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Oct 2015 · 785
Being in Love
Andrew Tinkham Oct 2015
Being in love is like following a voice through chaos.
Now I've lost the voice and choas has disappeared.
The voice may come from different speakers throughout your life, but it's always wisdom, soothing and correct.

She's told me hold on and all that.
Why'd she go I don't know.
We were making it.
We were.
Oh well, I'll know her when I hear her again.
It will be some time, though, as I recognize I still have a significant distance to fall before I can pick myself up and prepare myself again for chaos, chaos that holds the voice. I'm gaining a lot of weight.
Oct 2015 · 422
Poem Time
Andrew Tinkham Oct 2015
Hope you like my rhyme.
I'm done with that.
Love is a purple dinosaur.
His name is Barney.
Get it?
Too young?
Oh, you do get it.
Just didn't find it funny.
I see.
Night sweetie.
Oct 2015 · 471
Goodnight, baby
Andrew Tinkham Oct 2015
I heard it on TV.
What u have for dinner.
She says.
Except, ... for the tv.
That's still on, then making mom laugh.
Home alone, two.
My sister is gorgeous.
Tmi, duderino.
Love it!
Oct 2015 · 484
How do I get thru 2 u
Andrew Tinkham Oct 2015
My profile be like. ..



So what?

So umm.

I heart you?

Oct 2015 · 430
Do you even read?
Andrew Tinkham Oct 2015
I hate you.
Then I'm lying.
Drama king.
Andrew Tinkham Oct 2015
I don't care
If you don't
If you do
**** **** ******.
Suns of *******
And whatnot.
Gall ****.
Ya know?
Sep 2015 · 588
My Next Graceland Morning
Andrew Tinkham Sep 2015
"That's a thing that I do in the back of my head"

Ilove you, baby.
So very much.
I'm tempted to write this in tongues.
I wanna kiss you so much.
So very much.
This is my love poem, baby.
I guess I never wrote one before.
Feels kinda good.
Ok it feels great.
I love you, darling.
Say when I can use your name.
I hope you make friends.
I know you are philosopher Queen.
Don't need friends.
It's okay.
I'll never be your friend.
I'm your man.
Time to listen to more Graceland on a walk to the school and its overgrown baseball field.
Mom's up.
Sherwood Park Elementary
Misquouted, fwiw
Sep 2015 · 382
What Comes After Z?
Andrew Tinkham Sep 2015
You think you are big.
You think you are bad.
You should probably meet my dad.
Anyway, you run.
So do I.
Wanna race?
Andrew Tinkham Sep 2015
I see myself draped in red from the waste down, locking the door of a carpeted bathroom to which I may or may not have a right according to the owner.
I do have a right, though, for I forever outrun owners and dignitaries, malcontents and over-fed politicians.
I defecate happily something harsh to their ears but soft on my ***. Gratefully, I turn the page to another day. This one will not catch me in such distress.
My bowel symphony this morning has four movements and I begin to get impatient after the third because I've made up my mind that I want to read Fitzgerald.
The fourth comes appeasingly and short, a toot in good nature and I clean myself quickly, completely.
I hop downstairs to comb my hair and eat carrots. But my mother is chasing after me stronger than usual, still holding the pill she wants me to take.
I get the carrot and end the poem.
Sep 2015 · 388
For My Love
Andrew Tinkham Sep 2015
To your sand.
We'll call it the beach of America.
We'll call us the best in the world.
We'll make (we make) the world get going.
Not late (or whatever) but there's a very important date.
Don't really GAF when, but we ready (will be)

Enough about business, she says.
Teenage Wasteland (Baba O' Reily) is on the radio.
My mom is to my left. We're driving.
For my love, though, I'll end this poeM and listen.
Smiley face
Andrew Tinkham Sep 2015
My love ain't no little Queen of Darkness;
My love is a rising star.
You don't know her name, believe me
         you don't need to.
Wish I had a keyboard I could show you
What we both do.
Can't hurt her but I know she could scratch you. (She's hard)
My love makes me think of Paul Simon
My love is the best since Jesus, you know.
Can't stop her but don't stop trying.
We're all just trying to change that old currency...
One last time.
One last time, ya know.
One last timemmmuh!
Sep 2015 · 476
Andrew Tinkham Sep 2015
Art, baby.
Art... bebe.
ART! Darlin'.
Mil tiempo.
Ohno onoway.
I'm in LOVE!
For a genius you don't know.
Aug 2015 · 606
My Graceland Morning
Andrew Tinkham Aug 2015
"These are the days of miracles and wonders and don't cry, baby, don't cry..."

