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I'm so **** tired
I need to go to bed
But the thought of her smile runs through my head
Reliving fantasy makes the analogy that my imagination created theology
But watching pool on that bar stool reminds me of how that ***** love had destroyed me
I'm so **** tired
I want the desire dead
But the fire in our match remains bright red
Reminiscing on memories paint the reverie, that my hell was so heavenly
But now the stables are empty, the horses now dead, I left Rome, and torched our homestead
I'm tired, so **** tired
I will dream tonight
Expire to achieve
Seeking in serenity
Let passions retire
Sleep in bed
Sit in my soul
Let my thoughts deny Her
I would love to love you if you'd only let me. I could make you smile ,i would be a good girl i would settle down....
honey you don't see we could be so happy? so come to me & and i'll show you how.
You could love me too. I’ll be with you even in the dark nights , just come here, and don't think it twice and love ... love me ain’t that feel alright?
Love, i know i've been waiting in vain...we are missing things to hold on to,but no matter time or reason, i won't let you go. I can't. It's beyond me,i've found myself uncapable to forget, i blame it on your smile wich hunts my dreams.

How i feel You when i  hear the blues, i got the sorrow on the freezing nghts,so heavyhearted and cold no longer emotion comes from me, except except when i'm with you; hapiness that's what you are.
Ironic,we've come and go but through all we stick together, that's how much i carry you...changes,pain,hapiness, age and even lovers.Yes, i must accept you've made weak and crazy.

You've also made strong, strong enough to let you in and give it all, to be humble and caring.To fight for a dead romance in the middle of our games ,with the rest of a broken heart ,you ,just you ,will always be in every piece of it ,every single piece of the forever.
Anger, clenched jaw
Fists punching what come across,
Hate all over the place, hate everything and everyone
Pain always pain, exploding in rage
Anger anger is all that is left .
Ooh you make me
So frustrated
With myself
But it should be you
That I want to punch
It’s hard to read
I want to,
Just know what you’re thinking
About my existence
And speaking with you,
If you get the silly feelings
Smile randomly throughout the day
Because you know the other is doing something somewhere,
But I can’t know such things
You won’t tell
Perhaps you have nothing to say,
And it’s all in my head
This thing I want to call a maybe us
And really
We’re just two people
In the world-
But really
I can’t accept that
Because really
You’ve made me happier
Than any other ******* I’ve met
In a long, long
 Jan 2013 Andrew Willson
 Jan 2013 Andrew Willson
A word gathering dust on my internal junk shelf,
Inseparable, it would seem, from my ego.
Assuredly it seems just a threat to my health;
It's a surefire harm to my heart, this I know.
But once given the chance to examine my state,
As impossible as it seemed to let go,
I saw glimpses of wisdom, redemptions of fate,
Which swore to this word’s worth, its quo.
For when read alone, on a page in my mind,
The “him” was the syllabic gong that rang twelfth.
But I took a fresh gaze, and upon my collate
Saw its syllabic partner alone; saw the “self.”
My “self,” I then saw, was discovered through “him;”
Made naked, and shivering, and new.
He’d unveiled hottest passions, and fears, with great stealth.
So “him” I can thank, now the word’s split in two.

Driven apart by an unlikely shim,
I have his remains, but see more clearly my “self.”
The dust I will likely now brush off my shelf,
For uttering the loveliest elision since “him.”
 Jan 2013 Andrew Willson
Mercy, Almighty King;
Though arteries be congealing,
America's going a'mealing.
Poetic commentary on Burger King's newly featured Bacon Sundae
 Jan 2013 Andrew Willson
Lately I can recall the scent of damp wheat grass,
and smears of red clay on my calves,
at the end of each day when I wandered home
accidentally *****, and purposefully human;
a child of the earth who found unity, easily.

Bury me back in the moss garden, and carve my name on the stones
where I once crushed berries
and painted my cheeks, as
an adolescent nomad celebrating dirt and singing for
sky, while the cows were my companions and the birds,
my messengers of joy.

Take me back there one day, to rest
in final slumber.
Then, perhaps I can feel the ceaseless wonder
that once I felt when
I brushed my hand against the bark of a tree,
if now this life can no longer give me as much.
John Keats
John Keats
Please put your scarf on.
your eyes
were big blue water pools

last night.

i was so happy-
                         ****** up-
                         strong -

wanting to kiss you
happy to fix you

****** up in my own head
weak alone in my bed

strong here without you
confused about what to do

because you're not here

because you're not here.

shaking from this panic attack
to put that gun in my mouth

and pull the trigger

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