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Vapid beauty of this room
Frothing carpet, ocean blue
One wall me, the other you
What lies between is residue

Scribed on soggy, shipwrecked parchment
Questions asked, time forgotten
Who are we?
What do we know?
Into these questions Summer flows
And thrashes at your Autumn’s brinks
Yearlong they torment my brain
Infringing on every season

If not for the manic scheme
To love and having loved be loved
This correspondence to a distant land
With stars, more numerous and brightly lit
Than my burgeoning highway exit
Would by no means have left my hand

But if, against all odds, it will prevail
Extolling truth’s folly, my sorrowful tale
Quells with reason my groundless pride
At having docked on your passionless harbor
Unloading platonic cargo during our youth’s ebbing tide
Must not create union of body or mind
You swallow my horizon, like the sun twilight
Though, one need not chase that orange orb for tomorrow

In this night without fortitude, lewd humor consumes me
Singing with the mouth on my head and your voice inside
I plunge into darkness
Skimming its silky surface
Before zipping it behind me

Shall I drown, as I have lived?
In vain, my dreams your subjects
Taken for ransom in your heart’s Tripoli
Not surmising recompense, I forfeit this
A note belying resonance
Of my heart’s last echoed throe
One desperate effort, giving up
Feed every vestige to the void
Wading, torso encumbered
Each sullen relic of your memory
Falls to the deep’s frigid ebony
Then, only too late am I cognizant
That my own breath is tribute yet spent
Therefore if I were to float or swim
I’d give you every ounce of who I am
Convince you to relinquish me
From your tepid, spurning sea
Then lying beneath moist underbrush
Slowly, breathe no more

This is basically a revision of my poem Anstoss

My recitation here:
Nearly there
To reach out
And touch you

Nearly there
To kiss your lips
And hold you close

Nearly there
So I can say
That I love you

Nearly there
It won't be long
I am coming home
copyright Chris Smith
 Oct 2010 Angela Faith
Larry B
Now here's a story for Halloween
One that you won't forget
A little story of forbidden love
Called Wolfio and Drooliette

Now Wolfio was a werewolf dude
With his hair down to his toes
And how he hooked up with Drooliette
Nobody really knows

You see, Drooliette was a vampire chick
With her fangs all covered in red
But Wolfio really dug that chick
From the ground, cause she was dead

Now Drooliette liked those hairy dudes
They made her go weak in the knees
He washed his hair in Pert shampoo
Cause he heard it got rid of the fleas

And though he had to stop fetching sticks
A sacrifice he was willing to make
They don't sit good with the vampire chicks
Cause it looked like a wooden stake

Now to say they lived happily ever after
Would probably be telling you a lie
Cause though Drooliette will never see death
Poor Wolfio had to die

Now don't be sad, but this story is true
And before you say that I lied
Just say hello to Drooliette
My brand new blood ******* bride
Crystal cups contain lost calls,
Scores on walls from grisly brawls.
Antique, dusty china dolls.
Cows are mooing as they fall.
Mystic, glittering gypsy *****.
On these floors, her babies crawled.
Ceaseless clamor in the halls.
Oh the stories in these walls!
All rights reserved
 Oct 2010 Angela Faith
Larry B
In my shadow stands the best of who I am
A part of me that I am proud to be
He follows me everywhere I go
And says he wants to grow to be like me

In my shadow stands the answer to all my dreams
A part of me that's learned from my mistakes
And as he watches everything I do
He doesn't know what a better me he makes

In my shadow stands a blessing from above
A part of me that makes me want to live
To let him know exactly how I feel
And show him all the love I have to give

In my shadow stands my beginning and my end
A part of me that I want the world to see
He tries his best to be the best he can
To be the man that he is sure to be

In my shadow stands the reason I am me
A part of me that fills my heart with joy
One day soon when he fills his daddy's shoes
He'll become the shadow for his little boy
True friends can help us seek inside our souls
For that which is true
Retrace our steps looking into burning coals
Of blazing fires, we left a smoldering
When life went all-askew