I wanna tell you that you're looking like a movie star,
But somehow I know that wouldn't get me too far.
I'm wishing on a burning hot star and don't mind don't mind, no.

You've got an action that makes me wanna split,
I don't really care too much how you get it.
I'm an eagle with white hair and whatever eyes so baby I'm flying, flying for all the wise.

I miss you but I can't stop complaining,
The overt arrangement is lightening my usual basement.
It's okay I'm sure somehow just sometimes I meet French girls and kinda stare and mutter in amazement.

These are the days of cold slick thunders and big fancy boats that don't have a gun.

These are the days of punch bowl amazements and I know you're having fun!
Aug 2015 · 290
Fuck You Guys
Andrew Tinkham Aug 2015
Two likes on Has to Explode?
Aug 2015 · 412
Has to Explode
Andrew Tinkham Aug 2015
I miss you daily. My pockets are bulging. My hair is combed backwards, and I'm singing songs. It's getting so lovely, that I'm learning patience, and sacrifice nothing to bring you along. Your sense is outstanding, your eyes flutter by, your knees beget rocking, our porch is a ticket. The show is the world now, life is a girl now, she'll sacrifice nothing to bring me along. Money's the answer, 'cause most women need it, life is a girl now, I can't help but eat it. I want to repeat it, but can't remember how. I want to hit you daily; stop, think, you know me. I couldn't hurt you if I tried; I wouldn't, it doesn't matter. Just get enough rest, dear, to keep climbing the ladder. Your space is my home. My race knows your throne. You will have no need to wind up alone. Let me be your windy whisper, your midnight kisser, your only mister, your peachy goodbye to the only world you've known. The future is learning. They see us we're burning, cracking our whips and moving right along. But they see us coming, only coming, forever coming, 'til one day we meet, and time has to explode.
Jul 2015 · 968
Save Your Voice for Singing
Andrew Tinkham Jul 2015
How can I tell you not to talk?
I'm gonna show you.

And when you see me, on the silver screen;
Or when you hear me, over the radio waves;
You're gonna melt.

And when you evaporate,
And you take your new form in the air;
I'm gonna let you rain on me.

Cuz we're in this together.
And I won't have you walking around like that.
I would rather you be swallowed up
And made a small part of everything that's wonderful.

Save your voice for singing.
Jun 2015 · 499
Andrew Tinkham Jun 2015
For the love of God
Make yourself easily
Remember Casey.
Call the kid
Heaven forbid
He should get too racey.
These are fun to say again.
Pixie Stix
Simplify understanding.
Jun 2015 · 414
Andrew Tinkham Jun 2015
She bit my lip.
That was her thing.
Not the best dance of my life,
Though maybe the dirtiest.

But she got scared,
Left me alone.
I don't need her now,
No, not anymore.

Behind dumpster,
In the alley,
We pulled down our pants,
She got on top of me.

*** on gravel,
My **** not hard,
She understood I was drunk,
Said, "Let's go somewhere else."

She could have come,
Yes, to Portland.
But she was young and dumb,
I'll find better tonight.
P.S. didn't find better that night...
Jun 2015 · 517
Andrew Tinkham Jun 2015
You are so unseemly.
My breath is hot.
All around is the smell of pleasant times.
I want to break things.

The garden is broken.
All I ever want is so hot I am melting.
It seems time for pleasentries.
Things want me breathing, loudly.
Jun 2015 · 563
Resiliant Boy
Andrew Tinkham Jun 2015
He knows real trouble.
That's why he doesn't fret when he can't sleep.
He laughs when knocked out are his two front teeth.
He goes to work the next day and to the bar every night that week.
He loses his girl of a year, he doesn't mind.
He falls for another girl, she won't have him: whatever.
When it starts to get cold he's gonna put on his sweater.
When the roof caves in, he's gonna find some place better.
When his hometown won't love him he's gonna pack and go West.
Never does he ever complain of the tests.
It's fatal to forget that the hard work is done.
It's no time for ******* when it's time to have fun.
And I never stopped you when you were rushing on your run.
If you want an example take a good look at the sun.
Does it cry when the clouds crowd up the whole sky?
No, it shines somewhere else and it doesn't even sigh.
In the desert it is cursed for doing its job.
Does it apologize?
No, it is brutally itself.
It ushers in our favorite seasons and graciously steps aside for the snow.
And what, do you curse the sun, watching it go?

