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 May 2014 Amrita Dutta
Theia Gwen
There's bad blood
In my veins
And it'll always
Be that way
I can deny my heritage,
And change my surname
But there are some things
That I can't change
Your love was a contract
Riddled with conditions and double standards
You pointed at the fine print
All of these years
You wanted all I had
You stole my youth
All I have is my heartbeat,
You can't have that too
I'm letting go
Because the bad blood is on your hands
And no matter what I do
You'll never understand
I can still hear your voice
Bouncing off the walls
Accusations of all of
My mistakes and flaws
And you're placing stones down
Paving the way to hell
Stuck in your illusion
Of heaven's bells
So I'll burn this bridge
Stand and watch the flames
And I know I'm in control
And things will change
Wrote this in math class because what else is math for? Based off of These Streets by Bastille.
We live in a world where we cannot live without relations,
To go out, lose control, and have a celebration
But to do this, we need those special people in our lives,
To even think about them suffering any pain, brings a tear to our eye

We refer to them as 'family'
Observe them first hand, in pictures or in the form of a tree
Without them, we wouldn't be who we are,
We expect so much from them, including gifts such as cars
But we forget something very important as we grow up,
The fact that they are growing up too,
Is extremely sad, but true
So spend as much quality time with them as you can,
For these times are only limited,
Prove to them that all their love is truly worth it!!
Snow, water and sun set
This is one view I will never forget
The mountains towering before and behind me
You want to wake up to a panoramic view? Staying here is the key
A small city in the backdrop
Cafés if you're hungry, malls if you want to shop
Pigeons swooping down for a piece of bread
Reminds me of how grateful i am to be well fed
Kids and adults both come here for a break
Sitting peacefully on the side and admiring the vast lake
The mountain is a resting body with the clouds as its blanket
But it rests peacefully, unlike Titanics destructive doomberg that sank it
Far across I can see the boats sailing to their destination
Can't believe this whole picture is within one nation...
What is immortal, can you tell me?
The land that you stand on or the imperial sea?
However strong you are, you're subject to change
Everything will get destroyed, even the great Himalayan range
And for all this, the root cause is time
You can see the ill waiting fearfully on their beds as the clocks chime
Everything has an end, nothing lives forever
No not even the intelligent ; even Einstein died despite being so clever
Time is the little **** which has you in its paws, no matter how hard you strive
So live life to its fullest ; it's not like you're getting out alive...
 May 2014 Amrita Dutta
Theia Gwen
It's so easy
To slice through those
Writs of yours;
It's so easy
To make an excuse
Not to eat;
It's so easy
To smoke yourself
To death;
It's so easy
To open your mouth
And purge your problems away;
But it's so hard
To open your mouth
And speak
Not my best. I've been having writer's block when it comes to poetry and my depression has just come back full force so I've been doing more sleeping than anything else.
Everyone has a demon inside them
Even the Pope of Vatican City has one in his stem
We adore beauty so much that we get mesmerized by what we see
But once we're too close to the demon, it's too late to flee
The whole truth lies in the eyes
You get close to a person and they get as clear as a cloudless sky
But don't we all know that the sky is not blue
The sun gives its effect to hide what is true
The demons inside try their best to hide
They come out when your anger rises like a rising tide
But the demons can be kept on a leash; they are animals after all
But you must be peaceful with oneself and never fall
Because the most dangerous animal is the one who frees itself by breaking its chain
So sometimes try to actually be happy instead of trying to feign...
I say Hi they say Hey
When I walk past them on the way
But that's just a way to be polite
'Cause someone taught me this one thing
Whether you're slave or whether you're king
You should always greet someone in sight
I go on with my day
With the work I have to do
Who am I?
Oh, I don't have a clue!
It's funny that we are being called by a name
And that same name becomes popular when the owner shoots to fame
People expect us to make a change the moment we arrive on this planet
To make another Taj Mahal or write something like Hamlet
So instead of enjoying life, we try to make impress others
Even if that means selling our sisters and our brothers
But what sense does it make if at the end of the day
You take off your happy mask to find your face full of hatred
But that hatred is for nobody else but you
Take an example from your feet and try to fit into your perfect shoe...
 Apr 2014 Amrita Dutta
Theia Gwen
I am not in the business of
Listening to lies
Which is why I hardly hear
When you say "I love you"
Love is the most overused word
In the english language
"I love this song!"
"I love this book!"
"I love that movie!"
"I love you."
It's become an impulse,
A reflex
Spoken in a monotone voice
Because I'm expected to
And every time we exchange those words
It feels like a transaction to me
When the words slip from your mouth
They feel clumsy and awkward
With no passion and not a hint of truth
Everyone tells me you don't mean those things
That you yell at me
That you say things without thinking
But just because you speak without a filter
Doesn't mean it's not true
If anger and abuse is the only kind of love
You have to offer
Then I don't ******* want it
You can keep your double standards
And your lies
I thought a mother
Was supposed to have
An agape kind of love
Not make their daughters
Feel like burdens
For even being alive
You've classically conditioned me
To not believe a word anyone says
I've had hope far too many times
And whenever you tell me you love me
And I fail to reply
You'll start yelling yet again
But you don't understand,
That unlike you,
I am not in the business of
Telling people lies
 Apr 2014 Amrita Dutta
Theia Gwen
I have such high aspirations
But I feel so low
Tell me, can I live a happy life
Without giving up my soul?

And none of my dreams
Are grounded in reality
Why should I pay thousands
To be who I want to be?

I'm not too proud of my address
Daddy can't buy me every pretty thing
I'm just a girl in the lower middle class
In a world where money is king
I really want to get a PhD in Psychology and become a therapist when I grow up, but I'm terrified I won't have the money and will have to compensate my dreams.
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