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andy fardell Jan 31
I be silently shouting
But you don't hear
A screaming I'm feeling
No rescue my fear

And so be it
They don't understand
All echoed inside me
At peace all a lie

Silently screaming
Away I should run
These walls fight my feelings
Padded and worn

Silently screaming
I'm tired lost the will
I think I'm alone here
The bitter last pill
andy fardell Jan 22
Sadness comes from a man's eyes
Rivers that fall to a waterfalls end
All bittersweet lost through gritted lips
Till the darkness comes

We do not cease to exist as time go's on
Anger only devours the moments
Fire only rages to ash in the wind
Till we become another

Our kindness is free it's contagious
Be the one to share in my smile
Pass as I do through your world
Till the darkness comes
andy fardell Jan 15
Such loud anger came from his frothing veins
Yet I was amused
It's only a game I cried
His frenzied reddened eyes wolfed at me

Is it the wizened me
Or have I lost that bite
I chortled to myself of how I used to rage
Stage the fall to come next light

Will he learn as I never
Deep deep within it ticks
My smile thickened
Calming his storm
Quite the sea as I remember
andy fardell Jan 14
They Thirst

My lips dribble to the wanted taste
A feeble buzz that grows within
My grasp hard and steady
It's early but who am I to doubt
They thirst

Golden fluid holds it's spell
The demon drink a rotting hell
Voices in my head rasping a taste
I cannot deny my heady haste
They thirst

It's the look you see
Sorrowed eyes that meet under the bloodshot lamps
All knowing the mirrors end
They thirst

Flow into me
Drown my weakness in the sound of the ghouls *****
His church be my next
They thirst

A last be my breath
They thirst
andy fardell Jan 12
First in her hair she sat in silence
A quaintness behold
That charming smile
Held a life

And here I am
The nothing
Yet a promise
To her way

Only a writer writes the writer
A friendship almost to born
Their story to be told
Sees the writer write
their wall.

I say this from afar
A corner round the way
Don't shoot the happy  messenger
I'm here
I am the all
andy fardell Jan 10
I could feel the winter creeping in through the windows
A white hue hung in the air
Fingers of ice ready to embroil me in it's pleasure
Yet I was warm and made of toasty
These are the good days

My roof was sound as the wind announced its arrival
I smiled a whistle
Singing the only creak to be heard as I opened a full cupboard
I was ready to devour
These are the good days

Time does now tick as my age turns to grey
A smile of great memories
Crying sadness of old loss
My role to remember
A job to create such
I look down through the blur
These old hands all now wrinkled
The good days all gone
andy fardell Jan 9
You think it's about you
Haven't got a clue
Wishing your importance
The usual crew

I live it on the edge
Made it my place
It's really quite beautiful
And so was you

You think it's about you
Haven't got a clue
You think it's about you
The usual crew

So now I sit there alone
Failing to fall
From the edge comes the call
Ending the all

You think it's about you
Haven't got a clue
You think it's about you
The usual crew

Sipping grapes to sigh
My love
our life
You think it's about you
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