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I feel the caress of my own fingers
on my own neck as I place my collar
and think pityingly
of the kind women I have known.
 Sep 2012 Amy Carmichael
They warned her about him,
But of course,
She didn't hear,
For her mind was elsewhere.

She felt as if she were floating,
Flying high throughout the sky.

Then he cut her down.
And she fell,

Hard and fast,

And all they said was
"I told you so."

But her feelings hadn't melted,
And her spirit hadn't died.
So she went back to him,
To give him another try.

And she flew and flew,
Until he cut her down.

And all they said was:
"I told you so."
Twisted leaves fall silently to the ground
The circle of life continues around
Innocence will not stay for long
Ignorance with love is much too strong
Suffering from within is not meant or taught
Compassion for one is not sold or bought
With thought in narrow through a funnel you fall
The mind starts out big, but ends up too small
Hatred and Fairness, can they both be the same?
If you don’t know the difference, they can in this game
You do what you see without fault as you grow
Embedded in mind you reap what you sow
Sorrow is not what beginnings are for
Tomorrow and yesterday will equal much more
Too many with knowledge is what I concern
For the teacher to teach, must be willing to learn  

Joe Callari
It's lovely outside and everything feels so right
It's clear to me now that you were meant to be in my life
We walk through the street hand in hand
Never do I think this will never happen again
You get a call and leave, but I'm still on cloud nine
As long as I get to see you again I will be fine
Walking home alone thinking how my future is so bright
I get a call that will forever change my life
I see you again all dressed up and ready to go from me
You look so peaceful, so why am I still crying
I kiss you for the last time as they close the coffin lid
I love you more in this moment more than I ever did
I think this is a nightmare and I keep trying to wake up
You have moved on to a better world but in this one I am stuck
It's been years since my skin was flood ravished
with red rust river, flowing through my body like God's tears.
I savored the taste of it all; they were my
only pills after all.

lengthwise slices dried up and connect
like constellations in space making paths I never knew existed.
(and they were patches with many hues
                                    that I love seeing every day.)

blanket of violet night  sky covered me
(like never ending net to grab and hold me.)

And tonight violent water drizzles over my limped body;
incoherent shards slides over—kissing
my tattered paper skin—once again.
                                                —Red river flows in the drain
                                                   along with everything.

this red fencing is the only remedy
            —a surgery I always *
Once I saw the two birds,
Flying together,
I wished both of us
To be birds~~

Deep in the sky
I wished to fly
In the oceans
I wished to dive

In the gardens
I wished to stay
From the problems
I wished to away

But, once in the storm
They wished to move
Enjoying the life
Over the grove

But, the stormy wind!
Pushed them apart
They had to leave
For they never thought
Same as ‘U ‘and ‘ME’

— The End —