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Amethyst Jun 2013
the perfect time
for the insomniacs
to reminsce on
old memories while
worrying about
the ones yet
to be made
Amethyst Nov 2013
the clouds have been
keeping me company;
each storm brought
a new story.
i had to stop and listen.
i was actually in the hospital.

i'll probably go back and edit this.
Amethyst Jun 2014
i cry for the stars hidden behind the city lights
i'm sorry i haven't been on lately i have been very busy with school but now it is summer and i'm back i guess (i've missed you all very much)
Amethyst Jun 2013
A wise man once told me
to only obey my voice,
but my voice is a frail
flower caught in a hurricane.
Not just any flower, but
a dandelion. And with every
gust of wind I release new
seeds of ideas that spread
through the feild. The heavy
rain waters the thoughts,
Inspiring them to grow;
To flourish. So wise man
now you tell me, which thought
should my voice follow?
I added on to it and it turned out kinda positive.
Amethyst Jun 2013
The next time you meet someone like me,
please do not give them the false sense of
friendship. Do not make them think you care
if you plan to leave once they start talking to you.
I mean really talking. The kind of talking you do
at three in the morning because you can't sleep because
the nightmares won't leave you alone. Please do not
befriend them if you don't plan on staying. Please tell them
if you can't handle their life. Please don't leave them for a
new group of friends you met at a church. Do not
replace them with your god. I hope your god is proud
of you. Two years of acting like you cared must have
really impressed him. So go and live for the faceless and
abandon the one who really cared about you.

*But the next time you meet someone like me, please do not give them a false sense of friendship.
This is sort of meant to be a spoken word poem
Amethyst May 2013
Hell was quite lovely;
I wish I could return,
but I promised to
never go back,
no matter how much
my heart yearned for
that glorious place.
Oh, how I loved it so,
surrounded by heat
and acceptance with
others who called
it their home.

The devil was quite
a lovely man. His
smile always crooked.
He told me all his
secrets, but I never
told mine. His heart
was full of compassion
and sympathy for
all, much unlike that
evil man who lives
in the clouds above,
protected from us all.

Hell was my only
home. I never wanted
to leave, but there
comes a time when
the bad brainwashes
the innocent and the
good times must cease.
Amethyst May 2013
Hell was quite lovely;
I wish I could return,
but I promised to
never go back,
no matter how much
my heart yearns for
that glorious place.
Oh, how I loves it so,
surrounded by heat
and acceptance with
others who called
it their home.

The devil was quite
a lovely man. His
smile always crooked.
He told me all his
secrets, yet I never
told mine. His heart
was full of compassion
and sympathy for
all, much unlike that
evil man who lives
in the clouds above,
protected from us all.

Hell was my only
home. I never wanted
to leave, but there
comes a time when
the bad brainwashes
the innocent and the
good times must cease.
Amethyst May 2013
our beautiful world
is full of so many
beautiful things
and beautiful people
with ****** up minds.
this was originally typed on my old laptop that didn't have a functioning SHIFT or CAPS LOCK button. sorry.
Amethyst May 2013
the freedom to fly,
to roam,
to do whatever
we please.

the freedom to be happy,
to soar,
to leave whenever
we need.

oh, how sweet
it must taste
to come and go
and never look back.

soon we'll escape,
escape this town,
this house,
this mind.

freedom to start over,
no responsibility,
just wind under
our wings
and freedom.

oh, sweet freedom.
this was originally typed on my old laptop that didn't have a functioning SHIFT or CAPS LOCK button. sorry.
Amethyst May 2013
the freedom to fly,
to roam,
to do whatever
we please.

the freedom to be happy,
to soar,
to leave whenever
we need.

oh, how sweet
it must taste
to come and go
and never look back.

soon we'll escape,
escape this town,
this house,
this mind.

freedom to start over,
no responsibility,
just wind under
our wings
and freedom.

oh, sweet freedom.
this was originally typed on my old laptop that didn't have a functioning SHIFT or CAPS LOCK button. sorry.
Amethyst May 2013
Wandering minds
and shallow voices
fill the world
with blissful ignorance.
The ignorant remain
happy and joyous, while
the lovely depressed
see the truth and gore.
Their brains may
never heal and their
hearts remain weak.
Amethyst Jul 2013
if pain is what makes the world beautiful, i choose to live a life of misery.

if cigarettes calm your anxieties, i choose
to have broken lungs.

if alchohol numbs my mind,  i choose
to have a dead liver.

