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 Jul 2015 Amelia
I don't even care if they care.
Just give me a pair of eyes to stare at while I improvise lines.
A couple of ears to hear some sorry excuses for rhymes.
I'll recite them all for less than a dime.
I'm just hoping for another free Corona.
(Please hold the ******* lime.)
I'll be here all week.
 Jul 2015 Amelia
i'm never gonna tell her
how i crave her fingers

i always catch myself
staring at her lips

there isn't one part of her
i don't desperately desire

and she looks so ******* good
with the lights on

i'm never gonna tell her
i'm in love
 Jul 2015 Amelia
i've never been one
to leave the lights on

i don't know
what it is i'm hiding from

but i'm not afraid anymore
 Jul 2015 Amelia
everything tastes like
your perfume

i can still feel your skin
underneath my fingertips

tell me you love me
or that you need me

tell me you like the way
i touch you

i'm just begging you to stay
 Jul 2015 Amelia
This Is About
 Jul 2015 Amelia
how tonight
you couldn't keep your hands off me

and i got to tell you
i love you
over and over
and over again
 Jul 2015 Amelia
 Jul 2015 Amelia
your touch
sets every nerve in my body on fire

you make my skin burn
and everything feels electric
 Jul 2015 Amelia
Into You
 Jul 2015 Amelia
i'm so into you

and the way you kiss me
with your hands at my throat

i want to make you feel

i'm not really sure anymore

because i want to make you feel safe

but i know
there's just something about feeling dangerous

you can't seem to get enough of
 Jul 2015 Amelia
it's the way your breath catches
and how you lean into my touch
that drives me so crazy

i am all yours

and tonight
you are all mine
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