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Anakaren Davila Oct 2018
The night was still
And so were you
My eyes were open though,
Staring at how rhythmically
you inhaled and exhaled
The life of out of me
  Oct 2018 Anakaren Davila
I know my texts don't excite you anymore,
But you are polite enough to reply it anyway
And if I call you, you'll receive it too
But I know you cringe when you hear my voice
Just for the night , you needed me
Just for that one night
The night's already over
But I m not over you yet

I remember everything, so clearly in my head
How beautifully you sang, & I sang along with you
How you made me laugh, laugh & laugh so hard
How you held my hands & we tried to dance
How your lips blew life to my cold and dry spirit
How the butterflies in my stomach fluttered
How my cheeks turned crimson and I looked away
But you kept on staring at me
Like  you wanted to fall in love...

I did not undress my body that night,
I undressed my soul
I put it right in front you
Just in its purest form
I let you see me,
See all my imperfections
I told you all my fears,
The secrets I hid inside,
I thought this is it,
This is what I had been looking for,
My soul was happy
And thought it had found "THE ONE"

Little did I know, it was only for the night
Just for that one night
So tell me who do I blame?
Blame you for setting up my hopes high
Or blame me for believing the truth like lie
Or should I just blame the night?
The night for lasting just awhile.......
Anakaren Davila Sep 2018
You were right about me
You always are
Anakaren Davila Sep 2018
If I could go
anywhere in the world

I would run
straight back to you
Anakaren Davila Sep 2018
You remember how I told you
That yesterday was the last day
That I wrote to you

Well here I am...
Do you remember me?

I kept walking through
your streets still unwalked

But this time
I Grabbed a lighter and
I’ve walked and walked
And burnt them all

Now this is the last time
I ever write to you
With hopes of love
I let you burn

Cuz all those bridges
Are ashes
I can’t see anymore
Anakaren Davila Sep 2018
Te amaré hasta que me muera
Y cuando me muera
Te voy a seguir queriendo
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