He knows real trouble.
He sits under the heavens really thankful for each day.
You won't catch him grumbling that you smell like burnt oil.
He'll probably just put his **** in you and enjoy what he can.
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
Hey, sometimes Bob Dylan changes your mind.
Like how you're thinking' Cohen and then you
Go to the closet where the records are hid and
Face-high you're being stared at by that man
On the cover of
"Bringing It All Back Home"
And you quietly apologize
And wish him a belated happy birthday
And light a cig
And turn the world on
Outside your open slider door
For what always feels like the first time.

Hey, sometimes it takes a whole poem to give you something to do.
May 2015 · 1.3k
Me Parade (Cascading Me's)
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
I wanna give the universe something tough to digest.
I see it with a ******* up look on its face.
Puzzle the universe
Be like me.

I wanna create a gazillion variants of myself.
Each one degree further removed from the last.
Get in line now
Be more like me.

I wanna dissolve the unsurety left over from a thousand
Races that have died out.
Know yourself
Fight the knowledge.

I want to invade the space left by your mind when it rushed
Out to find itself.
Mommy left you
Never forget it.

I want to condition the part of you that takes care of plants
But forgets to turn the light off.
Darkness is a blessing
Only if you let it.

I want to take aim at the eternal you and forever change it.
You are cascading now.
How does it feel
You restless thumb sucker.

You want me to change you, feed you, and take you outside.
I am your new mom.
Momma's gonna buy you
A mocking bird.

You want harassment, a harness, an igloo, and idioms.
I am the fire that will melt them all.
Listen to me
Your time has come.
May 2015 · 1.1k
Clothing (Optional)
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
I'm so sad I'm sadder than this
My underwear smells like the pizza I ate
I don't expect you to give me a kiss
I open my window and pretend to feel great.

I'm so bad I'm sadder than this
Drained down in gluttony I'm a stuck pig
Oh well, I'm dreaming, isn't that what they say?
Guess I'll just get up and have another day.

I'm so rad but I'm sadder than this
Still not waiting for your soft kiss
I've been looking for a new accomplice
Pass me
A season
If you wanna

How happy they are when they start.
And how sick of them I am when they go.
I'm playing with your everything
But I
Can't find your heart.
Sometimes I know that it shows.

I'm just a lad but I'm sadder than this
Sometimes I know, you just
Waited too long
To listen
To that Syd Barrett album
All by yourself

But in the sad town...
My underwear smells like the pizza I ate;
The kiss I can't have is so soft...
That's alright; I'll kiss the sky;
That's okay; I'll take it off...
May 2015 · 622
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
My bedroom breathes, my lunch box talks.
My fingers bleed, my blanket walks.

I am a very satisfied young boy.
You can pretend I am your little toy.
I am


Vacations sweep me off my bare feet.
Car tripping sun burns and sisters are sweet.

I move like a lead balloon rolled down the Pyramids.
You can't upset me or scratch me now.
I am


Gripping the good of your shoulder, surprise.
I tried to tell you with looks in my eyes.
Forever I'm wanting you to call out my lies.

I'm a very ***** little boy, I've been punished by bigger girls than you.

Frightened, you turn, I blush, I look around.
Is there a friend of mine in this **** town?
Sisters are too close and Mom has to work.
Same as I'm used to, don't mind me, ****...

May 2015 · 1.4k
On Primrose Path
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
My heart was broke up on Primrose Hill.
Her heart was broke by the pier.
I took her name off my boat like a pill.
Ellie May, I been wrong, you hear?

Back at the Blue Bell, my heart became near.
A stroke of luck that could ****,
Alone I won't be, we went back to the Hill,
To tell Granny who's in charge around here.
May 2015 · 454
Simple Transcendence
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
You are you.
You want to overcome.
It gets you down.
You're not enough.
You want it all.
It lifts you up.

Everyone gets exactly what they want.

You stop trying.
All others are thrown overboard.
You learn to steer the ship yourself.
The man on the radio tells you how to get to shore.
You steer away from shore.
You are going to sea.

Out on the sea, you'll be forgiven.

You are alone now,
Except your ship has a name:
Glory Stomper.
And the stars are coming out.
And the moon is a crescent.
And those dolphins jump by to see how you're doing.

The world of beauty loves you, needs you.

You stand tall now.
Head back towards shore.
The dolphins escort you.
Turn the Doors on your stereo.
"Wishful, Sinful, water covers everything in blue..."
Somehow you always know what to do.

You cannot fail, you've simply transcended.