if all the good things **** me, i choose
to say "goodbye".
old poem and it doesn't make much sense, but neither does anything else in this world
Amethyst May 2013
A room full
of boredom
and slight
hints of desperation
to escape from
the confines
of these poorly
painted walls.
Amethyst Jun 2013
one day
     the skies
         will clear
             along with
                 our wrists
Amethyst Jun 2013
i'm cursed with the
gift of seeing the truth.
my world of fantasy
was burned away. i wish
i could see what i want
to see and what i want
to see is happiness.
not only mine, but yours
as well. i wish to see
happiness for the
hurt and to still have
plenty left for newly
old poem, but I figured I'd upload it
Amethyst Jun 2013
today i am numb

yesterday i was numb

tomorrow i will be numb

last week i was numb

next year i will be numb

and all of that makes
me feel even more *numb
Amethyst May 2013
To look truth
right in her
devil blue eyes
would be all
too deadly,
yet too lovely;
a daring
oxymoron that
only few know.
When truth is
revealed the
ugly starts to
show as the
pretty lies unravel
into the twisted
phenomena that has
become our world.
Amethyst May 2013
it is quite a phenomenon
how happy you can seem
when on the inside
you are dying.
you have a dark mind
which people
can understand,
but no,
they may understand
your mind,
but your heart
remains a mystery.
your mind grows cold
yet your heart
always colder.
don't fret;
you are not alone.
this was originally typed on my old laptop that didn't have a functioning SHIFT or CAPS LOCK button. sorry.
Amethyst May 2013
darkness is safer then we believe
never a sign of what can hurt you
just peace
if something is there
you will never know.
a feeling of security
overtakes your body.
why bother worrying
when you will never know?
the silent pitch-black air is calming.
nothing to see,
nothing to fear.
this was originally typed on my old laptop that didn't have a functioning SHIFT or CAPS LOCK button. sorry.
Amethyst Jun 2013
a friend of mine once
asked me if one of
my poems was about
someone who had been
brainwashed. i simply
answered "no" and silenced
the thought, for the
poem had been about
myself. in the week to
come, i came to realize
that yes, in fact, i had been
brainwashed. my sadness
had brainwashed me and
now my fried brain has
destroyed any thought of
recovery. the sadness
is addictive.
Amethyst Jun 2013
if I lie here
long enough
everyone will
just forget
me and I
will fade
Amethyst May 2013
Breaking apart
chain by chain
slowly falling
at a steady rate,
but the last chain
splits in half
and gravity
carries away the
rest of me.
Amethyst Dec 2013
some have souls that
eminate rays of light,
sunshine pours out by the handful.
other souls drag rain clouds
behind them, leaving puddles
that soak the earth.
maybe it's time you start
surrounding yourself
with both souls,
take a bit from each,
and plant a garden
of baby's breath
in your own.
this is for a friend so any advice before i show her would be very helpful
Amethyst Jun 2013
four nights
scars on my heart
tears down my cheeks
blood on my wrists

four days
words spitting from your mouth
punches escaping your fist
death reeking from your skin

four letters
carved into the side of my car
haunting my mind
creating your name

four failed attempts*
rope on a hook
gun to my head
all because of you
Amethyst Dec 2013
they live between the walls

and inside of my head.
yeah i guess this is old but i still like it
Amethyst May 2013
My history is
written in
blood. Every
word carved
deeply into my
skin. Carefully, I
trace out my
story in delicate
letters, being
sure to be perfect
because the ink
is permanent.

I wrote my life
differently than
you will write
yours. You do not
understand and I
hope you never will.
No one deserves
a ****** past,
present, or future,
but the rain still
continues to fall
hardest on those
who deserve the
Sun. The world
works in mysterious
ways and some
were simply not
meant to last.
Amethyst Dec 2013
after we met,
flowers started growing
out of my hands.
my fingers stayed warm
under the patch of
yellow roses and daisies
you planted.
thorns defended my words
against harsh winds,
but no need to worry-
you always carry
a pair of hedge-cutters.
this is for a friend so any advice before i give it to her would be appreciated
Amethyst Aug 2013
how can one
dare say he loves
the flowers if
he only intends
to steal their
Sorry, I've been gone awhile. I'm also sorry that this is so short.
Amethyst May 2013
This is the journal of
Amethyst Marie
where all are welcome
and all are free,
but only if you know
the name of Amethyst Marie.
Few know the girl that
fits the name, but if you do
then have no shame;
continue reading and
explore the mind of
a tortured soul who went
mad with time. The insanity
only continues to sprout
as the clock ticks on,
no, there is no doubt that
Amethyst Marie will continue
to write no matter how much
it hurts every night. She will
continue to use the pages
until no more are left
to fill. Amethyst Marie will
document every feeling she
has until the last pill that she
swallows. Either the one that
takes her away or the last one
that allows her to keep from
going insane. So welcome to
the journal of Amethyst Marie.
I hope you enjoy your stay
and I hope you can return to
come visit me.
This isn't really a poem; it's just the foreward in my journal and I wanted to share.
Amethyst Jun 2013
the wind is brushing
up against my window,
not enough to cause damage,
but enough to be appreciated.

