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  Feb 2016 AnnaBell Osipchuk
Stu Harley
my tears
are real
how to heal
the walls
are real
I hide my pain
with my smile.
I hide my pain
with my eyes.
I'll never let it show
and you'll never know
What strong pain
I'm feeling deep inside.
Because I hide my pain
With my smile,
And it seems like..
I'm happy and fine.
I hide my pain
With my eyes
That show care-ness and love.
Because that's the only way
I can stay strong.
So that's how you'll never know
About the strong pain I hide inside.
That never seems to want to go
And I never want to show.

~By Anna Osipchuk 2011~
I'll wear you in my locket
Close to my heart
So I never will forget you
Even thought it hurts
Hurts so badly
I never want to lose this pain
This painful hurt I have inside my heart
Reminds me
That you were real
And you were here
And you still are
Inside my heart
So the hope I have
Is that I'll see you again
One day
And that one day come quickly

~By Anna Osipchuk 2013~
Dedicated to a close friend of mine that passed away.
Outside beauty
Does not last forever,
Once it's gone
It's gone forever.
But there is one beauty
That never fades,
It never goes
Unless you change.
Within the heart
Is where it lies.
Within the heart
Is where it shines.
So is your soft
As fresh clay?
Or hard as after
It's been baked?

— The End —