They help us see beyond our looking glass
Under places where we hide
Deep scars and wounds of days gone past
From all those bitter tears
That never dried

A true friend can help us see a side of us
We may not wish to see
While holding our hand in gentle trust
Even when
We don’t agree

The truest friend is the one who appears
To help put those fires out cold
Binds your wounds and dries your tears
While holding the hand
Of your soul
*Dedicated to Lorilynn

Copyright *Neva Flores @2010
I’ve seen this same old street before
In every other town
Somehow It’s the same old street
That I keep going down
The signs say wine and women
It draws the men like flies
But it's a lousy atmosphere
To hope an old love dies

Just the same old painted faces
Same old two-bit places
Funny coming here to start anew
Walking through these bright lights reeling
I can’t find that same good  feeling
I wish there was road going back to you

It’s where men go when walls close in
And  shadows get too long
You need a woman in your life
The kind you had at home
And so you play the oldest game
Just reaching out for straws
Every town’s got the same old street  
The same old losing cause

Copyright Louis Brown
 Oct 2010 Angela Faith
 Oct 2010 Angela Faith
Cocoon suspended ‘neath a branch,
Out of harmer’s range;
Churning in tight quarters then,
Awaiting for the change.

A cast she’d spun with great detail,
To blend into the scene;
Remain innocuous, choosing plain,
To spend such days serene.

This sanctuary has terms of time;
Yet flippant so, of sight;
Blinded by the darkness kept,
May only dream of flight.

There, outside this nurturing crypt,
Lies futures yet untold;
Exploring freedom, airless hours,
As wings will then unfold.

Alterations to her inner form
Complete in all detail;
While oblivious to worlds unknown--
Mem’ries without a trail.

As perforations tear a fold,
In which she will embark,
To crystal, glowing cast of moon
Within this evening, dark;

She wrestles to uncurl her girth
And wingspan so anew;
That seems so awkward, foreign and
Has converted different hue.

Now perched upon her drying bed,
She fans while instincts try
To capture sens’ry explosions
That lay to foundling’s eyes.

Beyond the glen, a spot she sees;
A single glowing blur.
Just then each tree bends toward one side,
As breaths sweep under her.

Weightless, floating, movement new,
She tests her longer arms,
That reach, manipulating wind,
Should quivers strike alarm.

The lure of the eerie glow,
Possess investigation,
As closer toward the light she flies,
Embraced with consternation.

Near collision with the beacon,
She’s halted in mid-air;
Translucent strings of sticky form,
She didn’t see, were there.

She wrestles, tries to free herself,
While a shadow looming near
Smiles with contentment of
His cunning craft of snare.

Slowly he approaches while
She looks to see his eyes,
So vacant of emotive flush,
With fear she starts to cry.

The octo-legged creature then,
Inserts his poisoned quill,
As venom circulates her life,
He waits until she’s still.

Then coils her in silky thread,
While dancing ‘bout his room.
Tho’ this is of his own design,
She returns, inside cocoon.

As thoughts of life, such brevity,
Released of any pain.
She closes youthful eyes at last,
And dreams of flight again.
Fegger, 2009
 Sep 2010 Angela Faith
who says i can't bow
to my FATHER who
art thou in heaven

when i write about
marmalade trees and
stargazing skies

he knows everything i
am going to write even
before i dip my quill pen
in ink to rice paper

would he rather see
a happy child playing
make believe with
her imaginary friend
eating candy apples

than see man worshiping
money for his own lust
manipulating with a
deck of black cards

FATHER who art thou
in heaven, maybe my
station in heaven will
be decorating your
mansions in homespun
ivory silk puffs
sit and watch the children play

we feast on fine wines
and fruits not yet known
we listen to the harp and
the flute while the
children do somersaults

FATHER who are thou in heaven
you gave us choices to rejoice
in colors, scents and sounds

or the man in the dark pin striped
suits manipulating humankind
with a full deck of black cards

i am just blessed
i can sit with you
by my side and write
about marmalade trees
and gold stardust skies.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010

— The End —