more people should be like the wind.
Amethyst Jun 2013
i finally
reached the top
of the ladder
but then the rungs
gave out and
i fell back
old poem, figured i post it anyway
Amethyst May 2013
four leaf clovers
and rabbits feet
cannot do anything
to save me.
i need more
than luck
to make it back,
but with you
by my side,
i might just be okay.
lonely and scarred,
i seem to have
misplaced my soul.
this hollow body
does not belong to me.
where have i gone?
strength is my only option,
but i can't find any.
nothing left,
nowhere to go.
just an empty being,
a pen, and some paper.
this was originally typed on my old laptop that didn't have a functioning SHIFT or CAPS LOCK button. sorry.
Amethyst May 2013
dark, mysterious waves
roll in the night
as the full moon
casts down a glorious light.
all is still,
not a single sound
until you reach
the smooth, sandy ground.
down there no sand is stirred;
a lonesome seashell sits un-turned.
the purple-pink shell catches
a glimpse of the moon
and from them on dreams
of landing on the lagoon.
but she is too deep into the blue
not a single creature can help her move.
so she sits and waits
for the rest of time
muttering soft calls,
"that moon will be mine..."
this was originally typed on my old laptop that didn't have a functioning SHIFT or CAPS LOCK button. sorry.
Amethyst Jun 2013
Please don't pick
the flowers. They
just want to
grow up to be
I find it ironic how we **** the flowers because we find them beautiful, but we **** ourselves because we find that we're not.
Amethyst May 2013
My artwork might
seem quite odd to
the average being, but
the crimson red
color is the most
beautiful art to me.
Amethyst Jan 2014
one day,
i will shrink myself
small enough
to crawl into your heart and
remove all the darkness
that makes you
cut yourself out of your skin.
i just tweeted it and i though it was nice, but i'm too lazy to revise etc. i'm a little out of the game sorry i'm trying to get back in.
Amethyst Jun 2013
she was
a mixed drink,
one part pills,
two parts misery
and no one
wanted to
take a sip.
Amethyst May 2013
You are an ocean,
filled with life and
color. Everything so
lovely as the moon
shines down. The
moon soon sinks and
the light reveals truth
as society comes to
pollute the ocean blue.
Most only see the waste,
chemicals and smoke,
but I see far into
the abyss, the labyrinth
of the deep. I want
to get lost in the
maze and remain inside.
I can clean
up the waste and
make the ocean lovely
once again.
Amethyst Jun 2013
you promised
you wouldn't leave,
but i guess broken
promises aren't
really promises
This doesn't really make sense, but my thoughts are jumbled and it is one in the morning.
Amethyst Jun 2013
she asked why i cry so often,
everything seemed well.
i choked on a missing answer
and climbed onto a plated roof.
my shaking hand pointed
up to a nearly black sky.
i replied, i do not cry for you
or for me. i cry for the stars
that are hidden behind city lights.
the stars that will never bee seen.
the stars who hold so much
beauty and life, but we do not
posses the ability to cherish
the natural embers so we fill
the city with artifical sunshine
to protect us from the predicted
dangers of the moon and the stars.

*i cry for the stars that are hidden behind the city lights.
This doesn't really make a lot of sense. I found it in an old journal so I figured I would upload it anyway.
Amethyst May 2013
it's dark and disgusting
full of hate and gore,
with no light shining
on what is meant to be pure.
the storm clouds took over
and buried the sun,
as the evil rats came
and sacred everyone away.
no one has bothered
to take a peak inside
of the dark piece of hell
also known as my mind.
this was originally typed on my old laptop that didn't have a functioning SHIFT or CAPS LOCK button. sorry.
Amethyst May 2013
with my scars still healing,
you stay by my side.
with my endless questions
you answer with pride.
we said we would be
there for each other,
so it wouldn't be fair
if you only helped me.
i will stand by your side,
no matter how far you fall.
i will hold tight to your hand
until they end it all.
i will thank the lords above
for the blessing of you,
and pray that we last
until our time here
is through.
this was originally typed on my old laptop that didn't have a functioning SHIFT or CAPS LOCK button. sorry.
Amethyst Jun 2013
She was the quiet girl
in the back of the classroom.
The girl who never paid much attention
because she was too absorbed into
doodling on the notes.
Despite her lack of attention,
she was the girl that made straight A's.

