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you're like a drug pulsating in my veins
you're an addiction that wont die
causing my body so many pains
you have control my love, my oh my
your power is frightening to my own soul
you can wound more than you even know
and the more I give the more you have the whole
you can choose at any second to go, go, go
We take pride in what we write
We're unique and silly souls
We rhyme and we rhyme
We express the injustice crime
We judge our work to harshly
We're our own worst critic
But we forget one thing
There are no rules my friend
There are no rules ole soul
I like your eyes and the structure of your bones
I like you in ever single tone
Your whole being attracts me
I couldn't even begin to flee
Your a skeptical soul
You don't believe in change as a whole
But I'm here to prove you wrong
Let's finally write that love song
You loved me in my unfaithfulness
My soul was a distressed mess
I question whether to applaud you or think you a crazy fool
There was always this pull
The attraction isn't dead you said
You're still in my head, you're in my head
Here we are

I'm not sure if we'll get very far

But it's like you said

The initial attraction won't ever be dead

You're ingraved in my being

It's not at all freeing

You're carved in memories I've tried to forget

But maybe it's time to take that step

They're creeping up so I'm letting them out

If this doesn't work they'll be pain without a doubt

But maybe it's time we give it all up

Abandon control

And surrender to the one whose completely whole
the rain beats on the windows.
the rain beats on the ground.
the thoughts come to the surface.
as my heart falls to the ground.
I feel drenched in my own sin.
Again and again I let him win.
Give me the strength to change from my ways.
Don't let me go on like this for days.
Forgive me and help me.
Take this all from me and let me live free.
I go into this mode of someone I don't even know.
Sin has a grip on me and it can't let go.
I've given a foothold and it's my own fault.
I can't even think and halt.
My mind gets clouded.
Sinful thoughts play in my head.
And in the end, it's always regretful.
At this rate I can never be His tool.
Change my heart.
Blot out my transgressions and give me a new start.
Forgive me and do not be far from me.
That's my only plea.
Just save me
from me.
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