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 Feb 2015 Ana Llanes
Andie Lately
It scares me
Because I have grown accustomed to your manners
The way you talk
How you break into a big grin
When your passion heats up
It scares me
Because you tell me good morning
And good night
And breaking out of that habit would **** me
I scare myself
Because I keep falling in love with you
Day after day, night after night
 May 2014 Ana Llanes
Mike Hauser
I want to read a book
That's never been read
Hear a gentle word
That's never been said
I want to sit back
And close my eyes
When I open them up
Everything is alright

I want to ring a bell
That's never been rung
Sing along to a song
That's never been sung
Pull back the curtain
With all of my might
So I can expose
Everything is alright

I want to see
What has never been seen
Take a long walk
In the hands of a dream
Reach as far as I can
The highest of heights
And pull down to earth
Everything is alright

I want a spot
Where I feel I belong
Take all that I've got
Before it is gone
I want to shine
The brightest of lights
So I can find
Everything is alright
Starting over can be so hard
It makes you stop and think
How many chances do I have
How many will I need

Is there someone out there
Who will truly understand
Become my true companion
And someday take my hand

Will someone get to know me
And like just what they see
Then change my life forever
With the love they give to me

Starting over can be so hard
It makes you stop and think
How many chances do I have
How many will I need

Carl Joseph Roberts
 Jan 2014 Ana Llanes
Being Christian wasn't easy
Between the religion discrimination
We are strong to resist
Tough when figthing aganist temptaion
This is what being Christian means

God bless you all who believe Him
Even when everyone resist
We knew God will protect us
All we have to do is believe

At the end everyone will see
Heavens will come to everyone who believe in God
80 percent people in my country is Islam, 20 percent Christian, Chatolic and others. Inspired by Jesus from the past, I know I have to strong to get trough this, even in Christian school, half of student were Islam. But I know God will set me free from this religion discriminaton
 Jan 2014 Ana Llanes
Dear friend,

Is this what they call reading between the lines, as I desperately searched for signs that show I do not mean as much to you as you claimed me to?

Distance is a brutal thing, it stabbed us in the chest without a warning and as our hearts that used to lie so close starts drifting further apart, I cannot believe you still think i'm next to you. I am sorry for scratching at the letter you sent, I thought the lines might fall and the letters will rearrange into something I know. Were you writing to me at all? Your words do not speak to me anymore.

A few months ago, you were thrashing in your tears. You grabbed everything that could keep you afloat. I am terribly sorry, because I knew I became your everything. Today, you tried to find the pieces that you never saw me drop. I never said I wanted them back. What if I told you I never want to be whole again?

The road is warped and there is no way I could find my way back to you. Do not attempt to direct me when you never wore my shoes; do not say the stars shine for us when you were free from these sickening walls that exists only in my mind. I am sorry to hear you have paved the ground for us, for I will destroy what I set foot on. You should know I never had a home, and you have to see that we will part someday.

Quit believing in me because i remember how it feels when i realised all that i believed in was nothing near the truth-I will never allow you to compare me to the sun again, for it sets so steadily while i walk in halting footsteps; when it fades beneath the horizon, I am afraid you won't be able to cope with the cold that the night brings. It scares me, when you said I was your everything. Please, hold on to something real, that nothing and no one can take from you.

Do not pin all your hopes on me. I am not as strong as you.
 Jan 2014 Ana Llanes
Lola Roe
Stars in my eyes,
Shining bright,
Enchanted by the world,
So crystal clear and white,

I saw beauty in the world,
Never feared of the unknown,
Always believed in happiness,
Never dreamt of being alone,

I dreamed of castles and jewels,
Dancing and smiles,
In a pink princess dress,
And walking down the aisle,

I was a young girl,
In a world too big for her eyes,
In world with more bad than beauty,
More people stupid than wise,

I grew to learn through mistakes,
Mistakes that took the shine,
Darkness over took me,
And left only disappoint in my eyes,

I believed the people around me,
Enough for them to bring me down,
Everyone against me,
No longer a little princess with a crown,

What i never understood,
Was why do people crush your dreams?
What is wrong with believing,
In all unlikely things.

See there's no harm in hope,
No harm in being happy and free,
No harm in dancing,
And filling the world with glee.

There is no reason to be sad,
There is no need to hide your heart,
The little child inside you,
Should have stayed with you from the start.

Forget all of the bad,
The heartache and the pain,
Remember to when you was seven,
When their was nothing to explain,

Everything was easy,
You enjoyed the ride,
Life was a playground,
And you had *stars in your eyes
I can bottle up some sunshine
to better light your purgatory.  
I can write a happy ending
if you need one for your story.
I can offer a tender moment
and a chest to rest your head.
Or a gentle reassurance
that someone hears what you have said.
I could do more...
If you'd ask.
 Jan 2014 Ana Llanes
He is more than a hero
he is a god in my eyes--
the man who is allowed
to sit beside you -- he

who listens intimately
to the sweet murmur of
your voice, the enticing

laughter that makes my own
heart beat fast. If I meet
you suddenly, I can'

speak -- my tongue is broken;
a thin flame runs under
my skin; seeing nothing,

hearing only my own ears
drumming, I drip with sweat;
trembling shakes my body

and I turn paler than
dry grass. At such times
death isn't far from me
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