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 Mar 2014 Shell of a Man
Hands on my hips
Lips on my thighs,
Unfamiliar eyes meet mine,
They are blue this time.
He gives me the feeling my body misses,
I am living on Food Stamp Kisses.

The hint of a smile,
I step to the side
The spectacular glow
Of the moon outside,
Gives me the feeling my body misses,
I am living on Food Stamp Kisses.

I'm bound to run out
Of the vice that gets me high
I feel that I'm getting low
My emotions are running dry.
I'm craving the feeling my body misses,
I'm dying on Food Stamp Kisses

I no longer worry
About getting through the day
The words that you send me
Are enough for a century
Of needing the feeling my body misses,
And living on Food Stamp Kisses
 Mar 2014 Shell of a Man
Waiting is sometimes the best thing you can do
When you aren't sure if anyone will be there to catch you.
Walking on tightrope seems a difficult task,
But a harder battle for me is not turning to a flask.
But is turning to a blade a better choice
Because I feel that I can never have a voice?
or would it be better, falling off my rope into an abyss
but then again, I know there would be things I miss...
So, if I promise to be your safety net,
Will you promise you are a safe bet?
Dear #2 pencil I want to thank you for always being there for me
I know you break easy under pressure but for the most part you're stronger than I'll ever be
See I'm hiding behind the curtain while you take center stage
You give me the swagger that's unleashed upon this page
Eraser never there but only because you give what little you have to make me sound better
Pens so selfish and Don't you dare listen to those other colors cause you're the real gogetter
Black or white I never quite understood it, when asked a question I just ignored it
I'm thinking I'd like to stick with the shade of gray I'm familiar with
Everyone seems to take advantage of what you're capable of , I promise to respect you
I know our time will only grow shorter so I wont break you down but build you up forget the life you're used to
This is my point of view and I think you're great, like us all overworked and under paid
You end up fading away but I cant complain, even one day I will decay
Always complaining and underfed, misread the news people said
Not enough money begging for more watch out the disease will spread
Bed made of roses and a look from years ago
John Doe even after committing a crime rehabilitation is slow
Beauty and the Beast no clean air to inhale
Itchy nose but excited to breathe as you exhale
No Kodak moment life is different behind the scenes
Disowned by your own genes when pregnant in your teens
By all means go on with your routine without a care
But beware of the affairs and glares and the turtle that doesn't beat the hare
Because life isn't fair, you're not God so don't sit in his chair
Everyone can spare a little change
Every time you write you get this sparkle in your eyes
A supreme gleam that is your dream to win the grand prize
Between the King and Queen, you're just the joker going nowhere
But you're my turtle and I am your hare
You finish first even when all odds are stacked against you
Undervalued and underestimated, no one understands, no one knows
Better when empty; the bottle spins and lands on eenie meenie miny Poe
No need for gin and tonic, you're iconic without the sin
Paper may be thin but the words on it crawl under my skin
Your pen may bleed through but only because you put your heart on the page
You may age but your poetry will not be caged by thyme or sage
People can try but no matter what you type up, it will never be as good as what comes from his rib cage
Hey this is your Baby Dino speaking loud and clear
Don't fear my dear what may be scary now, because soon your vision will clear
Wipe away those tears, I don't want to see them, I promised a great year
Remember New Years, I said I'd adhere to us and I was being sincere
If I'm unclear, close your eyes and reopen them, I'm still here
Unlike Houdini I will not disappear. So turn that frown upside down and replace it with cheer
Listen close as I whisper in your ear, we're in this together like two atoms that cohere
I know that I'm not as cute as others but steer cause your hands are on the shift gear and if I'm mistreated it will be severe
My heart races rapidly like an auctioneer and I don't want to interfere
We're aeronautical engineers concerned that our place might not be able to fly
The Wright brothers didn't give up on their first design
Patience. Wait in line at a decline but we will be fine
We may crash but our fingers will be intertwined always coming out on cloud nine
Our story has a crazy plot line and you're not the supporting role, climbing up the vine
I'll be on the front line to take the damage and don't shake your head at me because the bull is MY sign
I may be hot but bring out the red cape and I'll be hot headed leaving nothing left but the enemies chalk line
Bottom line is that I'll always have your back so you might as well recline
We say not to cross lines but in order to finish the race you have to get through it
The radical sign is in front of our problems so we need to get to the root of them this time
Apart we are two pieces but together a beautiful design
A the beginning of the alphabet, a simple sentence or even a greeting "hey"
May I ask you a question? Will you sit and say or walk astray
They say every kiss begins with K, so that must mean that every happy day
Begins with you.Forget the dark days this bridge will no longer sway
You and I on a bed molding together like clay and I pray
We find a way to never decay, unless in the ground where forever we would lay
Till then never go away or give way. I'll always make my way
To you even if its over half way. Our love is on display
So take a survey even at the end of a bad day we're okay
Life's moving fast fiance, wedding day, baby on the way
Day after day and I still won't betray. Street sign reads one way
Cause we are both headed for whatever together today
Your eyes took place of my Milky Way for that I can never repay
Wen't through the alphabet a to zzz now it's time to hit the hay

