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 Jun 2014 Amelia
Sam Dunlap
It drips along my hairline
Dragging my eyelashes down.
The urge to open my eyes wanes
As the moonlight brightens.
I should stay up, stay vivid
As the constellations dance
Waltzing along the horizon,
As the last hint of rosy pink fades.
Listen to the birds sleep, their
Faint fluttering of feathers.
Let the sound of slumber calm me,
But not fool me into sleep.
The fatigue is so welcoming,
I shouldn't give in to its promise
Of sweet dreams like I'm still awake.
Just wait, watch them be lovelier than I thought
Watch me wake up and feel the instant disappointment
As the harsh sunlight permeates my eyelids,
Snapping at me to get up, carpe diem.
It's so much easier to stay standing
Never feel the empty oath sleep brings
And never know what better things there are
Without the dreams of impossible things
Feeling a little sleepy.
 Jun 2014 Amelia
David Flemister
I'm drenched in the stench of yesterday
And flies circle my head
I'm stale
I'm mouldy
I hold no value
Hair coated in grease
Dirt under my nails
No reason to expell any effort
Laying in self pity and dispair
My scabbed over wrists bring back memories
To last night
Which I still reek of
 May 2014 Amelia
Joshua Haines
I cut myself on the future
I thought of kissing your picture
I detached myself from
lullabies and sorry eyes
only to realize:

I want to make love to you in November,
just before the empty of December.
Where snow blankets
and suffocating leaf-beds
aren't the only dreams
to fall asleep in our heads.

I could hear your voice trip
as my hands started to drip
around your hips and thighs-
You could tranquilize
with your lips and byes.

You look so sleepy-headed
Many words I have threaded
to weave a dream
but you prefer my
 May 2014 Amelia
i am a black hole
and you
are the stars.
shine a little light in my direction.
              Stay up late.
 Jan 2014 Amelia
Super Creep
I might be dead, horn-fed poultry.
Pluck me leave me cold and bumpy.
Eyes gone slimy,
Feet still trying
But I'm still your love.
Keep salting.
 Jan 2014 Amelia
Keelyn Mac
 Jan 2014 Amelia
Keelyn Mac
I'm being murdered by time, I died in seconds.
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