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Anecandu Oct 2017
Between my words are meanings punctuated
The intentions obscure yet pontificated.

Between my eyes a repository built to our memory,
Alas the past still as sweet and smooth as honey.

Between my hands the pieces of what love gathered,
Washed clean like sand from my fingertips in a sea of happy.

Between my words is bliss
But without your lips I am east of bliss
Anecandu Oct 2017
Tell my pillow I'm sorry for all the missing nights
Tell it I didn't meant to start it (all those pillow fights)

Tell my pillow I miss her,
How I miss the pillow conversations.
Anecandu Oct 2017
There I was dangling off the edge of life by a thread,
Barnacles growing in my bed,
Walking around with lead shoes,
Always wearing Navy Blue contacts.

Out of nowhere something fast,
Picked me up and upward blast,
Bucking, hurtling into the sapphire sky,
Dancing rainbow fairies around us.

I feel the pixie ..... dust
I revel in the lust
I grow in the fertile trust
This must be Hero Love
Anecandu Jul 2017
Keeper of my happiness
I search for you my shimmering princess
My consciousness desires your service,
I'm pale in your absence as with scurvy.
My world like a dancing top tipsy turvy .

Your love for me is overwhelming and fresh,
I feel like a rescued drowning wretch,
clawing at the vanilla sky for a grip on reality's hips,
my mouth a  scream muffled by your moca coffee lips.

Your polished hands are a cocoon to my happy state,
I transform to freedom of spirit without life's weights,
happiness bursting from me like a water pipe,
I spew love on everyone and they bathe in my respite.
Anecandu Jul 2017
I long to be
The blossoms on your mango tree
Anecandu Jul 2017
Was it the modest perfume or your brushing touch?
Was it necessity or simple lust,

Can I be your oasis of thirst,
Would I be best, average, worst?

Can your smile greet, me awaken me, like sun on my face
I feared serendipity's coldness standing in my place.

Wish I could steal the heaven in your eyes where it lays
hold on to it like Gollum, salting it away for days.

Your words trigger a nuclear reaction in my chest,
My heart explodes daily despite my best,

These thoughts berate me constantly,
But most of all I fear you might love me.
Anecandu Jun 2017
There was a smile I found,
In the bushes of my lovers garden.
It broke when lifted from its place,
The pieces fed it to the elks who graze softly on my dreams,
Around the bubbling waterfall of my emotions.
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