Long ago, at that.
May 2015 · 723
That Train
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
We're driving now.
The engineer is a mile back by the side of the tracks, bleeding.
Igor is shoveling the coal, don't worry, we're comfortable.
We couldn't sit and watch any longer as incompetence went off the rails.
This train stops when we say it does.
Don't hold your breath.
May 2015 · 1.1k
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
Keep yourself.
Take it much further.
Punish the hammer.
Dance on the ledges.
Increase your wedges.
Eat the pie.
Eat the pie.
Eat yourself whole.
Grace the covers.
Take a holiday for granted.
Don't act like you didn't earn it.
You are the last of a dying breed.
You are the start of a coming race.
You are the zenith of civilized humans.
Culture your neighbors.
Show them behaviors.
Actions are louder,
Especially dynamite,
But you know to listen.
May 2015 · 463
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
Fall into
The blender
Become now
My liquid
Consume me
My sweetness
Keep licking
My feet, miss
Then stop now.
Fall into
My blender
I spin you
Make you a
Your fight now
My fight now
I win, it's
Alright now
You'd rather
Start fighting
And try to
Touch lightning
Then sit in
The bleachers
Not losing
Not winning
The spinning
And wasting
The season
May 2015 · 383
What Am I?
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
Rock star

Thank you, thank you very much
May 2015 · 1.0k
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
It ain't easy...

What will those geese do when I see them again?
Will they still look at me as the tiger?
I sang to them.
What do they think I'm Leonard Cohen now,
Just because I sang Like a Bird?
What they should know is I ain't no tiger,
They're gonna have to go farther up the food chain.
I could **** a goose.
I could massacre their whole clan before lunchtime.
And now I just sit in my bedroom as the sun rises behind walls of thick cloud...
And they honk.
Maybe they're bored...
They ought to be calling reinforcements.
I would probably never hurt a goose.
Most likely not.
May 2015 · 454
Simply Starting
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
It's like a gas motor
A string that you keep pulling
Until you are frustrated
And then you stop pulling
You stop for a second
Put hands on knees
Clear out your head
Say OK this time
And then you pull
So ******* hard
The string comes right off
And you say **** this ****
I didn't want to mow anyway.
May 2015 · 358
OK... So
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
I looked for footing and kicked pebbles away and tried to get just close enough so I could clear the edge.
It wasn't working because its scary
To think of dying while peeing.
I knew what to do to free a hand and get more comfortable.
I climbed back up the shingled ***** away from the edge.
I took off my sweatpants.
I took off my Grateful Dead shirt.
I was naked.

I went back down to the edge, feeling like a fishin the sea.
Now soon enough the stream it came.
White gold drops spattered on the roof and stopped.
I knew I had to clear the roof or else what was the point.
I put out a second shine line but still missed the mark.
Then, a car alarm goes off.
Good thing I'm not the nervous type.
Alright, third time's the charm and it was!
I cleared the edge,
Cascading crystals sped to the ground to explode in a patter.

Now naked, still, I write and feel the warm sunlight.
May 2015 · 353
Near the Edge
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
Need all my focus now.
Need both hands now.
  No more reading now.
   No more writing now.
    Hope I don't die now.
     Would be stupid way to go...
May 2015 · 439
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
I stand up and slowly, ever slowly, move toward the edge.
One or two steps per half or quarter minute.
When I reach the edge a golden stream will hit the ground.
Behind that tree, the sun mimicks me.
May 2015 · 440
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
I think I might *** off this roof...
May 2015 · 356
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
The sun-ray's light explodes off the ground and becomes heat.
It happens all around me and millions of sensors tell my drug-abused brain that its warming.
I don't regret a ******' thing.
May 2015 · 389
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
The sun dots the roof with patches of its power.
I scoot my boot to aim my face to catch up the rays.
It will be soon.
May 2015 · 345
On My Back on the Roof
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
Birds of prey
Are soaring
Above head
Before a whisp-feathered blue sky
As I watch the sun on its rise
May 2015 · 440
On the Roof
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
Then on my third floor balcony, to read some poetry
Sun is shining, but it can't get through all the leaves.
Look to my right, I'll need some more height.
From railing to roof, I ascend the ***** of tattered shingles.
I get to the top, the sun is still not high enough.
That tree is so tall.
Guess I'll be shivering here a while.
May 2015 · 325
A Love Free World
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
No more broken hearts
No more 'magical' first dates
No more life draining emptiness over distance
No more stupid love poems
No more connections lost over 'saving yourself'
No more chances taken
Just sure things
Of pleasure

Free love, man
You gotta do it, sister
We gonna make it or what?
Oh you wanna make it legal, do ya?
Well we can talk, baby.
Let's just take it slow.
Niiice, and slooow.
Taaake iiit aaas it cooomes, baaaby.