Told you I wouldn't steal your rhymes then you go and steal my heart
Robin hood gave me a head start to leave but I didn't want to part
with the treasure I found. Impart the impartial that we are together and getting to the good part
A la carte item you're mostly sweet and only sometimes ****
Kick start my heart with your kiss, like fine art touching all of the colors in the color chart
A fresh canvas everyday a fresh start. Learning martial arts, so no one can tear us apart
Our life together dramatic but in the end still a beautiful piece of art

A heart found fair astound when he was crowned
Love of my life renown all around never drowned
They said I got around but you heard no sound
In your arms I am forever bound, my heart profound
Hung around long enough to be surrounded by sturdy ground
Took a look around this wonderful world that is our playground

Lost my breath or did I lose air, can't bare to swear
That I could possibly care about a man who is a billionaire
Money is not what I want but to be taken care of when in that rocking chair
Aware that things won't always be fair. I can spare a few things here and there
Share the space where we sleep, nothing else will ever compare
Not completely different we're the turtle and the hare
Both of us want to finish the race and take care
Of each other for the rest of our old days. So I declare
That in 60 years things will be in the air, but not us, safe and sound in each other's care
I've come prepared for the hot air and wear and tear but I'm willing to repair
Anything that's bent or broken. Unable to bare the short flare
That honestly gives me a scare. Because what I feel we share
Is something so rare that nobody ever can compare
We are the perfect pair and I swear I will always be there
Stare into each other's eyes as we grow old, taking our last breath of air
In heaven you will be mine to forever hold there
As we take our first steps onto the stairs
Succulent and delicious I think not
With you I'm sorry but I will not be caught
Talking not touching is not what is sought
They say they want you on a platter
Not quite sure what is the matter
With their brain I can not see
For hearing you is a scream from banshee
Alone with you at sea I would rather die than eat
Don't try to greet or take a seat in the back of my car, you better retreat
I will not stand for your tasteless treats go some where else to excrete
You ask constant questions about my well being
Fleeing for I'm done sight seeing, I've had enough of us disagreeing
You pleading for me to just try it once isn't going to work
You can stick your fork in some other pork, not trying your meat ****
Go get your perks some other place, hotter than anything else you can get
Want to bet that this is not just an empty threat, leaving you upset
You must regret doing what you've done looks like meeting me wasn't so fun
No puns intended but your **** is roast and this time it was way over done.
A poem about what I go through not just with boys but with people in general who give me **** about being a Vegetarian.
Red hair pale skin vulnerable necks where do I begin
A supply of scarlet surrounded by a surface so thin
A pin or a ***** piercing this species so stupid and senseless
Love for me but just lust to them, deserving to be defenseless
Ripped away from innocence as the hour reaches midnight
Repeated nightmare in my head can't cure this blight after the bite
Slight discomfort but mostly delight hungering for it as I write
Frightened as the feeling heightens after finished I despite
myself. Leaving quick before the sunlight rises above
Sick of continuing on this road, body was overtaken but nothing left to dispose of
Proceeding on to live a hidden life, rumors go around but never found out
Uncertain about the route that should be taken, mind filled with constant doubt
Go about your daily lives cause soon enough I'll be laying in my coffin to sleep
Black sheep different and deceiving this secret only I can keep
I wrote this poem awhile back, had to muster up enough courage to post it. The surface is about vampires but from my experience there are far more scary and cruel monsters out there... people.
Oh how I ache
Of a broken heart
Something is missing
And that is how it will start

I have some news for you
Yes, I'm gay
I promise not to change
And that's all there is to say

I wish you'd understand
Why I can't love a man
Why woman are what I love
And that I believe in eve and Ann

I don't want to loose you forever
But that's what its coming too
Can't take another rejection
Just know that I love you

I found someone who loves me
Gender doesn't matter
I wish you could meet
Or my heart might shatter

Acceptance is my prayer
Love is what I need
I wish you'd stop rejecting me
So I didn't have to bleed

You're ruining what'd we had
But I'll give you one more chance
Just accept that I'm gay
So you can see our first dance
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