouldn't be. well here's the truth. you are amazing you are beautiful, every inch of your body is perfect from your head to your toes. the world will tell you to change but you will never need to. the problem is that i can say all these things to you about how you are beautiful but i cannot tell them to myself. i can't look in the mirror without tearing up. i hope that you will never reach this state of mind. please realize you are worth something, never let it get this bad.
anna grace Feb 2018
its 3 am and my eyes are still burning from all the tears that were wasted on you.
its 3 am and your face is imbeded in my memory
its 3 am and once again i am alone while you lay with another
its 3 am and for the last time i let you enter my mind.
its 3 am and i am done giving up over you.
anna grace Feb 2018
i didn't think i had anything left to give but then you came along and made me believe i did. i didn't think i could be broken anymore but then you proved me wrong.
anna grace Feb 2018
i never heard the rain fall before i met you.
i never noticed how the sun shined and warmed my skin or how the wind brushed against me. you made me notice the little things in life and soon after that you led me to enjoy them too.
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