Oh, I love you.
Don't tell me to shut up, man.
We're talking, man.
But I waaanna call you man, man.
Fine, I won't call you man, man...
Yeah, you're my woman, man.
Oops, sorry, m-- I mean, lady.
Lovely lady of the forest kingdom, you are.
Lovely lady of the ocean floor.
I wanna kiss you, lady.
Yeah, we're gonna make it...
May 2015 · 501
Side of Life
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
Two poles
Many roles

Smoking buddy
Cash collecter
Dueche inspecter

Life is ****
Especially on This Side of Paradise
For the Beautiful and ******.
Oh, Tender is the Night
Hold it softly, like Drum-Taps.
Starting from Paumanok,
The Last Tycoon rides at last.

AT LAAAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 2015 · 378
Baby on Back
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
Riding sixteen wide on a four lane road.
Everyone one of us
Story untold
Well we're telling.
We're yelling.
You may be dreamin'
Right now we're screamin'
On the road
On the road
On the Road
May 2015 · 346
In the Parlor
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
They are sporting outside.

Is that polo?


A fine sport.

My grandpa used to play.

Dear, will you get us your telescope?

Actually, I'm going outside to have a closer look.

Your husband is an industrious man.

Yes, it made him King.

He's pretty spry.

Yes, he can still move about.
Do you play sports?

Yes, all of them.

I'd like to see you sometime.

My basketball team has a game in San Francisco this weekend.

The Franco-Spanish Royalty will be in attendance, she smiled.
May 2015 · 604
Hello Royalty
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
Hola Real
Bonjour Reine

I speak to you
I ask you to call me my name

Your face is sublime madame.
Your majesty is a lucky man.

Yes, I agree, there is nothing more to be done, for now.
Mustn't forget to stroll down easy street.

Tea is in the parlor, dear.
I'm really glad you could come.

For you, madame, I have much time...
May 2015 · 835
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
A legacy
On a jet plane
For the coast
The Great Northwest
Nice to knew ya
Glad I blew ya

Fair Grand Rapids
How ya held me
Sometimes uppie
Sometimes downie
Always homie
Now I roamie

Furniture City
Chairs are pretty
Tables sturdy
Girlies hurtie

But no more sittie
Need new pretty
Land of Portals
And no mere mortals

It's divine time
Need new shoeshine
Get the cool
Or play the fool time
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
Did you ever think it would end, this dream?
This dream is on the frying pan.

Did you ever think that moan you heard would turn into a
For shame, it has; she's boiling, you know.

I want to tell you everything, so you can tell me anything.
I've found the center of your mind.

Did you ever think you'd eat again, after that meal exploded?
It was the boiling fat.

I want to tell you, love me do.
When'd you dream of that?

"No," she said, "I love the girls."

My heart feels sorta flat.

Dreams come true
And sometimes they lie.
Tell me true, am I just a guy?

Me and you
Oh, how time flied.
What's it mean?
Still glad I tried.

I'll move on.
I'll find a straight one.
With burnt edges,
Who makes sounds like bacon.

Every time, that I see you...
I know I'll be
The one in your eyes.
But it's plain to see
Today is just some cloudy skies.

Mourn for me,
But then move on.
I'll swim the sea
And find my own.
May 2015 · 731
Out into the Cold and Blown
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
I've seen you through my window.
You're not the same as yesterday.
You're not much like the past month.
You are cold.
You are blown.

You're not even that wet...yet.

But you are cold.
You are blown.
You invoke my strength.
I will get out of bed.
I will find forgotten clothes.
I will enter your abomination:
Cold, blown, you call me.
I will answer.
May 2015 · 460
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
I made her in the mornings
A *** of tea for two.
I loved her twice at lunchtimes
Oh how everything grew.
I left her in the evenings
To find her something new.
I kissed her in the twilight
She walked me in the dew.
May 2015 · 900
My Day on Hello Poetry
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
It started flowing...
I started growing...

It started calling...
I started sprawling...

I'm needing action...
Some satisfaction...

I'm in the movies...
But they're so plastic...

Yeah I'll get outside...
Give me a minute...

When it gets lovely...
I'm all up in it...

Now just relax me...
I'm self-control now...

Still I wanna thank you...
For still knowing how.
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