She was the one
with the secret.
Everyday after the last bell rang
she walked away from the school
toward a broken home. The second
her foot hit the door step
she began to run into the back bedroom.
She hid up there,
kept away
from the poisonous gas
used to wilt
away the flowers in her heart.

She was the girl that kept it all inside
until there was no more room
to store her secrets.
The safe doors blew open,
destroying the locks.
The girl that broke down
in the hallway in between
lunch and study hall.

She was the girl
with the purple hair and
bright green eyes.
I'll probably go back and edit the phrasing. Dedicated to the girl that sat in the back of English class.
Amethyst May 2013
the sirens soft songs
lure in each sailor,
their terrible nature
disguised by their
sweet melodies.
the sailors float
in without a worry
or second thought,
but the sirens soon
pounce, stealing away
every part of their soul.
the sailors have gone
too far, and once
again the sirens
destroyed a heart
with their lovely chorus.
you were the siren,
i was the sailor,
trapped by your facade;
i learned to never
trust again.
this was originally typed on my old laptop that didn't have a functioning SHIFT or CAPS LOCK button. sorry.
Amethyst Jun 2013
our souls are
older than the
earth we walk on
Amethyst May 2013
I belong to
the stars. My
soul should
float freely
through the
evanescent light
given off by
the flames.
Instead, I am
stuck. Stuck on
this planet to
rot for years
and lie my
feet on this
polluted ground.
Society has
revoked all
beauty from our
once lovely home.
Now we rest
our bodies inside
a contaminated arena
where love has
been banned and
only hate and gore
are present.
Amethyst Jun 2013
i used to believe i was getting
better, but now i realize that i
never was. i have become an
addict, but not to a drug or
something of the sort. i am
addicted to my sadness and now
there is no hope left. you can't
save the damsel who's in love with
her distress. you can't beat the
villian when the villian has become
your only true compainion. you
can't get rid of the one thing that
has become all of you. you can't
and you never will.
Amethyst Dec 2013
tear-stained walls
support my heavy head
until my brain turns to slime
from thinking too much.

i can't function until i know she's okay.
i'm really worried about her she won't answer my calls
Amethyst Jun 2013
now i had a cousin named named Patrick
who had a lovely partner named Michael.
let me tell you, i did not believe in the myth of true love
until i saw the look in their eyes when they saw each other;
until i saw the way Michael looked at Patrick and the way Patrick looked back
with that tiny twinkle in the corner of his left eye.
naturally, i saw nothing wrong with the
situation. love is love and what they had was definitely
they had a beautiful wedding on a beach in France
and they both still call that day,
that moment the best moment of their entire lives.
all was well and the newly weds honeymooned
all throughout Europe and the world seemed at peace.
until, they got off the plane that landed them right in Houston, Texas.
they walked out of the terminal hand-in-hand,
some "aw"ed, some looked away in disgust, but one young man
threw a balloon full of paint of my dear friend Patrick and spat on Michael
as he yelled the word "*******".
the new couple hadn't prepared themselves for this.
time continued to pass and they soon bought their
first house. a lovely little two-bedroom, 700 square foot home.
news quickly spread around the neighborhood of they new
"**** couple" down the street. one day,
Michael got home for work to find the garage
spray painted with blue ink reading, "God hates ****".
after hours of scrubbing away at the blue ink
that polluted the air, the couple finally learned a few rules.
they were not to show affection in public.
they were not to be open about their sexuality.
they were not to be themselves as long as someone else might see.
the years flew by and this love dwindled down to
the flame of that red glowing candle was put out.
years of avoiding public affections all for the fear
of being called a "******".
after three years of marriage the couple split.
claiming to no longer be in love, but they knew,
i knew, that they wanted to be in love.
they just didn't want to live in fear of being called the "F" word.
This is a true story about my cousin. Meant to be a spoken word poem.
Amethyst May 2013
what did i do to
become this way?
how did it start
and how long will
the pain remain?
when did i become
cruel and bitter?
why did my
happiness fade?
when did this begin
and when will it end?
i'm beginning to shade
myself from the world
and all that
call it home.
i shall remain
in the shadows and
lurk in the night,
until someone comes
to save me
from this terrible bite,
the bite of depression
and anxiety, too.
i cannot escape from
this dreadful duo,
so instead i sit
with weary eyes
and imagine a life
of laughter and smiles,
but the image
is cut short
as reality steps in
to take over and destroy
what little light
remained in my mind.
this was originally typed on my old laptop that didn't have a working shift or caps lock button. sorry.
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